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OSTEP Chapter 4. The Abstraction: The Process

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标签:tor   mis   lin   waiting   code   pac   import   ike   for   

4. The Abstraction: The Process

process: it is a running program.


by virtualizing the CPU. By running one process, then stopping it and running another, and so forth.

mechanisms: low-level methods or protocols that implement a needed piece of functionality. For example, context switch. time-sharing mechanism.

Policies are algorithms for making some kind of decision within the OS.

scheduling policy decidion which programs to run on a CPU.

4.1 The Abstraction: A Process

machine state: what a program can read or update when it is running.

machine state component: memory, registers(program counter, PC; instruction pointer, IP; stack pointer; frame pointer)

4.2 Process API

  • Create: create new processes.
  • Destroy: destroy processes forcefully.
  • Wait: wait for a process to stop running.
  • Miscellaneous Control: e.g. suspend a process and then resume it.
  • Status: get some status information about a process.

4.3 Process Creation: A Little More Detail

how programs are transformed into processes?

  • load its code and any static data (e.g., initialized variables) into memory, into the address space of the process. Programs initially reside on disk in some kind of executable format;

  • Some memory must be allocated for the program’s run-time stack (or just stack).The OS may also allocate some memory for the program’s heap.

  • The OS will also do some other initialization tasks, particularly as re- lated to input/output (I/O).

  • to start the program running at the entry point, namely main().

4.4 Process States

In a simplified view, a process can be in one of three states

  • Running
  • Ready
  • Blocked
  Running    ---->     Ready
     |       <----       ^
     |    descheduled    |
I/O: initiate         I/O: done
     |                   |
      ----> Blocked -----

4.5 Data Structures

The OS is a program, it has some key data struc- tures that track various relevant pieces of information. the OS likely will keep some kind of process list for all processes.

// the registers xv6 will save and restore
// to stop and subsequently restart a process
struct context {
  int eip;
  int esp;
  int ebx;
  int ecx;
  int edx;
  int esi;
  int edi;
  int ebp;
// the different states a process can be in
enum proc_state { UNUSED, EMBRYO, SLEEPING,
                  RUNNABLE, RUNNING, ZOMBIE };
// the information xv6 tracks about each process
// including its register context and state
struct proc {
    char *mem;
    uint sz;
    char *kstack;
    enum proc_state state;
    int pid;
    struct proc *parent;
    void *chan;
    // Start of process memory
    // Size of process memory
    // Bottom of kernel stack
    // for this process
    // Process state
    // Process ID
    // Parent process
    // If non-zero, sleeping on chan
    // If non-zero, have been killed
    int killed;
    struct file *ofile[NOFILE]; // Open files
    struct inode *cwd;
    struct context context;
    struct trapframe *tf;
    // Current directory
    // Switch here to run process
    // Trap frame for the
    // current interrupt





每个进程由多个指令组成。每个指令只会做两件事,使用 CPU 或进行 IO

通过命令 -l PROCESS_LIST 指定进程列表,列表格式是 X1:Y1,X2:Y2 ,X 表示指令的数,Y 表示指令是使用 CPU 的概率(0-100) 如果是100则全部是使用CPU 如果是0则全部是 IO 操作。 -L IO_LENGTH 指定 I/0 需要的时间。

  1. ./process-run.py -l 5:100,5:100 有两个进程 各需要五个时间片的 CPU 操作
Produce a trace of what would happen when you run these processes:
Process 0

Process 1

结果,很明显需要 5+5=10 个时间片。CPU 占用率是 100%。

Time     PID: 0     PID: 1        CPU        IOs
  1     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  2     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  3     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  4     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  5     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  6        DONE    RUN:cpu          1
  7        DONE    RUN:cpu          1
  8        DONE    RUN:cpu          1
  9        DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 10        DONE    RUN:cpu          1

Stats: Total Time 10
Stats: CPU Busy 10 (100.00%)
Stats: IO Busy  0 (0.00%)
  1. ./process-run.py -l 4:100,1:0 两个进程 一个需要 4 个时间片的 CPU 一个需要 一个 IO 请求并等待结束。I/O 操作默认需要 5 个时间片。(README里没看到。代码里看到的…)
Produce a trace of what would happen when you run these processes:
Process 0

Process 1


Time     PID: 0     PID: 1        CPU        IOs
  1     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  2     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  3     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  4     RUN:cpu      READY          1
  5        DONE     RUN:io          1
  6        DONE    WAITING                     1
  7        DONE    WAITING                     1
  8        DONE    WAITING                     1
  9        DONE    WAITING                     1
 10*       DONE       DONE

Stats: Total Time 10
Stats: CPU Busy 5 (50.00%)
Stats: IO Busy  4 (40.00%)

P0 先执行四个时间片,P1 再执行一个 IO 操作,然后等待 5 个时间片,并在第 5 个时间片结束。
所以 P0 的 CPU 使用率 5/10, IO 使用率 5/10

  1. ./process-run.py -l 1:0,4:100 将第二题的两个进程倒过来。看到下面 Important behaviors 有说,当一个进程结束或者发起I/O操作后,会进行进程的切换。
Produce a trace of what would happen when you run these processes:
Process 0

Process 1

Important behaviors:
  System will switch when the current process is FINISHED or ISSUES AN IO
  After IOs, the process issuing the IO will run LATER (when it is its turn)

结果 ./process-run.py -l 1:0,4:100 -c -p

Time     PID: 0     PID: 1        CPU        IOs
  1      RUN:io      READY          1
  2     WAITING    RUN:cpu          1          1
  3     WAITING    RUN:cpu          1          1
  4     WAITING    RUN:cpu          1          1
  5     WAITING    RUN:cpu          1          1
  6*       DONE       DONE

Stats: Total Time 6
Stats: CPU Busy 5 (83.33%)
Stats: IO Busy  4 (66.67%)

因为在等待 IO 的时候 另一个进程在占用 CPU 进行计算,所以提高了 CPU 和 IO 的使用率

  1. ./process-run.py -l 1:0,4:100 -S SWITCH_ON_END -S 有两个选项,SWITCH_ON_IO, SWITCH_ON_END 代表进程切换的时机。SWITCH_ON_END 表示一个进程结束才切换。默认是 SWITCH_ON_IO
Process 0

Process 1

结果 ./process-run.py -l 1:0,4:100 -c -p -S SWITCH_ON_END

Time     PID: 0     PID: 1        CPU        IOs
  1      RUN:io      READY          1
  2     WAITING      READY                     1
  3     WAITING      READY                     1
  4     WAITING      READY                     1
  5     WAITING      READY                     1
  6*       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
  7        DONE    RUN:cpu          1
  8        DONE    RUN:cpu          1
  9        DONE    RUN:cpu          1

Stats: Total Time 9
Stats: CPU Busy 5 (55.56%)
Stats: IO Busy  4 (44.44%)

此时在 P0 发起 IO 操作之后 不会切换进程而是会一直等到 P0 结束。所以耗时会更加。注意 IO 结束的最后一个时间片是不占用 CPU 和 IO 的。

  1. ./process-run.py -l 1:0,4:100 -c -p -S SWITCH_ON_IO 此时其实和题 3 相同 因为 SWITCH_ON_IO 是默认选项。

  2. ./process-run.py -l 3:0,5:100,5:100,5:100 -S SWITCH_ON_IO -I IO_RUN_LATER -I 有两个选项,IO_RUN_LATER 表 IO 结束之后,等待正在运行的进程结束之后,再进行发起 IO请求的进程。为默认值。IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE 表示 IO 结束之后,立刻切换到发起 IO 的进程。
Process 0

Process 1

Process 2

Process 3

结果 ./process-run.py -l 3:0,5:100,5:100,5:100 -c -p -S SWITCH_ON_IO -I IO_RUN_LATER

Time     PID: 0     PID: 1     PID: 2     PID: 3        CPU        IOs
  1      RUN:io      READY      READY      READY          1
  2     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  3     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  4     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  5     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  6*      READY    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1
  7       READY       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1
  8       READY       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1
  9       READY       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1
 10       READY       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1
 11       READY       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1
 12       READY       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 13       READY       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 14       READY       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 15       READY       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 16       READY       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 17      RUN:io       DONE       DONE       DONE          1
 18     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 19     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 20     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 21     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 22*     RUN:io       DONE       DONE       DONE          1
 23     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 24     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 25     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 26     WAITING       DONE       DONE       DONE                     1
 27*       DONE       DONE       DONE       DONE

Stats: Total Time 27
Stats: CPU Busy 18 (66.67%)
Stats: IO Busy  12 (44.44%)

每次当前进程结束,会回到 IO 发起的进程,也就是 P0。最后当 P1 P2 P3 都结束的时候,还在等待 IO 。所以猜想每次 IO 结束都立刻返回发起 IO 的进程,是不是可以提高 CPU 使用率。

  1. 情况和 6 一样。查看结果 ./process-run.py -l 3:0,5:100,5:100,5:100 -c -p -S SWITCH_ON_IO -I IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE 可以发现上面猜想的正确性。
Time     PID: 0     PID: 1     PID: 2     PID: 3        CPU        IOs
  1      RUN:io      READY      READY      READY          1
  2     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  3     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  4     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  5     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  6*     RUN:io      READY      READY      READY          1
  7     WAITING    RUN:cpu      READY      READY          1          1
  8     WAITING       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1          1
  9     WAITING       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1          1
 10     WAITING       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1          1
 11*     RUN:io       DONE      READY      READY          1
 12     WAITING       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1          1
 13     WAITING       DONE    RUN:cpu      READY          1          1
 14     WAITING       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1          1
 15     WAITING       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1          1
 16*       DONE       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 17        DONE       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1
 18        DONE       DONE       DONE    RUN:cpu          1

Stats: Total Time 18
Stats: CPU Busy 18 (100.00%)
Stats: IO Busy  12 (66.67%)

OSTEP Chapter 4. The Abstraction: The Process

标签:tor   mis   lin   waiting   code   pac   import   ike   for   


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