标签:计数器 rip runtime lis trim join line system counter
public interface Accumulator<V, R extends Serializable> extends Serializable, Cloneable
public class EmptyFieldsCountAccumulator { private static final String EMPTY_FIELD_ACCUMULATOR= "empty-fields"; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ final ParameterTool params = ParameterTool.fromArgs(args); final ExecutionEnvironment env = ExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment(); // make parameters available in the web interface env.getConfig().setGlobalJobParameters(params); // get the data set final DataSet<StringTriple> file = getDataSet(env, params); // filter lines with empty fields final DataSet<StringTriple> filteredLines = file.filter(new EmptyFieldFilter()); // Here, we could do further processing with the filtered lines... JobExecutionResult result; // output the filtered lines if (params.has("output")) { filteredLines.writeAsCsv(params.get("output")); // execute program result = env.execute("Accumulator example"); } else { System.out.println("Printing result to stdout. Use --output to specify output path."); filteredLines.print(); result = env.getLastJobExecutionResult(); } // get the accumulator result via its registration key final List<Integer> emptyFields = result.getAccumulatorResult(EMPTY_FIELD_ACCUMULATOR); System.out.format("Number of detected empty fields per column: %s\n", emptyFields); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static DataSet<StringTriple> getDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env, ParameterTool params) { if (params.has("input")) { return env.readCsvFile(params.get("input")) .fieldDelimiter(";") .pojoType(StringTriple.class); } else { System.out.println("Executing EmptyFieldsCountAccumulator example with default input data set."); System.out.println("Use --input to specify file input."); return env.fromCollection(getExampleInputTuples()); } } private static Collection<StringTriple> getExampleInputTuples() { Collection<StringTriple> inputTuples = new ArrayList<StringTriple>(); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("John", "Doe", "Foo Str.")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("Joe", "Johnson", "")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple(null, "Kate Morn", "Bar Blvd.")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("Tim", "Rinny", "")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("Alicia", "Jackson", " ")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("Alicia", "Jackson", " ")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("Alicia", "Jackson", " ")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("Tom", "Jackson", "A")); inputTuples.add(new StringTriple("Amy", "li", "B ")); return inputTuples; } /** * This function filters all incoming tuples that have one or more empty fields. * In doing so, it also counts the number of empty fields per attribute with an accumulator (registered under * {@link EmptyFieldsCountAccumulator#EMPTY_FIELD_ACCUMULATOR}). */ public static final class EmptyFieldFilter extends RichFilterFunction<StringTriple> { // create a new accumulator in each filter function instance // accumulators can be merged later on private final VectorAccumulator emptyFieldCounter = new VectorAccumulator(); @Override public void open(final Configuration parameters) throws Exception { super.open(parameters); // register the accumulator instance getRuntimeContext().addAccumulator(EMPTY_FIELD_ACCUMULATOR, this.emptyFieldCounter); } @Override public boolean filter(final StringTriple t) { boolean containsEmptyFields = false; // iterate over the tuple fields looking for empty ones for (int pos = 0; pos < t.getArity(); pos++) { final String field = t.getField(pos); if (field == null || field.trim().isEmpty()) { containsEmptyFields = true; // if an empty field is encountered, update the // accumulator this.emptyFieldCounter.add(pos); } } return !containsEmptyFields; } } /** * This accumulator maintains a vector of counts. Calling {@link #add(Integer)} increments the * <i>n</i>-th vector component. The size of the vector is automatically managed. * 这个向量计数器输入是整数,输出是List,并按字段位置计数,List里的索引就是字段计数位置,其值就是计数结果 */ public static class VectorAccumulator implements Accumulator<Integer,ArrayList<Integer>>{ //存储计数器向量 private final ArrayList<Integer> resultVector; public VectorAccumulator() { this(new ArrayList<>()); } public VectorAccumulator(ArrayList<Integer> resultVector) { this.resultVector = resultVector; } private void updateResultVector(int position,int delta){ //如果给出的位置不够就扩充向量容器 while (this.resultVector.size()<=position){ this.resultVector.add(0); } final int component = this.resultVector.get(position); this.resultVector.set(position,component+delta); } //在指定位置加1 @Override public void add(Integer position) { updateResultVector(position,1); } @Override public ArrayList<Integer> getLocalValue() { return this.resultVector; } @Override public void resetLocal() { this.resultVector.clear(); } @Override public void merge(Accumulator<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> other) { //合并两个向量计数器容器,按容器的索引合并 final ArrayList<Integer> otherVector = other.getLocalValue(); for(int i=0;i<otherVector.size();i++){ updateResultVector(i,otherVector.get(i)); } } @Override public Accumulator<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> clone() { return new VectorAccumulator(new ArrayList<>(this.resultVector)); } @Override public String toString() { return StringUtils.join(this.resultVector,‘:‘); } } public static class StringTriple extends Tuple3<String, String, String> { public StringTriple() {} public StringTriple(String f0, String f1, String f2) { super(f0, f1, f2); } } }
标签:计数器 rip runtime lis trim join line system counter