1 18 Prior Add 1 Chat 1 Add 2 Chat 2 Top 2 Chat 3 Untop Chat 4 Choose 2 Chat 5 Rotate 2 Chat 4 Close 2 Add 3 Prior Chat 2 Close 1
Operation #1: empty. Operation #2: success. Operation #3: success. Operation #4: success. Operation #5: success. Operation #6: success. Operation #7: success. Operation #8: success. Operation #9: success. Operation #10: success. Operation #11: success. Operation #12: success. Operation #13: success. Operation #14: close 2 with 8. Operation #15: success. Operation #16: success. Operation #17: success. Operation #18: close 1 with 11. Bye 3: 2HintThis problem description does not relate to any real person in THU.
#include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> #include<map> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; const int maxn=100100; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; //ll sum[maxn<<1];//子结点的和 map<int,int> mp; int sz[maxn<<1],pre[maxn<<1],mv[maxn<<1],prr[maxn<<1],ch[maxn<<1][2];//sz记录子树规模,pre记录父结点,val存结点值。ch[k][0],ch[k][1]k的左右儿子。 int val[maxn<<1]; int mi,mo,root,s[maxn<<1];//mi回收内存。mo分配内存。root为根。s为内存池 void Treaval(int x)//Debug部分打出来非常清楚 { if(x) { Treaval(ch[x][0]); printf("结点%2d:左儿子 %2d 右儿子 %2d 父结点 %2d size = %2d ,val = %2d \n",x,ch[x][0],ch[x][1],pre[x],sz[x],val[x]); Treaval(ch[x][1]); } } void Debug() { printf("root:%d\n",root); Treaval(root); } void Newnode(int &rt,int v,int pr,int fa) { if(mi)//注意mi记录可用空间大小但里面没有空间所以要先减减。不然会出错 rt=s[--mi]; else rt=mo++; ch[rt][0]=ch[rt][1]=0; //sum[r]=k; pre[rt]=fa; prr[rt]=pr; sz[rt]=1; mv[rt]=rt; val[rt]=v; } void PushUp(int rt) { int ls,rs; if(rt==0) return; ls=ch[rt][0],rs=ch[rt][1]; sz[rt]=sz[ls]+sz[rs]+1; if(prr[mv[ls]]>prr[mv[rs]]) mv[rt]=mv[ls]; else mv[rt]=mv[rs]; if(prr[rt]>prr[mv[rt]]) mv[rt]=rt; //sum[rt]=sum[ls]+sum[rs]+val[rt]; } void Init()//初始化很重要! { mi=root=0; mo=1; ch[0][0]=ch[0][1]=pre[0]=sz[0]=mv[0]=prr[0]=0; val[0]=0;//建一个虚拟根节点。做标记用。pre==0说明就到根了 Newnode(root,0,0,0);//建真正的根和右儿子。必须加这两个虚拟结点。这样区间操作起来才方便 Newnode(ch[root][1],0,0,root); PushUp(ch[root][1]); PushUp(root); } void Rotate(int x,int w)//旋转。w为旋转方式。0为ZAG(x在右边)。1为ZIG(x在左边)。结点为左子树就右旋。右子树就左旋 { int y=pre[x]; ch[y][!w]=ch[x][w];//把x往上转 pre[ch[x][w]]=y; //PushDown(y) //PushDown(x) if(pre[y]) ch[pre[y]][ch[pre[y]][1]==y]=x; pre[x]=pre[y]; ch[x][w]=y; pre[y]=x; PushUp(y); } void Splay(int rt,int goal)//goal为目标父结点 { int y,w; while(pre[rt]!=goal) { if(pre[pre[rt]]==goal) Rotate(rt,ch[pre[rt]][0]==rt); else { y=pre[rt]; w=(ch[pre[y]][0]==y); if(ch[y][w]==rt) { Rotate(rt,!w); Rotate(rt,w); } else { Rotate(y,w); Rotate(rt,w); } } } PushUp(rt); if(goal==0)//旋转到根时更换根结点 root=rt; } int Get_kth(int rt,int k)//取第k个数的标号 { int tp=sz[ch[rt][0]]+1; if(tp==k) return rt; if(tp>k) return Get_kth(ch[rt][0],k); else return Get_kth(ch[rt][1],k-tp); } int Insert(int pos,int v,int pr)//在pos位置插入一个数 { Splay(Get_kth(root,pos),0);//因为前面有一个虚拟结点所以实际插的位置为pos+1 Splay(Get_kth(root,pos+1),root); Newnode(ch[ch[root][1]][0],v,pr,ch[root][1]); PushUp(ch[root][1]); PushUp(root); return ch[ch[root][1]][0]; } void Delete(int rt)//删除结点 { Splay(rt,0);//先把该点旋转到根 int pos=sz[ch[rt][0]];//获取它前面有多少个数 Splay(Get_kth(root,pos),0); Splay(Get_kth(root,pos+2),root); s[mi++]=rt; ch[ch[root][1]][0]=0; PushUp(ch[root][1]); PushUp(root); } int main() { int n,op,i,t,pos,rt,top; char cmd[15]; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%d",&n); Init(); mp.clear(); top=-1; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%s",cmd); if(!strcmp(cmd,"Add")) { scanf("%d",&op); if(mp.count(op)) printf("Operation #%d: same priority.\n",i); else { pos=mp.size(); rt=Insert(pos+1,0,op); mp[op]=rt; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } } else if(!strcmp(cmd,"Close")) { scanf("%d",&op); if(mp.count(op)) { printf("Operation #%d: close %d with %d.\n",i,op,val[mp[op]]); Delete(mp[op]); if(top==mp[op]) top=-1; mp.erase(op); } else printf("Operation #%d: invalid priority.\n",i); } else if(!strcmp(cmd,"Chat")) { scanf("%d",&op); if(top!=-1) { val[top]+=op; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } else if(mp.size()) { pos=Get_kth(root,2); val[pos]+=op; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } else printf("Operation #%d: empty.\n",i); } else if(!strcmp(cmd,"Rotate")) { scanf("%d",&op); if(mp.size()>=op) { pos=Get_kth(root,op+1); Delete(pos); rt=Insert(1,val[pos],prr[pos]); mp[prr[pos]]=rt; if(pos==top) top=rt; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } else printf("Operation #%d: out of range.\n",i); } else if(!strcmp(cmd,"Prior")) { if(mp.size()) { pos=mv[root]; Delete(pos); rt=Insert(1,val[pos],prr[pos]); mp[prr[pos]]=rt; if(top==pos) top=rt; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } else printf("Operation #%d: empty.\n",i); } else if(!strcmp(cmd,"Choose")) { scanf("%d",&op); if(mp.count(op)) { pos=mp[op]; Delete(pos); rt=Insert(1,val[pos],prr[pos]); if(top==pos) top=rt; mp[op]=rt; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } else printf("Operation #%d: invalid priority.\n",i); } else if(!strcmp(cmd,"Top")) { scanf("%d",&op); if(mp.count(op)) { top=mp[op]; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } else printf("Operation #%d: invalid priority.\n",i); } else if(!strcmp(cmd,"Untop")) { if(top!=-1) { top=-1; printf("Operation #%d: success.\n",i); } else printf("Operation #%d: no such person.\n",i); } } if(top!=-1) { if(val[top]) printf("Bye %d: %d\n",prr[top],val[top]); Delete(top); } while(sz[root]>2) { pos=Get_kth(root,2); if(val[pos]) printf("Bye %d: %d\n",prr[pos],val[pos]); Delete(pos); } } return 0; }