标签:ssi get log case ready 浏览器 end 需要 ros
- https://github.com/lukehoban/es6features- https://babeljs.io/learn-es2015/
- https://es6.ruanyifeng.com/#docs
- nodejs 10.x
- vscode
- 运行命令 node test001.js
1.ES6 新增了let 命令,他用法类似var ,但是所声明的变量,只能再代码块中有用 ,说明 : var 不够严谨,let 只能作用再块级作用域;
if (true) { let a = 1; var b = 2; } console.log(b); // 2 console.log(a); // ReferenceError: a is not defined 报错,提示a未定义;
2.不允许重复定义,重复声明一个变量,这种情况本身就不合适,不管是再java ,python中都没有这种定义
var i = 0; switch (i) { case 0 : var value = "hello"; break; case 1 : var value = "world"; break; } console.log(value); // hello
var i = 0; switch (i) { case 0 : let value = "hello"; break; case 1 : let value = "world"; break; } console.log(value); // SyntaxError: Identifier ‘value‘ has already been declared 已经被定义过了,不能重复定义
const num = 10; console.log(num); // 10
const num ; console.log(num); // SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration 没有初始化
if (true) { const num = 10; } console.log(num); // ReferenceError: num is not defined
let [a,b,c] = [10,20,30]; console.log(a,b,c); // 10,20,30
let [a,b,c] = [10,20]; console.log(a,b,c); // 10 20 undefined
let [a,b,...other] = [10,20,30,40,50]; console.log(a,b,other); // 10 20 [ 30, 40, 50 ]
let {name , age} = {name : "wx" , age : 18} ; console.log(name,age);
function sum () { return [10,20]; } let [num1,num2] = sum(); console.log(num1,num2);
function sum ({x=1,y=2}) { return x + y ; } console.log(sum({})); //3 console.log(sum({x:2})); // 4 console.log(sum({x:2,y:5})); // 7
let name = ‘john‘; let mystr = `hello ${name}`; console.log(mystr); //hello john
新的数组循环方式 for of
let list = [10,20,30]; for(let val of list) console.log(val);
let list = [10,20,30]; for(let val in list) console.log(val, list[val]);
function sum(x) { return x ; } console.log(sum(1)); // 1
let sum = (x) => { return x; } console.log(sum(1)); // 1 只有一个 参数的时候可以省略() let sum = x => { return x; } console.log(sum(1)); // 1 只有一个return 可以省略 {} 最终简化成 let sum = x => x; console.log(sum(1));
class show { constructor (name,age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } showName() { console.log(this.name) } showAge() { console.log(this.age) } } let name = new show(‘wx‘,18); name.showName(); //wx
let name = show(‘wx‘,18) // TypeError: Class constructor show cannot be invoked without ‘new‘ let name = new show(‘wx‘,18); //true
class show { constructor (name,sex) { this.name = name; this.sex = sex; } get age() { return this._age; } set age(val) { this._age = val; } } let name = new show(‘wx‘,‘F‘); console.log(name); //{ name: ‘wx‘, sex: ‘F‘ } name.age = 19; console.log(name); //{ name: ‘wx‘, sex: ‘F‘, _age: 19 }
class A {} class B extends A { constructor() { super(); } }
// 实例 class Name { constructor(name){ this.name = name; } show(){ console.log(`用户名${this.name}`); } } class User extends Name { constructor(name, age) { super(name); this.age = age; } showUser(){ return (`年龄是${this.age}`) } } let mycar = new User("wx", "18"); mycar.show(); console.log(mycar.showUser()); // 用户名wx 年龄是18
1.function *xx {} 迭代生成器
2.yield :迭代返回
3.next() 方法参数
// 实例 function *show() { yield "h"; yield "e"; yield ‘l‘; yield ‘l‘; yield ‘0‘; } for (let val of show()) { console.log(val); }
function *show() { console.log(1); yield; console.log(2); } let generator = show(); generator.next(); generator.next();
标签:ssi get log case ready 浏览器 end 需要 ros