标签:ng-click ati The toc outline btn toolbar init lib
dir_alert .set({ theme: { width: ‘70%‘, }, title: ‘脚本编辑器‘, tpl: ‘<div ng-init="init()">‘ + ‘<div id="editormd">‘ + ‘<textarea style="display:none;"></textarea>‘ + ‘</div>‘ + ‘<div class="text-center">‘ + ‘<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary" style="margin-right:50px;width:150px" ng-click="cancel()">取消</button>‘ + ‘<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-danger" style="width:150px" ng-click="ok()">确认</button>‘ + ‘</div>‘ + ‘</div>‘, tpl_scope: { init: function () { var that = this; angular.element(document).ready(function () { that.testEditor = editormd(‘editormd‘, { width: ‘100%‘, height: ‘720‘, watch: false, toolbar: false, codeFold: true, searchReplace: true, placeholder: ‘‘, value: res.content, theme: ‘default‘, mode: current_config.language, path: ‘../../static/common/editor.md/lib/‘ }); }); $timeout(function () { that.past_value = that.testEditor.getValue(); }, 500); }, ok: function () { var that = this; that.now_value = that.testEditor.getValue(); if (that.past_value === that.now_value) { dir_alert.show(false); return; } tradeApi .query({ method: ‘post‘, root: ‘protocol‘, url: current_config.save_url, data: { id: li.id, content: that.now_value }, check_status: ‘never‘, }) .then(function (res) { if (res.data.status === 0) { if (res.data.type === 2) { dir_alert .set({ content: res.data.msg, button: true, ok: function () { tradeApi .query({ method: ‘post‘, root: ‘protocol‘, url: current_config.save_url, data: { id: li.id, content: that.now_value, action: 2, }, check_status: ‘never‘, }) .then(function () { $scope.g_tip(‘协议保存成功‘); }); } }); } else if (res.data.type === 3) { dir_alert.set({ content: res.data.msg, button: true, cancel_hiden: true, }); } else { dir_alert.set({ content: res.data.msg }); } } else if (res.data.status === 1) { dir_alert.show(false); $scope.g_tip(‘协议保存成功‘); } }); }, cancel: function () { dir_alert.show(false); } } });
标签:ng-click ati The toc outline btn toolbar init lib