标签:hot lis path blank nic 包含 必须 hub https
http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-configuration.html https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch ###【在多台机器上执行下面的命令】### #es启动时需要使用非root用户,所有创建一个xiaoniu用户: useradd xiaoniu #为hadoop用户添加密码: echo 123456 | passwd --stdin xiaoniu #将bigdata添加到sudoers echo "xiaoniu ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | tee /etc/sudoers.d/xiaoniu chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/xiaoniu #解决sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo问题,在/etc/sudoer注释掉 Default requiretty 一行 sudo sed -i ‘s/Defaults requiretty/Defaults:xiaoniu !requiretty/‘ /etc/sudoers #创建一个bigdata目录 mkdir /{bigdata,data} #给相应的目录添加权限 chown -R xiaoniu:xiaoniu /{bigdata,data} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.安装jdk(jdk要求1.8.20以上) 2.上传es安装包 3.解压es tar -zxvf elasticsearch-5.4.3.tar.gz -C /bigdata/ 4.修改配置 vi /bigdata/elasticsearch-5.4.3/config/elasticsearch.yml #集群名称,通过组播的方式通信,通过名称判断属于哪个集群 cluster.name: bigdata #节点名称,要唯一 node.name: es-1 #数据存放位置 path.data: /data/es/data #日志存放位置(可选) path.logs: /data/es/logs #es绑定的ip地址 network.host: centos7-2 #初始化时可进行选举的节点 discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["node-4", "node-5", "node-6"] /bigdata/elasticsearch-5.4.3/bin/elasticsearch -d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #出现错误 [1]: max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65536] [2]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144] #用户最大可创建文件数太小 sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf * soft nofile 65536 * hard nofile 65536 #查看可打开文件数量 ulimit -Hn #最大虚拟内存太小 sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf vm.max_map_count=262144 #查看虚拟内存的大小 sudo sysctl -p 5.使用scp拷贝到其他节点 scp -r elasticsearch-5.4.3/ node-5:$PWD scp -r elasticsearch-5.4.3/ node-6:$PWD 6.在其他节点上修改es配置,需要修改的有node.name和network.host 7.启动es(/bigdata/elasticsearch-5.4.3/bin/elasticsearch -h查看帮助文档) /bigdata/elasticsearch-5.4.3/bin/elasticsearch -d 8.用浏览器访问es所在机器的9200端口 http://centos7-2:9200/ { "name" : "node-2", "cluster_name" : "bigdata", "cluster_uuid" : "v4AHbENYQ8-M3Aq8J5OZ5g", "version" : { "number" : "5.4.3", "build_hash" : "eed30a8", "build_date" : "2017-06-22T00:34:03.743Z", "build_snapshot" : false, "lucene_version" : "6.5.1" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search" } kill `ps -ef | grep Elasticsearch | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}‘` #查看集群状态 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-1:9200/_cluster/health?pretty‘ http://centos7-2:9200/_cluster/health?pretty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ elk提供了一个http形式的请求可以进行数据的访问curd elk底层使用的是lucene,那么这个底层存储就包括index content 结构和lucene完全不一样 与mysql的概念类似 index type id index相当于数据库 type 表 id主键 http://centos7-3:9200/bw/student/1 -d {} RESTful接口URL的格式: http://centos7-2:9200/<index>/<type>/[<id>] 其中index、type是必须提供的。 id是可选的,不提供es会自动生成。 index、type将信息进行分层,利于管理。 index可以理解为数据库;type理解为数据表;id相当于数据库表中记录的主键,是唯一的。 post get put delete update elk中存储的数据是带有id的,所以根据id的存储和删除以及修改 存储的时候elk是分布式的,所以可以理解为zk。他们的身份平等elasticSearch 只不过有一个主进程和其他的从进程,保持数据一致性 #向store索引中添加一些书籍 curl -XPUT ‘http://centos7-1:9200/store/books/1‘ -d ‘{ "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "name" : { "first" : "Zachary", "last" : "Tong" }, "publish_date":"2015-02-06", "price":"49.99" }‘ #在linux中通过curl的方式查询 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1‘ #通过浏览器查询 http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1 #在添加一个书的信息 curl -XPUT ‘http://centos7-1:9200/store/books/2‘ -d ‘{ "title": "Elasticsearch Blueprints", "name" : { "first" : "Vineeth", "last" : "Mohan" }, "publish_date":"2015-06-06", "price":"35.99", "wordcount":10000000000000 }‘ # 通过ID获得文档信息 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/2‘ #在浏览器中查看 # 通过_source获取指定的字段 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1?_source=title‘ curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1?_source=title,price‘ curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1?_source‘ #可以通过覆盖的方式更新 curl -XPUT ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1‘ -d ‘{ "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "name" : { "first" : "Zachary", "last" : "Tong" }, "publish_date":"2016-02-06", "price":"99.99" }‘ # 或者通过 _update API的方式单独更新你想要更新的 curl -XPOST ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1/_update‘ -d ‘{ "doc": { "price" : 88.88 } }‘ curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1‘ #删除一个文档 curl -XDELETE ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1‘ curl -XPUT ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/1‘ -d ‘{ "title": "Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide", "author": "Guide", "publish_date":"2016-02-06", "price":"35.99" }‘ #https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl.html # 最简单filter查询 # SELECT * FROM books WHERE price = 35.99 # filtered 查询价格是35.99的 # 返回的的分是1.0 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query": { "bool": { "must": { "match_all": {} }, "filter": { "term": { "price": 35.99 } } } } }‘ # 返回的的分是1.0 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query": { "constant_score": { "filter": { "term": { "price": 35.99 } } } } }‘ # 返回的的分是0.0 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query": { "bool": { "filter" : { "term" : { "price" : 35.99 } } } } }‘ #指定多个值 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query" : { "bool" : { "filter" : { "terms" : { "price" : [35.99, 99.99] } } } } }‘ curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query" : { "bool" : { "must": { "match_all": {} }, "filter" : { "terms" : { "price" : [35.99, 99.99] } } } } }‘ #use store; #github # SELECT * FROM books WHERE publish_date = "2015-02-06" curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query" : { "bool" : { "filter" : { "term" : { "publish_date" : "2016-02-06" } } } } }‘ # bool过滤查询,可以做组合过滤查询 #must must_not should # SELECT * FROM books WHERE (price = 35.99 OR price = 99.99) AND publish_date != "2016-02-06" # 类似的,Elasticsearch也有 and, or, not这样的组合条件的查询方式 # 格式如下: # { # "bool" : { # "must" : [], # "should" : [], # "must_not" : [], # } # } # # must: 条件必须满足,相当于 and # should: 条件可以满足也可以不满足,相当于 or # must_not: 条件不需要满足,相当于 not curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query" : { "bool" : { "should" : [ { "term" : {"price" : 35.99}}, { "term" : {"price" : 99.99}} ], "must_not" : { "term" : {"publish_date" : "2016-02-06"} } } } }‘ # 嵌套查询 # SELECT * FROM books WHERE price = 35.99 OR ( publish_date = "2016-02-06" AND price = 99.99 ) curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "term": { "price": 35.99 } }, { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "publish_date": "2016-02-06" } }, { "term": { "price": 99.99 } } ] } } ] } } }‘ # range范围过滤 # SELECT * FROM books WHERE price >= 10 AND price < 99 # gt : > 大于 # lt : < 小于 # gte : >= 大于等于 # lte : <= 小于等于 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query": { "range" : { "price" : { "gte" : 10, "lt" : 100 } } } }‘ #mutilQuery #name和author都必须包含Guide,并且价钱等于33.99或者188.99 curl -XGET ‘http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search‘ -d ‘{ "query": { "bool": { "must": { "multi_match": { "operator": "and", "fields": [ "name", "author" ], "query": "Guide" } }, "filter": { "terms": { "price": [ 35.99, 188.99 ] } } } } }‘ http://centos7-2:9200/store/books/_search
标签:hot lis path blank nic 包含 必须 hub https