IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'RoleDataPermit') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'ISVIEW') = 1) DROP VIEW RoleDataPermit GO /*****视图:查询所有角色的数据权限*****/ CREATE VIEW RoleDataPermit AS with List as ( select distinct G.ID as DataId, null as ParentId, PM.RoleId, 0 as Action, G.Name as 模块, null as 读写权限 from SYS_ModuleGroup G join SYS_Module M on M.ModuleGroupId = G.ID join SYS_RolePerm_Module PM on PM.ModuleId = M.ID left join SYS_RolePerm_Data PD on PD.PermId = PM.ID where PM.Permission >= 0 or PD.ID is not null union all select M.ID as DataId, case when M.ModuleGroupId is null then M.ParentId else M.ModuleGroupId end as ParentId, PM.RoleId, 1 as Action, M.ApplicationName as 模块, null as 读写权限 from SYS_Module M join SYS_RolePerm_Module PM on PM.ModuleId = M.ID where PM.Permission >= 0 union all select PM.ID as DataId, PM.ModuleId as ParentId, PM.RoleId, 2 as Action, '无归属数据' as 模块, case when PM.Permission = 0 then '只读' else '读写' end as 读写权限 from SYS_RolePerm_Module PM where PM.Permission >= 0 union all select PD.ID as DataId, M.ModuleId as ParentId, M.RoleId, PD.Mode + 3 as Action, case PD.Mode when 0 then '仅本人' when 1 then '仅本部门' when 2 then '本部门所有' when 3 then '本机构所有' when 4 then '根机构所有' else '自定义' end as 模块, case when PD.Permission = 0 and PD.Mode < 5 then '只读' when PD.Permission = 1 and PD.Mode < 5 then '读写' else null end as 读写权限 from SYS_RolePerm_Data PD join SYS_RolePerm_Module M on M.ID = PD.PermId union all select PC.ID as DataId, PC.PermDataId as ParentId, PM.RoleId, 9 as Action, O.FullName as 模块, case when PC.Permission = 0 then '只读' else '读写' end as 读写权限 from SYS_RolePerm_Module PM join SYS_RolePerm_Data PD on PD.PermId = PM.ID and PD.Mode = 5 join SYS_RolePerm_Custom PC on PC.PermDataId = PD.ID and PC.OrgId is not null join SYS_Organization O on O.ID = PC.OrgId union all select PC.ID as DataId, PC.PermDataId as ParentId, PM.RoleId, 10 as Action, U.Name + '(' + U.LoginName + ')' as 模块, case when PC.Permission = 0 then '只读' else '读写' end as 读写权限 from SYS_RolePerm_Module PM join SYS_RolePerm_Data PD on PD.PermId = PM.ID and PD.Mode = 5 join SYS_RolePerm_Custom PC on PC.PermDataId = PD.ID and PC.UserId is not null join SYS_User U on U.ID = PC.UserId ) select newid() as ID, * from List GO