标签:替换 key dex elf replace self app 没有 存在
1. 表示数值的字符串
请实现一个函数用来判断字符串是否表示数值(包括整数和小数)。例如,字符串"+100","5e2","-123","3.1416"和"-1E-16"都表示数值。 但是"12e","1a3.14","1.2.3","+-5"和"12e+4.3"都不是。
class Solution: # s字符串 def isNumeric(self, s): # write code here if not s: return False n = len(s) sign, decimal, hasE = False, False, False for i in range(n): if s[i] in {‘e‘, ‘E‘}: if i == n-1: return False # e后面要接数字 if hasE: return False # 不能有两个e hasE = True elif s[i] in {‘+‘, ‘-‘}: if sign and s[i-1] not in {‘e‘, ‘E‘}: # 第二次出现+-,必须在e后面 return False if not sign and i > 0 and s[i-1] not in {‘e‘, ‘E‘}: # 第一次出现+-,且不是开头,也必须在e后面 return False sign = True elif s[i] == ‘.‘: if hasE or decimal: # e后面不能有小数点,小数点不能出现两次 return False decimal = True elif s[i] < ‘0‘ or s[i] > ‘9‘: # 非法字符 return False return True
2. 字符流中第一个不重复的字符
class Solution: # 返回对应char def __init__(self): self.strs = ‘‘ def FirstAppearingOnce(self): # write code here if not self.strs: return ‘#‘ n = len(self.strs) hashmap = dict() for i in range(n): count, index = hashmap.get(self.strs[i], (0, -1)) hashmap[self.strs[i]] = (count+1, i) first_index = n for key, value in hashmap.items(): if value[0] == 1: first_index = min(first_index, value[1]) return ‘#‘ if first_index == n else self.strs[first_index] def Insert(self, char): # write code here self.strs += char
请实现一个函数,将一个字符串中的每个空格替换成“%20”。例如,当字符串为We Are Happy.则经过替换之后的字符串为We%20Are%20Happy。
class Solution: # s 源字符串 def replaceSpace(self, s): # write code here if not s: return s if s[0] == ‘ ‘: return ‘%20‘ + self.replaceSpace(s[1:]) return s[0] + self.replaceSpace(s[1:])
class Solution: # s 源字符串 def replaceSpace(self, s): # write code here if not s: return s tobeReplace = [] n = len(s) for i in range(n): if s[i] == ‘ ‘: tobeReplace.append(i) m = len(tobeReplace) for j in range(m): s = s[:tobeReplace[j]+2*j] + ‘%20‘ + s[tobeReplace[j]+2*j+1:] return s
标签:替换 key dex elf replace self app 没有 存在