标签:散列 i++ ice false 重复 数组 == 函数 列表
Given an array of integers and an integer k, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the absolute difference between i and j is at most k.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [1,2,3,1], k = 3
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: nums = [1,0,1,1], k = 1
Output: true
Example 3:
Input: nums = [1,2,3,1,2,3], k = 2
Output: false
给定一个整数数组和一个整数 k,判断数组中是否存在两个不同的索引 i 和 j,使得 nums [i] = nums [j],并且 i 和 j 的差的绝对值最大为 k。
示例 1:
输入: nums = [1,2,3,1], k = 3
输出: true
示例 2:
输入: nums = [1,0,1,1], k = 1
输出: true
示例 3:
输入: nums = [1,2,3,1,2,3], k = 2
输出: false
1 class Solution { 2 public boolean containsNearbyDuplicate(int[] nums, int k) { 3 boolean abc=false; 4 labe: for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ 5 for(int j = i+1; j < nums.length; j++){ 6 if(Math.abs(j-i)<=k&&nums[i]==nums[j]){ 7 abc = true; 8 break labe; 9 } 10 } 11 } 12 return abc; 13 } 14 }
[LC]219题 Contains Duplicate II (存在重复元素 II )
标签:散列 i++ ice false 重复 数组 == 函数 列表