标签:int should elf algorithm _id ace array element sel
Given an array of integers, sort the elements in the array in ascending order. The merge sort algorithm should be used to solve this problem.
Corner Cases
Time Complexity: O(NlogN)
Space Complexity: O(N)
class Solution(object): def mergeSort(self, array): """ input: int[] array return: int[] """ # write your solution here if array is None or len(array) <= 1: return array cp_lst = array.copy() self.helper(0, len(array) - 1, array, cp_lst) return array def helper(self, left, right, array, cp_lst): if left >= right: return mid = left + (right - left) // 2 self.helper(left, mid, array, cp_lst) self.helper(mid + 1, right, array, cp_lst) self.merge(left, right, mid, array, cp_lst) def merge(self, left, right, mid, array, cp_lst): for i in range(left, right + 1): cp_lst[i] = array[i] left_idx = left right_idx = mid + 1 index = left_idx while left_idx <= mid and right_idx <= right: if cp_lst[left_idx] <= cp_lst[right_idx]: array[index] = cp_lst[left_idx] left_idx += 1 else: array[index] = cp_lst[right_idx] right_idx += 1 index += 1 while left_idx <= mid: array[index] = cp_lst[left_idx] index += 1 left_idx += 1
标签:int should elf algorithm _id ace array element sel