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标签:attr   对比   find   style   span   tco   nal   success   new   

  1 from selenium import webdriver
  2 from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait  # 等待元素加载的
  3 from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains  # 拖拽
  4 from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
  5 from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException
  6 from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
  7 from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
  8 from PIL import Image
  9 import requests
 10 import time
 11 import re
 12 import random
 13 from io import BytesIO
 16 def merge_image(image_file, location_list):
 17     """
 18      拼接图片
 19     :param image_file:
 20     :param location_list:
 21     :return:
 22     """
 23     im = Image.open(image_file)
 24     im.save(code.jpg)
 25     new_im = Image.new(RGB, (260, 116))
 26     # 把无序的图片 切成52张小图片
 27     im_list_upper = []
 28     im_list_down = []
 29     # print(location_list)
 30     for location in location_list:
 31         # print(location[‘y‘])
 32         if location[y] == -58:  # 上半边
 33             im_list_upper.append(im.crop((abs(location[x]), 58, abs(location[x]) + 10, 116)))
 34         if location[y] == 0:  # 下半边
 35             im_list_down.append(im.crop((abs(location[x]), 0, abs(location[x]) + 10, 58)))
 37     x_offset = 0
 38     for im in im_list_upper:
 39         new_im.paste(im, (x_offset, 0))  # 把小图片放到 新的空白图片上
 40         x_offset += im.size[0]
 42     x_offset = 0
 43     for im in im_list_down:
 44         new_im.paste(im, (x_offset, 58))
 45         x_offset += im.size[0]
 46     return new_im
 49 def get_image(driver, div_path):
 50     ‘‘‘
 51     下载无序的图片  然后进行拼接 获得完整的图片
 52     :param driver:
 53     :param div_path:
 54     :return:
 55     ‘‘‘
 56     time.sleep(2)
 57     background_images = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(div_path)
 58     location_list = []
 59     # image_url = ‘‘
 60     for background_image in background_images:
 61         location = {}
 62         result = re.findall(background-image: url\("(.*?)"\); background-position: (.*?)px (.*?)px;,
 63                             background_image.get_attribute(style))
 64         # print(result)
 65         location[x] = int(result[0][1])
 66         location[y] = int(result[0][2])
 68         image_url = result[0][0]
 69         location_list.append(location)
 70     image_url = image_url.replace(webp, jpg)
 71     # ‘替换url http://static.geetest.com/pictures/gt/579066de6/579066de6.webp‘
 72     image_result = requests.get(image_url).content
 73     image_file = BytesIO(image_result)  # 是一张无序的图片
 74     image = merge_image(image_file, location_list)
 76     return image
 79 def get_track(distance):
 80     ‘‘‘
 81     拿到移动轨迹,模仿人的滑动行为,先匀加速后匀减速
 82     匀变速运动基本公式:
 83     ①v=v0+at
 84     ②s=v0t+(1/2)at²
 85     ③v²-v0²=2as
 87     :param distance: 需要移动的距离
 88     :return: 存放每0.2秒移动的距离
 89     ‘‘‘
 90     # 初速度
 91     v = 0
 92     # 单位时间为0.2s来统计轨迹,轨迹即0.2内的位移
 93     t = 0.2
 94     # 位移/轨迹列表,列表内的一个元素代表0.2s的位移
 95     tracks = []
 96     # 当前的位移
 97     current = 0
 98     # 到达mid值开始减速
 99     mid = distance * 7 / 8
101     distance += 10  # 先滑过一点,最后再反着滑动回来
102     # a = random.randint(1,3)
103     while current < distance:
104         if current < mid:
105             # 加速度越小,单位时间的位移越小,模拟的轨迹就越多越详细
106             a = random.randint(2, 4)  # 加速运动
107         else:
108             a = -random.randint(3, 5)  # 减速运动
110         # 初速度
111         v0 = v
112         # 0.2秒时间内的位移
113         s = v0 * t + 0.5 * a * (t ** 2)
114         # 当前的位置
115         current += s
116         # 添加到轨迹列表
117         tracks.append(round(s))
119         # 速度已经达到v,该速度作为下次的初速度
120         v = v0 + a * t
122     # 反着滑动到大概准确位置
123     for i in range(4):
124         tracks.append(-random.randint(2, 3))
125     for i in range(4):
126         tracks.append(-random.randint(1, 3))
127     return tracks
130 def get_distance(image1, image2):
131     ‘‘‘
132       拿到滑动验证码需要移动的距离
133       :param image1:没有缺口的图片对象
134       :param image2:带缺口的图片对象
135       :return:需要移动的距离
136       ‘‘‘
137     # print(‘size‘, image1.size)
139     threshold = 50
140     for i in range(0, image1.size[0]):  # 260
141         for j in range(0, image1.size[1]):  # 160
142             pixel1 = image1.getpixel((i, j))
143             pixel2 = image2.getpixel((i, j))
144             res_R = abs(pixel1[0] - pixel2[0])  # 计算RGB差
145             res_G = abs(pixel1[1] - pixel2[1])  # 计算RGB差
146             res_B = abs(pixel1[2] - pixel2[2])  # 计算RGB差
147             if res_R > threshold and res_G > threshold and res_B > threshold:
148                 return i  # 需要移动的距离
151 def main_check_code(driver, element):
152     """
153      拖动识别验证码
154     :param driver:
155     :param element:
156     :return:
157     """
158     image1 = get_image(driver, //div[@class="gt_cut_bg gt_show"]/div)
159     image2 = get_image(driver, //div[@class="gt_cut_fullbg gt_show"]/div)
160     # 图片上 缺口的位置的x坐标
162     # 2 对比两张图片的所有RBG像素点,得到不一样像素点的x值,即要移动的距离
163     l = get_distance(image1, image2)
164     # 3 获得移动轨迹
165     track_list = get_track(l)
166     print(第一步,点击滑动按钮)
167     ActionChains(driver).click_and_hold(on_element=element).perform()  # 点击鼠标左键,按住不放
168     print(第二步,拖动元素)
169     for track in track_list:
170         ActionChains(driver).move_by_offset(xoffset=track, yoffset=0).perform()  # 鼠标移动到距离当前位置(x,y)
171         time.sleep(0.002)
173     ActionChains(driver).move_by_offset(xoffset=-random.randint(2, 5), yoffset=0).perform()
174     print(第三步,释放鼠标)
175     ActionChains(driver).release(on_element=element).perform()
176     time.sleep(1)
179 def main_check_slider(driver):
180     """
181     检查滑动按钮是否加载
182     :param driver:
183     :return:
184     """
185     while True:
186         try:
187             # driver.get(‘‘)
188             # driver.maximize_window()
189             # login_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 10, 0.5).until(
190             #     EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//h3[contains(text(),‘登录‘)]")))
191             # login_button.click()
192             # username = driver.find_element_by_id(‘accountCode‘)
193             # pwd = driver.find_element_by_id(‘accountPass‘)
194             # username.clear()
195             # username.send_keys(‘ahzy‘)
196             # time.sleep(1)
197             # pwd.clear()
198             # pwd.send_keys(‘ahzy3445810‘)
199             # pwd.send_keys(Keys.ENTER)
200             # time.sleep(2)
201             driver.get(
202             driver.implicitly_wait(1)
203             driver.maximize_window()
204             driver.get(
205             # 2、点击按钮,得到没有缺口的图片
206             element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10, 0.5).until(
207                 EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, //div/div[@class="gt_slider_knob gt_show"])))
208             if element:
209                 return element
210         except TimeoutException as e:
211             print(超时错误,继续)
212             time.sleep(5)
215 if __name__ == __main__:
216     try:
217         count = 6  # 最多识别6次
218         driver = webdriver.Chrome()
219         # 等待滑动按钮加载完成
220         element = main_check_slider(driver)
221         while count > 0:
222             main_check_code(driver, element)
223             try:
224                 success_element = (By.CSS_SELECTOR, .gt_holder .gt_ajax_tip.gt_success)
225                 # 得到成功标志
226                 success_images = WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_element_located(success_element))
227                 if success_images:
228                     print(成功识别!!!!!!)
229                     count = 0
230                     break
231             except NoSuchElementException as e:
232                 print(识别错误,继续)
233                 count -= 1
234         else:
235             print(too many attempt check code )
236             exit(退出程序)
237     finally:
238         driver.close()



标签:attr   对比   find   style   span   tco   nal   success   new   


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