标签:style blog color ar for sp div on log
program bzoj1023; uses math; const inf=1000000000; maxn=50005; maxm=20000005; type edge=record togo,next:longint; end; var n,m,cnt,ind,ans,l,r:longint; last,deep,f,low,dfn,fa:array [0..maxn] of longint; a,q:array [0..maxn*2] of longint; e:array [0..maxm] of edge; procedure insert(u,v:longint); begin inc(cnt); e[cnt].togo:=v; e[cnt].next:=last[u]; last[u]:=cnt; inc(cnt); e[cnt].togo:=u; e[cnt].next:=last[v]; last[v]:=cnt; end; procedure dp(root,x:longint); var tot,i:longint; begin tot:=deep[x]-deep[root]+1; i:=x; while i<>root do begin a[tot]:=f[i]; dec(tot); i:=fa[i]; end; a[tot]:=f[root]; tot:=deep[x]-deep[root]+1; for i:=1 to tot do a[i+tot]:=a[i]; q[1]:=1; l:=1; r:=1; for i:=2 to (tot shl 1) do begin while (l<=r) and (i-q[l]>(tot shr 1)) do inc(l); ans:=max(ans,a[i]+i+a[q[l]]-q[l]); while (l<=r) and (a[q[r]]-q[r]<=a[i]-i) do dec(r); inc(r); q[r]:=i; end; for i:=2 to tot do f[tot]:=max(f[root],a[i]+min(i-1,tot-i+1)); end; procedure dfs(x:longint); var i:longint; begin inc(ind); low[x]:=ind; dfn[x]:=ind; i:=last[x]; while i<>0 do begin if e[i].togo<>fa[x] then begin if dfn[e[i].togo]=0 then begin fa[e[i].togo]:=x; deep[e[i].togo]:=deep[x]+1; dfs(e[i].togo); low[x]:=min(low[x],low[e[i].togo]); end else low[x]:=min(low[x],dfn[e[i].togo]); if dfn[x]<low[e[i].togo] then begin ans:=max(ans,f[x]+f[e[i].togo]+1); f[x]:=max(f[x],f[e[i].togo]+1); end; end; i:=e[i].next; end; i:=last[x]; while i<>0 do begin if (fa[e[i].togo]<>x) and (dfn[x]<dfn[e[i].togo]) then dp(x,e[i].togo); i:=e[i].next; end; end; procedure main; var i,j,a,b,k:longint; begin read(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin read(k,a); for j:=2 to k do begin read(b); insert(a,b); a:=b; end; end; dfs(1); writeln(ans); end; begin main; end.
标签:style blog color ar for sp div on log