标签:begin exce count start 占用 sea 接收 唤醒 mat
for (; times < timesTotal; times++) { String lastBrokerName = null == mq ? null : mq.getBrokerName(); MessageQueue mqSelected = this.selectOneMessageQueue(topicPublishInfo, lastBrokerName); if (mqSelected != null) { mq = mqSelected; brokersSent[times] = mq.getBrokerName(); try { beginTimestampPrev = System.currentTimeMillis(); long costTime = beginTimestampPrev - beginTimestampFirst; if (timeout < costTime) { callTimeout = true; break; } sendResult = this.sendKernelImpl(msg, mq, communicationMode, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, timeout - costTime); endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, false); switch (communicationMode) { case ASYNC: return null; case ONEWAY: return null; case SYNC: if (sendResult.getSendStatus() != SendStatus.SEND_OK) { if (this.defaultMQProducer.isRetryAnotherBrokerWhenNotStoreOK()) { continue; } } return sendResult; default: break; } } catch (RemotingException e) { endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, true); log.warn(String.format("sendKernelImpl exception, resend at once, InvokeID: %s, RT: %sms, Broker: %s", invokeID, endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, mq), e); log.warn(msg.toString()); exception = e; continue; } catch (MQClientException e) { endTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.updateFaultItem(mq.getBrokerName(), endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, true); log.warn(String.format("sendKernelImpl exception, resend at once, InvokeID: %s, RT: %sms, Broker: %s", invokeID, endTimestamp - beginTimestampPrev, mq), e); log.warn(msg.toString()); exception = e; continue;
如果是oneway、异步的话,直接return null出去了,那么异步如何做重试?
SendResult sendResult = null; switch (communicationMode) { case ASYNC: Message tmpMessage = msg; if (msgBodyCompressed) { //If msg body was compressed, msgbody should be reset using prevBody. //Clone new message using commpressed message body and recover origin massage. //Fix bug:https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-externals/issues/66 tmpMessage = MessageAccessor.cloneMessage(msg); msg.setBody(prevBody); } long costTimeAsync = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginStartTime; if (timeout < costTimeAsync) { throw new RemotingTooMuchRequestException("sendKernelImpl call timeout"); } sendResult = this.mQClientFactory.getMQClientAPIImpl().sendMessage( brokerAddr, mq.getBrokerName(), tmpMessage, requestHeader, timeout - costTimeAsync, communicationMode, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, this.mQClientFactory, this.defaultMQProducer.getRetryTimesWhenSendAsyncFailed(), context, this); break; case ONEWAY: case SYNC: long costTimeSync = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginStartTime; if (timeout < costTimeSync) { throw new RemotingTooMuchRequestException("sendKernelImpl call timeout"); } sendResult = this.mQClientFactory.getMQClientAPIImpl().sendMessage( brokerAddr, mq.getBrokerName(), msg, requestHeader, timeout - costTimeSync, communicationMode, context, this); break; default: assert false; break; }
public NettyRemotingAbstract(final int permitsOneway, final int permitsAsync) {
this.semaphoreOneway = new Semaphore(permitsOneway, true);
this.semaphoreAsync = new Semaphore(permitsAsync, true);
public void invokeOnewayImpl(final Channel channel, final RemotingCommand request, final long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException, RemotingTooMuchRequestException, RemotingTimeoutException, RemotingSendRequestException { request.markOnewayRPC(); boolean acquired = this.semaphoreOneway.tryAcquire(timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (acquired) { final SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce once = new SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce(this.semaphoreOneway); try { channel.writeAndFlush(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture f) throws Exception { once.release(); if (!f.isSuccess()) { log.warn("send a request command to channel <" + channel.remoteAddress() + "> failed."); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { once.release(); log.warn("write send a request command to channel <" + channel.remoteAddress() + "> failed."); throw new RemotingSendRequestException(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel), e); } } else { if (timeoutMillis <= 0) { throw new RemotingTooMuchRequestException("invokeOnewayImpl invoke too fast"); } else { String info = String.format( "invokeOnewayImpl tryAcquire semaphore timeout, %dms, waiting thread nums: %d semaphoreAsyncValue: %d", timeoutMillis, this.semaphoreOneway.getQueueLength(), this.semaphoreOneway.availablePermits() ); log.warn(info); throw new RemotingTimeoutException(info); } } }
public RemotingCommand invokeSyncImpl(final Channel channel, final RemotingCommand request, final long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException, RemotingSendRequestException, RemotingTimeoutException { final int opaque = request.getOpaque(); try { final ResponseFuture responseFuture = new ResponseFuture(channel, opaque, timeoutMillis, null, null); this.responseTable.put(opaque, responseFuture); final SocketAddress addr = channel.remoteAddress(); channel.writeAndFlush(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture f) throws Exception { if (f.isSuccess()) { responseFuture.setSendRequestOK(true); return; } else { responseFuture.setSendRequestOK(false); } responseTable.remove(opaque); responseFuture.setCause(f.cause()); responseFuture.putResponse(null); log.warn("send a request command to channel <" + addr + "> failed."); } }); RemotingCommand responseCommand = responseFuture.waitResponse(timeoutMillis); if (null == responseCommand) { if (responseFuture.isSendRequestOK()) { throw new RemotingTimeoutException(RemotingHelper.parseSocketAddressAddr(addr), timeoutMillis, responseFuture.getCause()); } else { throw new RemotingSendRequestException(RemotingHelper.parseSocketAddressAddr(addr), responseFuture.getCause()); } } return responseCommand; } finally { this.responseTable.remove(opaque); } }
跟dubbo类似,构造一个future的map成员responseTable,发出去的请求后,这个线程利用这个future阻塞等待,等待啥呢?既然是同步请求,肯定是等待response。基于netty通信的话,response一般是在其他线程,所以阻塞在这里,下面是ResponseFuture responseFuture的阻塞和唤醒代码
public RemotingCommand waitResponse(final long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException { this.countDownLatch.await(timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return this.responseCommand; } public void putResponse(final RemotingCommand responseCommand) { this.responseCommand = responseCommand; this.countDownLatch.countDown(); }
private void sendMessageAsync( final String addr, final String brokerName, final Message msg, final long timeoutMillis, final RemotingCommand request, final SendCallback sendCallback, final TopicPublishInfo topicPublishInfo, final MQClientInstance instance, final int retryTimesWhenSendFailed, final AtomicInteger times, final SendMessageContext context, final DefaultMQProducerImpl producer ) throws InterruptedException, RemotingException { this.remotingClient.invokeAsync(addr, request, timeoutMillis, new InvokeCallback() { @Override public void operationComplete(ResponseFuture responseFuture) { RemotingCommand response = responseFuture.getResponseCommand(); if (null == sendCallback && response != null) { try { SendResult sendResult = MQClientAPIImpl.this.processSendResponse(brokerName, msg, response); if (context != null && sendResult != null) { context.setSendResult(sendResult); context.getProducer().executeSendMessageHookAfter(context); } } catch (Throwable e) { } producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), false); return; } if (response != null) { try { SendResult sendResult = MQClientAPIImpl.this.processSendResponse(brokerName, msg, response); assert sendResult != null; if (context != null) { context.setSendResult(sendResult); context.getProducer().executeSendMessageHookAfter(context); } try { sendCallback.onSuccess(sendResult); } catch (Throwable e) { } producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), false); } catch (Exception e) { producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), true); onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, 0L, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, e, context, false, producer); } } else { producer.updateFaultItem(brokerName, System.currentTimeMillis() - responseFuture.getBeginTimestamp(), true); if (!responseFuture.isSendRequestOK()) { MQClientException ex = new MQClientException("send request failed", responseFuture.getCause()); onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, 0L, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, ex, context, true, producer); } else if (responseFuture.isTimeout()) { MQClientException ex = new MQClientException("wait response timeout " + responseFuture.getTimeoutMillis() + "ms", responseFuture.getCause()); onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, 0L, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, ex, context, true, producer); } else { MQClientException ex = new MQClientException("unknow reseaon", responseFuture.getCause()); onExceptionImpl(brokerName, msg, 0L, request, sendCallback, topicPublishInfo, instance, retryTimesWhenSendFailed, times, ex, context, true, producer); } } } }); }
public void invokeAsyncImpl(final Channel channel, final RemotingCommand request, final long timeoutMillis, final InvokeCallback invokeCallback) throws InterruptedException, RemotingTooMuchRequestException, RemotingTimeoutException, RemotingSendRequestException { long beginStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final int opaque = request.getOpaque(); boolean acquired = this.semaphoreAsync.tryAcquire(timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (acquired) { final SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce once = new SemaphoreReleaseOnlyOnce(this.semaphoreAsync); long costTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - beginStartTime; if (timeoutMillis < costTime) { once.release(); throw new RemotingTimeoutException("invokeAsyncImpl call timeout"); } final ResponseFuture responseFuture = new ResponseFuture(channel, opaque, timeoutMillis - costTime, invokeCallback, once); this.responseTable.put(opaque, responseFuture); try { channel.writeAndFlush(request).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture f) throws Exception { if (f.isSuccess()) { responseFuture.setSendRequestOK(true); return; } requestFail(opaque); log.warn("send a request command to channel <{}> failed.", RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel)); } }); } catch (Exception e) { responseFuture.release(); log.warn("send a request command to channel <" + RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel) + "> Exception", e); throw new RemotingSendRequestException(RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(channel), e); } } }
1 在发送的时候直接失败在requestFail(opaque)被调用
private void requestFail(final int opaque) { ResponseFuture responseFuture = responseTable.remove(opaque); if (responseFuture != null) { responseFuture.setSendRequestOK(false); responseFuture.putResponse(null); try { executeInvokeCallback(responseFuture); } catch (Throwable e) { log.warn("execute callback in requestFail, and callback throw", e); } finally { responseFuture.release(); } } }
2 收到消息response以后:
public void processResponseCommand(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RemotingCommand cmd) { final int opaque = cmd.getOpaque(); final ResponseFuture responseFuture = responseTable.get(opaque); if (responseFuture != null) { responseFuture.setResponseCommand(cmd); responseTable.remove(opaque); if (responseFuture.getInvokeCallback() != null) { executeInvokeCallback(responseFuture); } else { responseFuture.putResponse(cmd); responseFuture.release(); } } else { log.warn("receive response, but not matched any request, " + RemotingHelper.parseChannelRemoteAddr(ctx.channel())); log.warn(cmd.toString()); } }
public void scanResponseTable() { final List<ResponseFuture> rfList = new LinkedList<ResponseFuture>(); Iterator<Entry<Integer, ResponseFuture>> it = this.responseTable.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<Integer, ResponseFuture> next = it.next(); ResponseFuture rep = next.getValue(); if ((rep.getBeginTimestamp() + rep.getTimeoutMillis() + 1000) <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { rep.release(); it.remove(); rfList.add(rep); log.warn("remove timeout request, " + rep); } } for (ResponseFuture rf : rfList) { try { executeInvokeCallback(rf); } catch (Throwable e) { log.warn("scanResponseTable, operationComplete Exception", e); } } }
标签:begin exce count start 占用 sea 接收 唤醒 mat