They could find the center of the virus
in each of the subframes of this exposure series.
In addition, they could also detect the relative orientation
of each virus because of it‘s high symmetry, you can do that.
And track how the orientation of the particle changed during
the single exposure.
And so, in panel A, what is shown are vectors showing the direction and
the magnitude of the orientation change of the virus,
how it rolled during that single long exposure.
And note that the scale bar here,
this depicts a one degree change in the orientation.
So you can see that some of the viruses, their orientation is pretty well fixed.
But other viruses are rolling up to a degree or
more, in an apparently random direction.
This one is very different than this one, say.
As that ice bulges, the translations that the virus
has exhibited during the exposure are depicted over here in panel B.
And so here, the scale bar is ten angstroms, and
the translations are shown here on the figure.
So obviously, the translation factors are not on the same scale as the image itself,
because the viruses more like 100 angstroms itself.
But this translation of that much is just ten angstroms.
But what you can see is that the viruses are moving within the ice.
Most of them here are moving in approximately the same direction, although
some are a little different, by ten or more angstroms during the exposure series.
And, unfortunately, the shifts and the rotations that
each particle will experience during the exposure is unpredictable.
Here on the left is a picture of mitoribsosmes recorded.
And each of these vectors is again,
showing the translation that each particle exhibited during an exposure series.
And if you just look at it, you see that the whole field of particles seem to flow
up and to the right during the exposure.
But this is very different than another case of the complex-I protein.
Here its vectors as you look at the vectors around the field,
you see some of them seem to be flowing out towards the edge, others are flowing
in a different direction, and these are doing something yet again different.
So the take home message is that during an exposure the ice bulges and
the particles can flow and roll.
Now over the years there‘s been a couple ideas emerge to help reduce
beam-induced specimen movement.
The first is that it was observed that including some carbon in each of
the exposures seemed to reduce beam-induced specimen movement.
The second idea is to use a more rigid grid material and so
there are efforts on going to explore different kinds of
grid materials that might strengthen the samples and reduce this movement.
And so this is why one typically chooses to take pictures on the edge
of a hole like this one and this one and
this one rather than right smack in the middle of the hole.
It‘s because it‘s been observed that if some of the carbon next to the hole is
also exposed during the image there‘s a last beam induced specimen movement,
and the reasons for that are still unclear.