标签:name image 创建 osi style wing 仓库 eva chmod
loggin the server
$ cd ~/git/git_learn/
$ mkdir project.git
$ cd project.git
$ git init --bare
thus there are some files and directories in the directory ‘~/git/git_learn/project.git/‘, just like the following picture
and then you need to add the write access to this repository, so that you can git push in the local environment
$ cd ~/git/git_learn
$ chmod -R 777 project.git ( significant )
$ cd ~/test
$ mkdir Myproject.git
$ git init
and the next step is to add new file or modify existing file, then commit them
$ vim main.c
$ git add main.c or git add .
$ git commit -s ( confirm the user.name and user.email are correct and available ) or git commit -m "create the project and add main.c"
$ git remote add origin george@ ( here please confirm the remote repository has write access )
$ git push origin master
标签:name image 创建 osi style wing 仓库 eva chmod