标签:des style blog http io color os ar 使用
在nesc的代码中,你会看到很多你不认识的数据类型,比如uint8_t等。 咋一看,好像是个新的数据类型,不过C语言(nesc是C的扩展)里面好像没有这种数据类型啊!怎么又是u又是_t的?很多人有这样的疑问。论坛上就有人 问:以*_t结尾的类型是不是都是long型的?在baidu上查一下,才找到答案,这时才发觉原来自己对C掌握的太少。
uint8_t,uint16_t,uint32_t 等都不是什么新的数据类型,它们只是使用typedef给类型起的别名,新瓶装老酒的把戏。不过,不要小看了typedef,它对于你代码的维护会有很好 的作用。比如C中没有bool,于是在一个软件中,一些程序员使用int,一些程序员使用short,会比较混乱,最好就是用一个typedef来定义, 如:
typedef char bool;
1字节 uint8_t
2字节 uint16_t
4字节 uint32_t
8字节 uint64_t
00001 /* 00002 inttypes.h 00003 00004 Contributors: 00005 Createdby Marek Michalkiewicz <marekm@linux.org.pl> 00006 00007 THISSOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED 00008 00009 Thissource code is offered for use in the public domain. You may 00010 use,modify or distribute it freely. 00011 00012 Thiscode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 00013 WITHOUTANY WARRANTY. ALLWARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY 00014 DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited towarranties of 00015 MERCHANTABILITYor FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 00016 */ 00017 00018 #ifndef __INTTYPES_H_ 00019 #define __INTTYPES_H_ 00020 00021 /* Use [u]intN_t if you need exactly N bits. 00022 XXX- doesn‘t handle the -mint8 option. */ 00023 00024 typedefsigned char int8_t; 00025 typedefunsigned char uint8_t; 00026 00027 typedefint int16_t; 00028 typedefunsigned int uint16_t; 00029 00030 typedeflong int32_t; 00031 typedefunsigned long uint32_t; 00032 00033 typedeflong long int64_t; 00034 typedefunsigned long long uint64_t; 00035 00036 typedefint16_t intptr_t; 00037 typedefuint16_t uintptr_t; 00038 00039 #endif
uint8_t / uint16_t / uint32_t /uint64_t 的简单介绍
标签:des style blog http io color os ar 使用