标签:rect lin imp end package get The 标准 编程
实验四 类的继承
(1) 抽象类定义的方法在具体类要实现;
(2) 使用抽象类的引用变量可引用子类的对象;
(3) 通过父类引用子类对象,通过该引用访问对象方法时实际用的是子类的方法。可将所有对象存入到父类定义的数组中。
package java实验报告五; public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Circle cir=new Circle(1); Triangle tr=new Triangle(1,1,1); Rectangle re=new Rectangle(1,1); cir.getArea(); tr.getArea(); re.getArea(); } }
package java实验报告五; public class Circle extends Shape { private double radius; public double getRadius() { return radius; } public void setRadius(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public Circle(double radius){ } public double getArea(){ double Area=Math.PI*getRadius()*getRadius(); System.out.println("圆的面积:"+Area); return Area; } }
package java实验报告五; public class Rectangle extends Shape { private double height; private double width; public double getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(double height) { this.height = height; } public double getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(double width) { this.width = width; } public Rectangle(double height,double width){ this.height=height; this.width=width; } public double getArea() { double Area=getHeight()*getWidth(); System.out.println("矩形的面积:"+Area); return Area; } }
package java实验报告五; public class Triangle extends Shape { private double a,b,c,p; public double getA() { return a; } public void setA(double a) { this.a = a; } public double getB() { return b; } public void setB(double b) { this.b = b; } public double getC() { return c; } public void setC(double c) { this.c = c; } public double getP() { return p; } public void setP(double p) { this.p = p; } public Triangle(double a,double b,double c){ this.a=a; this.b=b; this.c=c; } public double getArea() { p=(getA()+getB()+getC())/2; double Area=Math.sqrt((p*(p-getA())*(p-getB())*(p-getC()))); System.out.println("三角形的面积:"+Area); return Area; } }
package java实验报告五; public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Circle cir=new Circle(1); Triangle tr=new Triangle(1,1,1); Rectangle re=new Rectangle(1,1); cir.getArea(); tr.getArea(); re.getArea(); }
(1) 接口中定义的方法在实现接口的具体类中要重写实现;
(2) 利用接口类型的变量可引用实现该接口的类创建的对象。
package java实验报告五demo2; public interface Shape { public void size(); }
package java实验报告五demo2; class Line implements Shape { public void size(){ System.out.println("生成一个直线"); } }

package java实验报告五demo2; public class Circle implements Shape { public void size(){ System.out.println("生成一个圆"); } }
package java实验报告五demo2; public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Line l=new Line( ); l.size(); Circle c=new Circle(); c.size(); }
标签:rect lin imp end package get The 标准 编程