标签:sts 三次 may 字符 根据 each err als ble
There are a number of people who will be attending ACM-ICPC World Finals. Each of them may be well versed in a number of topics. Given a list of topics known by each attendee, you must determine the maximum number of topics a 2-person team can know. Also find out how many ways a team can be formed to know that many topics. Lists will be in the form of bit strings, where each string represents an attendee and each position in that string represents a field of knowledge, 1 if its a known field or 0 if not.
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
for k in range(m):
# 进行判断及计数等操作
虽然功能上一定可以实现,但是时间复杂度达到了O(n^2 * m)的地步,这显然不能满足要求
为了避免嵌套循环大量消耗时间,我改用itertools库中的combinations(list, num)函数,该函数可以根据给定的参数完成对给定列表的全组合,即数学上的C(num, len(list)),结果返回一个包含全部全组合的元组,于是最外层的两个循环备修改为如下代码:
for i in itertools.combinations(topic, 2):
count = str(bin(int(i[0], 2) | int(i[1], 2))).count(‘1‘)
其中int(***, 2)中的第二个参数2表示将字符串转换为二进制数字
def acmTeam(topic):
combine = itertools.combinations(topic, 2)
max_num = 0
num = 1
for i in combine:
res = str(bin(int(i[0], 2) | int(i[1], 2)))
count = res.count('1')
if count > max_num:
max_num = count
num = 1
elif count == max_num:
num += 1
return max_num, num
标签:sts 三次 may 字符 根据 each err als ble