标签:-- variant Nging rest rem width which -128 begin
Nash Equilibrium is an important concept in game theory.
Rikka and Yuta are playing a simple matrix game. At the beginning of the game, Rikka shows an n×m integer matrix A. And then Yuta needs to choose an integer in [1,n], Rikka needs to choose an integer in [1,m]. Let i be Yuta‘s number and j be Rikka‘s number, the final score of the game is Ai,j.
In the remaining part of this statement, we use (i,j) to denote the strategy of Yuta and Rikka.
For example, when n=m=3 and matrix A is
If the strategy is (1,2), the score will be 2; if the strategy is (2,2), the score will be 4.
A pure strategy Nash equilibrium of this game is a strategy (x,y which satisfies neither Rikka nor Yuta can make the score higher by changing his(her) strategy unilaterally. Formally, (x,y is a Nash equilibrium if and only if:
In the previous example, there are two pure strategy Nash equilibriums: (3,1) and (2,2).
To make the game more interesting, Rikka wants to construct a matrix A for this game which satisfies the following conditions:
1. Each integer in [1,nm] occurs exactly once in A.
2. The game has at most one pure strategy Nash equilibriums.
Now, Rikka wants you to count the number of matrixes with size n×m
2 3 3 100 5 5 2333Sample Output
64 1170
date of submission:
description modelling:
给定N×M的矩阵A,若该矩阵满足{A(x,y)≥A(i,y) ?i∈[1,n],A(x,y)≥A(x,j) ?j∈[1,m]}且该矩阵元素分别是1~N*M,则称这是矩阵A的一个方案。输入N,M,K,输出N×M矩阵的方案数模K的值。
major steps to solve it:
AC code:
#include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; typedef long long int LL; LL T, n, m, mod, dp[88][88][2], p; int main() { scanf("%lld", &T); while(T--) { scanf("%lld%lld%lld", &n, &m, &mod); memset(dp, 0, sizeof dp); p = 0; dp[1][1][1] = n * m % mod; for(int i=2;i<=n*m;i++,p^=1) { for(int j=1;j<=n;j++) { for(int k=1;k<=m;k++) { dp[j][k][p] = 0; if(j * k < i) continue; dp[j][k][p] = dp[j][k][p^1] * (j*k-i+1) % mod; dp[j][k][p] = (dp[j][k][p] + dp[j-1][k][p^1] * (n-j+1) * k) % mod; dp[j][k][p] = (dp[j][k][p] + dp[j][k-1][p^1] * (m-k+1) * j) % mod; } } } printf("%lld\n", dp[n][m][p^1]); } return 0; }
标签:-- variant Nging rest rem width which -128 begin