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I4-6 At the hotel Teacher: Maggie

时间:2019-10-29 11:12:19      阅读:107      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:str   floor   store   img   arc   健身   air   dia   art   



词汇(Key Word )

bellboy  n.服务生

receptionist  n. 接待员

reception  n. 接待;接收;招待会;感受;反应

maid   n. 女仆

key     房间钥匙      # room key

luggage  n. 行李;皮箱            # baggage

tip  v.给小费

safe n. 保险箱;

air conditioner  n.空调

towel  n.毛巾

double bed 大床(双人床,一张床,2人睡)    



single bed/room   单人床


Twin bed  2个单人床




Standard room   标间(2人,2床)

lift  n. 电梯;  elevator  电梯




escalator  扶手电梯




swimming pool n.游泳池

hot tub  热水浴缸

sauna   /?s??n?,?sa?n?/   n. 桑拿浴

gym 健身房

buffet  n. 自助餐;小卖部            # general store   杂货铺      variety shop  杂货铺

spa center  水疗中心;温泉中心

lobby  n. 大厅;休息室;会客室;




Front Desk = F

Traveler = T


F: Hello, Loki‘s Hotel. May I help you?

T: Yes, I‘d like to book a room ,please?

F: Would you like a single or double room?

T: I‘d like a double, please.

F: May I have your name, please?

T: Loki Yang.

F: Could you spell it please?

T: L-O-K-I, Y-A-N-G.

F: How many people are in your party?

T: Just three.

F: How many nights world you like to stay?

T: I‘d like to stay for 2 nights.

F: How would you like to pay?

T: Is visa Ok?

F: Sure. Would you like a wake-up call?

T: Yes, I‘d like a wake-up call for 6:30. Do you have a swimming pool?

F: Yes, we do. On the 2nd floor. Here‘s your key. That‘s room 405 on the fourth floor. You can take the lift. Have you a good day!


Receptionist = R

Daniel Adams = D


R: Good morning. May I help you?

D: Yes, I‘d like to  check out now. My name‘s Adam, room 312. Here‘s the key.

R: One moment, please, sir ... Here‘s your bill.

D: Can I by Visa card?

R: Sure, Sir.

D: Here you are.

R: Thank you.

D: Sure.

R: Here is your receipt, sir. Wish you a good day.

D: Thank you. Goodbye.





# 地理知识  Geographic Knowledge




## 七大洲

欧洲  Europe  /?j?r?p/

亚洲   Asia  /?e???/

非洲  Africa   /?æfr?k?/

大洋洲  Oceanica  /,?u?i‘ænik?/

南极洲  Antarctica  /æn?tɑ?rkt?k?/

北美洲  North America

南美洲  South America


## 八大洋

西太平洋   Western pacific (Oecan)

北太平洋  North Pacific (Oecan)

南太平洋  South pacific (Oecan)

北印度洋  North Indian(Oecan)

南印度洋  South Indian(Oecan)

北大西洋  North Atlantic(Ocean)

南大西洋 South Atlantic(Ocean)

北冰洋  the Arctic Ocean


I4-6 At the hotel Teacher: Maggie

标签:str   floor   store   img   arc   健身   air   dia   art   


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