标签:rem 图片 image lin syn 没有 src his 新特性
* Returns the name of the parameter. If the parameter's name is
* {@linkplain #isNamePresent() present}, then this method returns
* the name provided by the class file. Otherwise, this method
* synthesizes a name of the form argN, where N is the index of
* the parameter in the descriptor of the method which declares
* the parameter.
* @return The name of the parameter, either provided by the class
* file or synthesized if the class file does not provide
* a name.
public String getName() {
// Note: empty strings as paramete names are now outlawed.
// The .equals("") is for compatibility with current JVM
// behavior. It may be removed at some point.
if(name == null || name.equals(""))
return "arg" + index;
return name;
- jdk1.8反射包增加了
方法能在运行时得到参数的名称- 如果没有通过
标签:rem 图片 image lin syn 没有 src his 新特性