标签:oge lease The sql lse == php org esc
网络就不用我说了(〃‘▽‘〃) 那么下面我们来安装python吧。
具体安装教学可百度,或参考 教程:https://www.runoob.com/python/python-install.html
环境变量配置方法: “计算机”右键-> “属性”->“高级系统设置”->“环境变量”-> 系统变量中找到“Path”->“编辑”->“新建”-> 将你python安装的路径粘贴进去-> 全部“确认”。
按Win+R 键,输入“cmd”,“确认”。
桌面右键 -> “新建”-> “文本文档” -> 取名为 “抽奖.py”(不要隐藏文件扩展名)
补充 取消隐藏文件扩展名的方法(win10):
1、打开 “计算机”
3、选择 “查看”
4、勾上 “文件扩展名”
感谢 Hack Inn大佬的脚本,下载网址:https://www.hackinn.com/index.php/archives/112/
贴入文件后 “保存” 退出。
按Win+R 键,输入 “cmd”,进入命令提示符,我们默认路径不在桌面,所以需要修改路径。输入“cd Desktop”,来到桌面,输入“chcp 65001”,再输入
“set PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8”。然后输入“python 抽奖.py”运行程序。
然后贴入你的动态页面的网址。进入“b站”-> “动态” -> 找到自己要抽奖的那条动态
-> 复制网址 -> 粘贴到命令行中 -> “回车”即可
“chcp 65001”
然后运行程序 “python 文件名.py”
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ Bilibili动态转发抽奖脚本 V1.1 Auteur:Poc Sir Bilibili:鸟云厂商 Mon site Internet:https://www.hackinn.com Weibo:Poc-Sir Twitter:@rtcatc 更新内容:1.增加了对画册类型动态的支持。 """ import os import urllib2 import json import sqlite3 import random import webbrowser import re import time from urlparse import * def GetMiddleStr(content,startStr,endStr): startIndex = content.index(startStr) if startIndex>=0: startIndex += len(startStr) endIndex = content.index(endStr) return content[startIndex:endIndex] def GetUsers(): global Bilibili_Key GetTotalRepost() Tmp_count = 0 Bilibili_Key = 0 DynamicAPI = "https://api.live.bilibili.com/dynamic_repost/v1/dynamic_repost/view_repost?dynamic_id="+ Dynamic_id + "&offset=" conn = sqlite3.connect(‘Bilibili_TMP.db‘) c = conn.cursor() while Tmp_count<Total_count: Tmp_DynamicAPI = DynamicAPI + str(Tmp_count) try: BiliJson = json.loads(GetMiddleStr(urllib2.urlopen(Tmp_DynamicAPI).read(),"comments\":",",\"total")) for BiliJson_dict in BiliJson: Bilibili_UID = str(BiliJson_dict[‘uid‘]) Bilibili_Uname = BiliJson_dict[‘uname‘] Bilibili_Comment = BiliJson_dict[‘comment‘] Bilibili_Sql = "INSERT or REPLACE into Bilibili (UID,Uname,Comment,ID) VALUES (" + Bilibili_UID + ", ‘" + Bilibili_Uname + "‘, ‘" + Bilibili_Comment + "‘, " + str(Bilibili_Key) + ")" c.execute(Bilibili_Sql) conn.commit() Bilibili_Key = Bilibili_Key + 1 except: break Tmp_count = Tmp_count + 20 else: Tmp_count = 0 conn.close() def GetTotalRepost(): global Total_count global UP_UID DynamicAPI = "https://api.vc.bilibili.com/dynamic_svr/v1/dynamic_svr/get_dynamic_detail?dynamic_id=" + Dynamic_id BiliJson = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(DynamicAPI).read()) Total_count = BiliJson[‘data‘][‘card‘][‘desc‘][‘repost‘] UP_UID = BiliJson[‘data‘][‘card‘][‘desc‘][‘user_profile‘][‘info‘][‘uid‘] def GetLuckyDog(): Bilibili_Doge = random.randint(0,Bilibili_Key) conn = sqlite3.connect(‘Bilibili_TMP.db‘) c = conn.cursor() cursor = c.execute("SELECT UID from Bilibili where ID=" + str(Bilibili_Doge)) res = cursor.fetchall() suc = True if len(res) > 0 : suc = True cursor.close() conn.close() conn2 = sqlite3.connect(‘Bilibili_TMP.db‘) c2 = conn2.cursor() info_cursor = c2.execute("SELECT UID,Uname,Comment from Bilibili where ID=" + str(Bilibili_Doge)) for row in info_cursor: print "user ID:", row[0] print "user name:", row[1], "\n" bilibili_open = raw_input(TellTime() + "Do you want to open a web page to send private messages to the winning users?:(Y/N)"); if bilibili_open == "Y": webbrowser.open("https://message.bilibili.com/#/whisper/mid" + str(row[0])) elif bilibili_open == "y": webbrowser.open("https://message.bilibili.com/#/whisper/mid" + str(row[0])) elif bilibili_open == "Yes": webbrowser.open("https://message.bilibili.com/#/whisper/mid" + str(row[0])) elif bilibili_open == "yes": webbrowser.open("https://message.bilibili.com/#/whisper/mid" + str(row[0])) elif bilibili_open == "是": webbrowser.open("https://message.bilibili.com/#/whisper/mid" + str(row[0])) elif bilibili_open == "是的": webbrowser.open("https://message.bilibili.com/#/whisper/mid" + str(row[0])) conn2.close() else: suc = False cursor.close() conn.close() GetLuckyDog() def DeleteDatabase(): DB_path = os.getcwd() + os.sep + "Bilibili_TMP.db" try: os.remove(DB_path) print TellTime() + "Cleaning up cache..." except: print TellTime() + "Cleaning up cache..." def CreateDatabase(): conn = sqlite3.connect(‘Bilibili_TMP.db‘) c = conn.cursor() c.execute(‘‘‘CREATE TABLE Bilibili (UID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Uname TEXT NOT NULL, Comment TEXT NOT NULL, ID INT NOT NULL);‘‘‘) conn.commit() conn.close() def GetDynamicid(): s = raw_input("Please paste the website you get:") nums = re.findall(r‘\d+‘, s) try: bilibili_domain = urlparse(s)[1] if bilibili_domain == "t.bilibili.com": print TellTime() + "Dynamic for plain text type" return str(nums[0]) elif bilibili_domain == "h.bilibili.com": bilibili_docid = "https://api.vc.bilibili.com/link_draw/v2/doc/dynamic_id?doc_id=" + str(nums[0]) Dynamic_id = GetMiddleStr(urllib2.urlopen(bilibili_docid).read(),"dynamic_id\":\"","\"}}") print TellTime() + "Dynamic for album type" return str(Dynamic_id) except: print TellTime() + "The URL you entered is incorrect!" exit() def TellTime(): localtime = "[" + str(time.strftime(‘%H:%M:%S‘,time.localtime(time.time()))) + "]" return localtime if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: DeleteDatabase() print "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+" print "|PC login Bilibli,in home page,Click on the news again,Enter the dynamic page |" print "|Click the corresponding dynamic content, copy and paste the obtained URL below: |" print "+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n" Dynamic_id = str(GetDynamicid()) TellTime() print TellTime() + "Get dynamic success with ID:" + Dynamic_id print TellTime() + "Getting forwarding data......" CreateDatabase() GetUsers() print TellTime() + "Data acquisition successful!" print TellTime() + "Winning user information:\n" GetLuckyDog() DeleteDatabase()
使用操作是不需要修改编码,直接win+R,运行cmd,然后cd到桌面,运行python文件,粘贴入你的动态页面网址,就可以完成抽奖了。之后可以选择是否私信,很方便。再次感谢Hack Inn大佬提供的源码。
标签:oge lease The sql lse == php org esc