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【2019年8月】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-第23题

时间:2019-11-06 10:27:32      阅读:107      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:理论知识   init   dml   data   oracle   star   认证考试   ddl   serve   

Choose two

Which two statements are true about transactions in the Oracle Database serve?

A) An uncommitted transaction commits automatically if the user exits SQL*Plus

B) Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements always start a new transaction.

C) A user can always see uncomitted updates made by the same user in a dfferert session.

D) A Data Detiniton Language (DDL) statement does a commit automatially only for the data dictionary updates caused by the DDL

E) A session can always see uncomnitted updetes made by itselt.

F) If a session has an uncometted transaction,then a DDL statement issue a COMMIT before starting a new transaction.



【2019年8月】OCP 071认证考试最新版本的考试原题-第23题

标签:理论知识   init   dml   data   oracle   star   认证考试   ddl   serve   


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