标签:app 文件 sha copyfile 文件的 and att sub rbegin
/*判断一个路径是否是已存在的目录*/ bool IsDirectory(const std::wstring& pstrPath) { DWORD dw = GetFileAttributes(pstrPath.c_str()); if (dw == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return false; } return (dw & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0; } /*复制目录及目录中的所有内容*/ bool CopyFolder(const std::wstring& pstrFolder, const std::wstring& pstrDest) { /*检查输入目录是否是合法目录*/ if (!IsDirectory(pstrFolder)) { return false; } if (!IsDirectory(pstrDest)) { CreateDirectoryW(pstrDest.c_str(), NULL); } std::wstring strFind = pstrFolder; if (*strFind.rbegin() != L‘\\‘ && *strFind.rbegin() != L‘/‘) { strFind.append(L"\\"); } strFind.append(L"*.*"); std::wstring strDest = pstrDest; if (*strDest.rbegin() != L‘\\‘ && *strDest.rbegin() != L‘/‘) { strDest.append(L"\\"); } /*打开文件查找,查看源目录中是否存在匹配的文件*/ /*调用FindFile后,必须调用FindNextFile才能获得查找文件的信息*/ WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileW(strFind.c_str(), &wfd); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; } do { std::wstring strSubFolder; std::wstring strDestFolder; if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (wfd.cFileName[0] == L‘.‘) { continue; } else { strSubFolder = strFind.substr(0, strFind.length() - 3) + wfd.cFileName; strDestFolder = strDest + +wfd.cFileName; CopyFolder(strSubFolder, strDestFolder); } } else { strSubFolder = strFind.substr(0, strFind.length() - 3) + wfd.cFileName; strDestFolder = strDest + +wfd.cFileName; CopyFileW(strSubFolder.c_str(), strDestFolder.c_str(), FALSE); } } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &wfd)); /*删除空目录*/ FindClose(hFind); return true; } /*删除目录及目录中的所有内容*/ bool DeleteFolder(const std::wstring& pstrFolder, bool recursive) { /*检查输入目录是否是合法目录*/ if (!IsDirectory(pstrFolder)) { return false; } std::wstring strFind = pstrFolder; if (*strFind.rbegin() != L‘\\‘ && *strFind.rbegin() != L‘/‘) { strFind.append(L"\\"); } strFind.append(L"*.*"); /*打开文件查找,查看源目录中是否存在匹配的文件*/ /*调用FindFile后,必须调用FindNextFile才能获得查找文件的信息*/ WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFileW(strFind.c_str(), &wfd); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; } do { std::wstring strSubFolder; if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (wfd.cFileName[0] == L‘.‘) { continue; } else if (recursive) { strSubFolder = strFind.substr(0, strFind.length() - 3) + wfd.cFileName; DeleteFolder(strSubFolder, recursive); } } else { strSubFolder = strFind.substr(0, strFind.length() - 3) + wfd.cFileName; DeleteFileW(strSubFolder.c_str()); } } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &wfd)); /*删除空目录*/ FindClose(hFind); return RemoveDirectoryW(pstrFolder.c_str()) == TRUE; }
标签:app 文件 sha copyfile 文件的 and att sub rbegin