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React——教程 && 零基础入门

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标签:base   env   ola   square   should   returns   end   focus   from   

Tutorial: Intro to React


This tutorial doesn’t assume any existing React knowledge.


This tutorial is designed for people who prefer to learn by doing. If you prefer learning concepts from the ground up, check out our step-by-step guide. You might find this tutorial and the guide complementary to each other.


The tutorial is divided into several sections:

  • Setup for the Tutorial will give you a starting point to follow the tutorial.
  • Overview will teach you the fundamentals of React: components, props, and state.
  • Completing the Game will teach you the most common techniques in React development.
  • Adding Time Travel will give you a deeper insight into the unique strengths of React.

You don’t have to complete all of the sections at once to get the value out of this tutorial. Try to get as far as you can — even if it’s one or two sections.


What Are We Building?

In this tutorial, we’ll show how to build an interactive tic-tac-toe game with React.

You can see what we’ll be building here: Final Result. If the code doesn’t make sense to you, or if you are unfamiliar with the code’s syntax, don’t worry! The goal of this tutorial is to help you understand React and its syntax.

We recommend that you check out the tic-tac-toe game before continuing with the tutorial. One of the features that you’ll notice is that there is a numbered list to the right of the game’s board. This list gives you a history of all of the moves that have occurred in the game, and is updated as the game progresses.

You can close the tic-tac-toe game once you’re familiar with it. We’ll be starting from a simpler template in this tutorial. Our next step is to set you up so that you can start building the game.



We’ll assume that you have some familiarity with HTML and JavaScript, but you should be able to follow along even if you’re coming from a different programming language. We’ll also assume that you’re familiar with programming concepts like functions, objects, arrays, and to a lesser extent, classes.

If you need to review JavaScript, we recommend reading this guide. Note that we’re also using some features from ES6 — a recent version of JavaScript. In this tutorial, we’re using arrow functionsclasseslet, and const statements. You can use the Babel REPL to check what ES6 code compiles to.



Setup for the Tutorial

There are two ways to complete this tutorial: you can either write the code in your browser, or you can set up a local development environment on your computer.


Setup Option 1: Write Code in the Browser

This is the quickest way to get started!

First, open this Starter Code in a new tab. The new tab should display an empty tic-tac-toe game board and React code. We will be editing the React code in this tutorial.

You can now skip the second setup option, and go to the Overview section to get an overview of React.


Setup Option 2: Local Development Environment

This is completely optional and not required for this tutorial!

 Optional: Instructions for following along locally using your preferred text editor

This setup requires more work but allows you to complete the tutorial using an editor of your choice. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Make sure you have a recent version of Node.js installed.
  2. Follow the installation instructions for Create React App to make a new project.
npx create-react-app my-app
  1. Delete all files in the src/ folder of the new project


Don’t delete the entire src folder, just the original source files inside it. We’ll replace the default source files with examples for this project in the next step.

cd my-app
cd src

# If you‘re using a Mac or Linux:
rm -f *

# Or, if you‘re on Windows:
del *

# Then, switch back to the project folder
cd ..
  1. Add a file named index.css in the src/ folder with this CSS code.

  2. Add a file named index.js in the src/ folder with this JS code.

  3. Add these three lines to the top of index.js in the src/folder:

import React from ‘react‘;
import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom‘;
import ‘./index.css‘;

Now if you run npm start in the project folder and open http://localhost:3000 in the browser, you should see an empty tic-tac-toe field.

We recommend following these instructions to configure syntax highlighting for your editor.



Now that you’re set up, let’s get an overview of React!


What Is React?

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

React has a few different kinds of components, but we’ll start with React.Component subclasses:

class ShoppingList extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="shopping-list">
        <h1>Shopping List for {this.props.name}</h1>

// Example usage: <ShoppingList name="Mark" />


We’ll get to the funny XML-like tags soon. We use components to tell React what we want to see on the screen. When our data changes, React will efficiently update and re-render our components.

Here, ShoppingList is a React component class, or React component type. A component takes in parameters, called props (short for “properties”), and returns a hierarchy of views to display via the render method.

The render method returns a description of what you want to see on the screen. React takes the description and displays the result. In particular, render returns a React element, which is a lightweight description of what to render. Most React developers use a special syntax called “JSX” which makes these structures easier to write. The <div /> syntax is transformed at build time to React.createElement(‘div‘). The example above is equivalent to:

return React.createElement(‘div‘, {className: ‘shopping-list‘},
  React.createElement(‘h1‘, /* ... h1 children ... */),
  React.createElement(‘ul‘, /* ... ul children ... */)


See full expanded version.

If you’re curious, createElement() is described in more detail in the API reference, but we won’t be using it in this tutorial. Instead, we will keep using JSX.

JSX comes with the full power of JavaScript. You can put anyJavaScript expressions within braces inside JSX. Each React element is a JavaScript object that you can store in a variable or pass around in your program.

The ShoppingList component above only renders built-in DOM components like <div /> and <li />. But you can compose and render custom React components too. For example, we can now refer to the whole shopping list by writing <ShoppingList />. Each React component is encapsulated and can operate independently; this allows you to build complex UIs from simple components.

Inspecting the Starter Code

If you’re going to work on the tutorial in your browser, open this code in a new tab: Starter Code. If you’re going to work on the tutorial locally, instead open src/index.js in your project folder (you have already touched this file during the setup).

This Starter Code is the base of what we’re building. We’ve provided the CSS styling so that you only need to focus on learning React and programming the tic-tac-toe game.

By inspecting the code, you’ll notice that we have three React components:

  • Square
  • Board
  • Game

The Square component renders a single <button> and the Board renders 9 squares. The Game component renders a board with placeholder values which we’ll modify later. There are currently no interactive components.


Passing Data Through Props

To get our feet wet, let’s try passing some data from our Board component to our Square component.

We strongly recommend typing code by hand as you’re working through the tutorial and not using copy/paste. This will help you develop muscle memory and a stronger understanding.

In Board’s renderSquare method, change the code to pass a prop called value to the Square:

class Board extends React.Component {
  renderSquare(i) {
    return <Square value={i} />;

Change Square’s render method to show that value by replacing {/* TODO */} with {this.props.value}:

class Square extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <button className="square">

View the full code at this point

Congratulations! You’ve just “passed a prop” from a parent Board component to a child Square component. Passing props is how information flows in React apps, from parents to children.


Making an Interactive Component

Let’s fill the Square component with an “X” when we click it. First, change the button tag that is returned from the Square component’s render() function to this:













React——教程 && 零基础入门

标签:base   env   ola   square   should   returns   end   focus   from   


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