标签:中指明 oat log ssi ora meta generate conf attribute
{ optionName1: optionValue1, optionName2: optionValue2, ... }
: Convert between properties and attributes.type
: Use LitElement’s default attribute converter.attribute
: Configure observed attributes.reflect
: Configure reflected attributes.noAccessor
: Whether to set up a default property accessor.hasChanged
: Specify what constitutes a property change.可以在静态属性getter中或使用TypeScript装饰器指定所有属性声明选项。
通过实现静态 properties
// properties getter static get properties() { return { prop1: { type: String } }; }
// Decorators (requires TypeScript or Babel) export class MyElement extends LitElement { @property( { type : String } ) prop1 = ‘‘;
static get properties() { return { prop1: { type: String }, prop2: { type: Number }, prop3: { type: Boolean } }; }
constructor() { // Always call super() first super(); this.prop1 = ‘Hello World‘; ... }
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { prop1: { type: String }, prop2: { type: Number }, prop3: { type: Boolean }, prop4: { type: Array }, prop5: { type: Object } };} constructor() { super(); this.prop1 = ‘Hello World‘; this.prop2 = 5; this.prop3 = false; this.prop4 = [1,2,3]; this.prop5 = { subprop1: ‘prop 5 subprop1 value‘ } } render() { return html` <p>prop1: ${this.prop1}</p> <p>prop2: ${this.prop2}</p> <p>prop3: ${this.prop3}</p> <p>prop4[0]: ${this.prop4[0]}</p> <p>prop5.subprop1: ${this.prop5.subprop1}</p> `; } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
2.2 用注解声明属性
@property({type : String}) prop1 = ‘Hello World‘;
如果你使用TypeScript,你需要激活 experimentalDecorators 编译选项(例如:在tsconfig.json配置文件中设置"experimentalDecorators": true),不推荐也不必要激活emitDecoratorMetadata选项
import { LitElement, html, customElement, property } from ‘lit-element‘; @customElement(‘my-element‘) export class MyElement extends LitElement { @property({type : String}) prop1 = ‘Hello World‘; @property({type : Number}) prop2 = 5; @property({type : Boolean}) prop3 = true; @property({type : Array}) prop4 = [1,2,3]; @property({type : Object}) prop5 = { subprop1: ‘prop 5 subprop1 value‘ }; render() { return html` <p>prop1: ${this.prop1}</p> <p>prop2: ${this.prop2}</p> <p>prop3: ${this.prop3}</p> <p>prop4[0]: ${this.prop4[0]}</p> <p>prop5.subprop1: ${this.prop5.subprop1}</p> `; } }
import ‘./my-element.ts‘;
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <script src="/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script> <script src="/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-bundle.js"></script> <title>lit-element code sample</title> </head> <body> <my-element></my-element> </body> </html>
static get properties() { return { /* Property declarations */ }; } constructor() { // Always call super() first super(); // Initialize properties this.prop1 = ‘Hello World‘; }
注意:组件实现类的所有构造方法中都必须手动调用父类的构造方法 super()
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { prop1: { type: String }, prop2: { type: Number }, prop3: { type: Boolean }, prop4: { type: Array }, prop5: { type: Object } };} constructor() { super(); this.prop1 = ‘Hello World‘; this.prop2 = 5; this.prop3 = true; this.prop4 = [1,2,3]; this.prop5 = { stuff: ‘hi‘, otherStuff: ‘wow‘ }; } render() { return html` <p>prop1: ${this.prop1}</p> <p>prop2: ${this.prop2}</p> <p>prop3: ${this.prop3}</p> <p>prop4: ${this.prop4.map((item, index) => html`<span>[${index}]:${item} </span>`)} </p> <p>prop5: ${Object.keys(this.prop5).map(item => html`<span>${item}: ${this.prop5[item]} </span>`)} </p> `; } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
@property({ type : String }) prop1 = ‘Hello World‘;
即可以直接在声明的同时初始化,将 static properties getter()方法和 constructor()方法所作的事情合而为一
import { LitElement, html, customElement, property } from ‘lit-element‘; @customElement(‘my-element‘) export class MyElement extends LitElement { // Declare and initialize properties @property({type : String}) prop1 = ‘Hello World‘; @property({type : Number}) prop2 = 5; @property({type : Boolean}) prop3 = true; @property({type : Array}) prop4 = [1,2,3]; @property({type : Object}) prop5 = { subprop1: ‘hi‘, thing: ‘fasdfsf‘ }; render() { return html` <p>prop1: ${this.prop1}</p> <p>prop2: ${this.prop2}</p> <p>prop3: ${this.prop3}</p> <p>prop4: ${this.prop4.map((item, index) => html`<span>[${index}]:${item} </span>`)} </p> <p>prop5: ${Object.keys(this.prop5).map(item => html`<span>${item}: ${this.prop5[item]} </span>`)} </p> `; } }
<my-element mystring="hello world" mynumber="5" mybool myobj=‘{"stuff":"hi"}‘ myarray=‘[1,2,3,4]‘></my-element>
虽然元素 properties 可以是任何类型,但是 attributes 始终是字符串。这会影响非字符串属性的 observed attributes 和 reflected attributes:
要 observe 一个属性(set a property from an attribute),属性值必须由string类型转换为匹配的类型
要 reflect 一个属性(set an attribute from a property),属性值必须被转化为string
在处理 String,Number, Boolean,Array, and Object 属性类型时,LitElement有一个默认的转换规则
要使用默认的转换规则,需要在你的属性声明中指明 type 选项
// Use LitElement‘s default converter prop1: { type: String }, prop2: { type: Number }, prop3: { type: Boolean }, prop4: { type: Array }, prop5: { type: Object }
从 attribute 转换到 property :
从 property 转换到 attribute :
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { prop1: { type: String, reflect: true }, prop2: { type: Number, reflect: true }, prop3: { type: Boolean, reflect: true }, prop4: { type: Array, reflect: true }, prop5: { type: Object, reflect: true } };} constructor() { super(); this.prop1 = ‘‘; this.prop2 = 0; this.prop3 = false; this.prop4 = []; this.prop5 = { }; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) { console.log(‘attribute change: ‘, name, newVal); super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal); } render() { return html` <p>prop1 ${this.prop1}</p> <p>prop2 ${this.prop2}</p> <p>prop3 ${this.prop3}</p> <p>prop4: ${this.prop4.map((item, index) => html`<span>[${index}]:${item} </span>`)} </p> <p>prop5: ${Object.keys(this.prop5).map(item => html`<span>${item}: ${this.prop5[item]} </span>`)} </p> <button @click="${this.changeProperties}">change properties</button> <button @click="${this.changeAttributes}">change attributes</button> `; } changeAttributes() { let randy = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); let myBool = this.getAttribute(‘prop3‘); this.setAttribute(‘prop1‘, randy.toString()); this.setAttribute(‘prop2‘, randy.toString()); this.setAttribute(‘prop3‘, myBool? ‘‘ : null); this.setAttribute(‘prop4‘, JSON.stringify([...this.prop4, randy])); this.setAttribute(‘prop5‘, JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, this.prop5, {[randy]: randy}))); this.requestUpdate(); } changeProperties() { let randy = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); let myBool = this.prop3; this.prop1 = randy.toString(); this.prop2 = randy; this.prop3 = !myBool; this.prop4 = [...this.prop4, randy]; this.prop5 = Object.assign({}, this.prop5, {[randy]: randy}); } updated(changedProperties) { changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { console.log(`${propName} changed. oldValue: ${oldValue}`); }); } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
myProp: { converter: // Custom property converter }
converter可以是一个对象或函数,如果是一个对象,它有2个关键字 fromAttribute
和 toAttribute
prop1: { converter: { fromAttribute: (value, type) => { // `value` is a string // Convert it to a value of type `type` and return it }, toAttribute: (value, type) => { // `value` is of type `type` // Convert it to a string and return it } } }
如果是一个函数,它被用来替代 fromAttribute:
myProp: { converter: (value, type) => { // `value` is a string // Convert it to a value of type `type` and return it } }
如果没有为反射的属性提供toAttribute函数,则该属性将设置为property 值,而无需进行转换。
If toAttribute
returns null
, the attribute is removed.
If toAttribute
returns undefined
, the attribute is not changed.
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { myProp: { reflect: true, converter: { toAttribute(value) { console.log(‘myProp\‘s toAttribute.‘); console.log(‘Processing:‘, value, typeof(value)); let retVal = String(value); console.log(‘Returning:‘, retVal, typeof(retVal)); return retVal; }, fromAttribute(value) { console.log(‘myProp\‘s fromAttribute.‘); console.log(‘Processing:‘, value, typeof(value)); let retVal = Number(value); console.log(‘Returning:‘, retVal, typeof(retVal)); return retVal; } } }, theProp: { reflect: true, converter(value) { console.log(‘theProp\‘s converter.‘); console.log(‘Processing:‘, value, typeof(value)); let retVal = Number(value); console.log(‘Returning:‘, retVal, typeof(retVal)); return retVal; }}, };} constructor() { super(); this.myProp = ‘myProp‘; this.theProp = ‘theProp‘; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldval, newval) { // console.log(‘attribute change: ‘, name, newval); super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldval, newval); } render() { return html` <p>myProp ${this.myProp}</p> <p>theProp ${this.theProp}</p> <button @click="${this.changeProperties}">change properties</button> <button @click="${this.changeAttributes}">change attributes</button> `; } changeAttributes() { let randomString = Math.floor(Math.random()*100).toString(); this.setAttribute(‘myprop‘, ‘myprop ‘ + randomString); this.setAttribute(‘theprop‘, ‘theprop ‘ + randomString); this.requestUpdate(); } changeProperties() { let randomString = Math.floor(Math.random()*100).toString(); this.myProp=‘myProp ‘ + randomString; this.theProp=‘theProp ‘ + randomString; } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
只要 observed attribute 发生更改,就会触发自定义元素API回调 attributeChangedCallback。默认情况下,每当某个属性触发此回调时,LitElement就会使用属性的 fromAttribute函数从该attribute 设置property值。
// observed attribute name is "myprop" myProp: { type: Number }
// Observed attribute will be called my-prop myProp: { attribute: ‘my-prop‘ }
为了防止为从property创建observed attribute,请将attribute设置为false。该property 不会从标记中的attributes 初始化,并且attribute 更改不会对其产生影响。
// No observed attribute for this property myProp: { attribute: false }
配置observed attributes的例子
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { myProp: { attribute: true }, theProp: { attribute: false }, otherProp: { attribute: ‘other-prop‘ }, };} constructor() { super(); this.myProp = ‘myProp‘; this.theProp = ‘theProp‘; this.otherProp = ‘otherProp‘; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldval, newval) { console.log(‘attribute change: ‘, name, newval); super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldval, newval); } render() { return html` <p>myProp ${this.myProp}</p> <p>theProp ${this.theProp}</p> <p>otherProp ${this.otherProp}</p> <button @click="${this.changeAttributes}">change attributes</button> `; } changeAttributes() { let randomString = Math.floor(Math.random()*100).toString(); this.setAttribute(‘myprop‘, ‘myprop ‘ + randomString); this.setAttribute(‘theprop‘, ‘theprop ‘ + randomString); this.setAttribute(‘other-prop‘, ‘other-prop ‘ + randomString); this.requestUpdate(); } updated(changedProperties) { changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => { console.log(`${propName} changed. oldValue: ${oldValue}`); }); } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
您可以配置property ,以便每当property 更改时,其值都会反射到其 observed attribute 中。例如:
// Value of property "myProp" will reflect to attribute "myprop" myProp: { reflect: true }
If toAttribute
returns null
, the attribute is removed.
If toAttribute
returns undefined
, the attribute is not changed.
If toAttribute
itself is undefined, the property value is set to the attribute value without conversion.
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { myProp: { reflect: true } };} constructor() { super(); this.myProp=‘myProp‘; } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldval, newval) { console.log(‘attribute change: ‘, newval); super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldval, newval); } render() { return html` <p>${this.myProp}</p> <button @click="${this.changeProperty}">change property</button> `; } changeProperty() { let randomString = Math.floor(Math.random()*100).toString(); this.myProp=‘myProp ‘ + randomString; } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
// Declare a property static get properties() { return { myProp: { type: String } }; } ... // Later, set the property this.myProp = ‘hi‘; // invokes myProp‘s generated property accessor
也就是Java类常用的自定义属性的get set方法
static get properties() { return { myProp: { type: String } }; } set myProp(value) { const oldValue = this.myProp; // Implement setter logic here... this.requestUpdate(‘myProp‘, oldValue); } get myProp() { ... } ... // Later, set the property this.myProp = ‘hi‘; // Invokes your accessor
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { prop: { type: Number } }; } set prop(val) { let oldVal = this._prop; this._prop = Math.floor(val); this.requestUpdate(‘prop‘, oldVal); } get prop() { return this._prop; } constructor() { super(); this._prop = 0; } render() { return html` <p>prop: ${this.prop}</p> <button @click="${() => { this.prop = Math.random()*10; }}"> change prop </button> `; } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
_myProp: string = ‘‘; @property({ type: String }) public get myProp(): string { return this._myProp; } public set myProp(value: string) { const oldValue = this.myProp; this._myProp = value; this.requestUpdate(‘myProp‘, oldValue); }
为了防止LitElement生成覆盖父类的已定义访问器的属性访问器(防止覆盖父类属性get set 方法),请在属性声明中将noAccessor设置为true:
static get properties() { return { myProp: { type: Number, noAccessor: true } }; }
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; export class SuperElement extends LitElement { static get properties() { return { prop: { type: Number } }; } set prop(val) { let oldVal = this._prop; this._prop = Math.floor(val); this.requestUpdate(‘prop‘, oldVal); } get prop() { return this._prop; } constructor() { super(); this._prop = 0; } render() { return html` <p>prop: ${this.prop}</p> <button @click="${() => { this.prop = Math.random()*10; }}"> change prop </button> `; } } customElements.define(‘super-element‘, SuperElement);
import { SuperElement } from ‘./super-element.js‘; class SubElement extends SuperElement { static get properties() { return { prop: { reflectToAttribute: true, noAccessor: true } }; } } customElements.define(‘sub-element‘, SubElement);
returns true
if newVal !== oldVal
returns false
if both the new and old values are NaN
myProp: { hasChanged(newVal, oldVal) { // compare newVal and oldVal // return `true` if an update should proceed }}
import { LitElement, html } from ‘lit-element‘; class MyElement extends LitElement { static get properties(){ return { myProp: { type: Number, /** * Compare myProp‘s new value with its old value. * * Only consider myProp to have changed if newVal is larger than * oldVal. */ hasChanged(newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal > oldVal) { console.log(`${newVal} > ${oldVal}. hasChanged: true.`); return true; } else { console.log(`${newVal} <= ${oldVal}. hasChanged: false.`); return false; } } }}; } constructor(){ super(); this.myProp = 1; } render(){ return html` <p>${this.myProp}</p> <button @click="${this.getNewVal}">get new value</button> `; } updated(){ console.log(‘updated‘); } getNewVal(){ let newVal = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); this.myProp = newVal; } } customElements.define(‘my-element‘, MyElement);
标签:中指明 oat log ssi ora meta generate conf attribute