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Visionworks OpenVX

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标签:oom   contain   this   obj   switch   point   inux   status   latency   


Visionworks OpenVX


heterogeneous computation framework


OpenVX 1.2源碼解析 — 目錄結構


  1. Intel Computer Vision SDK
  2. AMD OVX : https://github.com/GPUOpen-ProfessionalCompute-Libraries/amdovx-core -->
  3. TI OVX:
  4. Nvidia Vision Works:

以上是有通過conformance test的廠商,另外ARM 也有類似的SDK(compute library)而且初期開發時在架構上也是參考OpenVX。

  1. ARM compute library:

雖然一開始OpenVX是針對電腦視覺運算設計的軟體框架,但由於類神經網路的編程模式(programming model)跟熱門程度讓Khronos OpenVX工作小組也特別訂定了Neural Network Extension使得OpenVX也加入了深度學習的戰場。


NVIDIA VisionWorks toolkit is a software development package for computer vision (CV) and image processing. VisionWorks? implements and extends the Khronos OpenVX standard, and it is optimized for CUDA-capable GPUs and SOCs enabling developers to realize CV applications on a scalable and flexible platform.

VisionWorks includes the following primitives:


  • Absolute Difference
  • Accumulate Image
  • Accumulate Squared
  • Accumulate Weighted
  • Add / Subtract / Multiply +
  • Channel Combine
  • Channel Extract
  • Color Convert +
  • CopyImage
  • Convert Depth
  • Magnitude
  • MultiplyByScalar
  • Not / Or / And / Xor
  • Phase
  • Table Lookup
  • Threshold


  • Median Flow
  • Optical Flow (LK) +
  • Semi-Global Matching
  • Stereo Block Matching
  • IME Create Motion Field
  • IME Refine Motion Field
  • IME Partition Motion Field


  • Affine Warp +
  • Warp Perspective +
  • Flip Image
  • Remap
  • Scale Image +


  • BoxFilter
  • Convolution
  • Dilation Filter
  • Erosion Filter
  • Gaussian Filter
  • Gaussian Pyramid
  • Laplacian3x3
  • Median Filter
  • Scharr3x3
  • Sobel 3x3


  • Canny Edge Detector
  • FAST Corners +
  • FAST Track +
  • Harris Corners +
  • Harris Track
  • Hough Circles
  • Hough Lines


  • Histogram
  • Histogram Equalization
  • Integral Image
  • Mean Std Deviation
  • Min Max Locations

OpenVX for us


  • Support user defined processing
  • Support optimization of duplicate processing
  • Open source framework (if available)

User defined processing

Yes. user node, base it on the Advanced Tiling Extensions (see the Intel‘s Extensions to the OpenVX* API: Advanced Tiling chapter)

Support optimization of duplicate processing


optimization tips

  • Use virtual images whenever possible, as this unlocks many graph compiler optimizations.
  • Whenever possible, prefer standard nodes and/or extensions over user kernel nodes (which serve as memory and execution barriers, hindering performance). This gives the Pipeline Manager much more flexibility to optimize the graph execution.
  • If you still need to implement a user node, base it on the Advanced Tiling Extensions (see the Intel‘s Extensions to the OpenVX* API: Advanced Tiling chapter)
  • If the application has independent graphs, run these graphs in parallel using vxScheduleGraph API call.
  • Provide enough parallel slack to the scheduler- do not break work (for example, images) into too many tiny pieces. Consider kernel fusion.
  • For images, use smallest data type that fits the application accuracy needs (for example, 32->16->8 bits).
  • Consider heterogeneous execution (see the Heterogeneous Computing with OpenVINO? toolkit chapter).
  • You can create an OpenVX image object that references a memory that was externally allocated (vxCreateImageFromHandle). To enable zero-copy with the GPU the externally allocated memory should be aligned. For more details, refer to https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/540453.
  • Beware of the (often prohibitive) vxVerifyGraph latency costs. For example, construct the graph in a way it would not require the verification upon the parameters updates. Notice that unlike Map/Unmap for the input images (see the Map/Unmap for OpenVX* Images section), setting new images with different meta-data (size, type, etc) almost certainly triggers the verification, potentially adding significant overhead.

Open source framework (if available)



Software Requirements

A Windows build environment needs these components:

Get the Software

Your license includes the full version of the product. To access the toolkit:

  1. Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements listed on this page.
  2. Complete the registration form.
  3. Download the product.

Register & Download



  • The code is highly optimized for both x86 CPU and OpenCL for GPU
  • Supported hardware spans the range from low power embedded APUs (like the new G series) to laptop, desktop and workstation graphics
  • Supports Windows, Linux, and OS X
  • Includes a “graph optimizer” that looks at the entire processing pipeline and removes/replaces/merges functions to improve performance and minimize bandwidth at runtime
  • Scripting support allows for rapid prototyping, without re-compiling at production performance levels


  • CPU: SSE4.1 or above CPU, 64-bit.

  • GPU: Radeon Professional Graphics Cards or Vega Family of Products (16GB required for vx_loomsl and vx_nn libraries)

    • Windows: install the latest drivers and OpenCL SDK download
    • Linux: install ROCm
  • OpenCV 3 (optional)


    for RunVX

    • Set OpenCV_DIR environment variable to OpenCV/build folder

Build Instructions

Build this project to generate AMD OpenVX library and RunVX executable.

Build using Visual Studio Professional 2013 on 64-bit Windows 10/8.1/7

  • Install OpenCV 3 with contrib download for RunVX tool to support camera capture and image display (optional)
  • OpenCV_DIR environment variable should point to OpenCV/build folder
  • Use amdovx-core/amdovx.sln to build for x64 platform
  • If AMD GPU (or OpenCL) is not available, set build flag ENABLE_OPENCL=0 in openvx/openvx.vcxproj and runvx/runvx.vcxproj.


Download to C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads

  • C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2
  • C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\opencv

Build SW according to guidelines, especially

  • modify lib to C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\opencv\build\x64\vc12\lib\opencv_world310d.lib


C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2>runvx exa

***** VIDEOINPUT LIBRARY - 0.1995 - TFW07 *****

runvx.exe 0.9.7
OK: using AMD OpenVX 0.9.7
OK: enabled graph scheduling in separate threads
csv,HEADER ,STATUS, COUNT,cur-ms,avg-ms,min-ms,clenqueue-ms,clwait-ms,clwrite-ms
OK: capturing 480x360 image(s) into 480x360 RGB image buffer
csv,OVERALL,  PASS,     1,      ,  8.60,  8.60,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00 (medi
an 8.598)
> total elapsed time:   0.11 sec
Abort: Press any key to exit...



# create input and output images
data input  = image:480,360,RGB2
data output = image:480,360,U008

# specify input source for input image and request for displaying input and output images
read input  examples/images/face1.jpg
view input  inputWindow
view output edgesWindow

# compute luma image channel from input RGB image
data yuv  = image-virtual:0,0,IYUV
data luma = image-virtual:0,0,U008
node org.khronos.openvx.color_convert input yuv
node org.khronos.openvx.channel_extract yuv !CHANNEL_Y luma

# compute edges in luma image using Canny edge detector
data hyst = threshold:RANGE,UINT8:INIT,80,100
data gradient_size = scalar:INT32,3
node org.khronos.openvx.canny_edge_detector luma hyst gradient_size !NORM_L1 output

graph TB input --> |color_convert| yuv yuv --> |channel_extract| luma luma --> |merge| merged hyst --> merged gradient_size --> merged merged --> |canny_edge_detector| output




***** VIDEOINPUT LIBRARY - 0.1995 - TFW07 *****

runvx.exe 0.9.7

  runvx.exe [options] [file] <file.gdf> [argument(s)]
  runvx.exe [options] node <kernelName> [argument(s)]
  runvx.exe [options] shell [argument(s)]

The argument(s) are data objects created using <data-description> syntax.
These arguments can be accessed from inside GDF as $1, $2, etc.

The available command-line options are:
      Show full help.
      Turn on verbose logs.
      Replace ~ in filenames with <directory> in the command-line and
      GDF file. The default value of ‘~‘ is current working directory.
      Run the graph/node for specified frames or until eof or just as live.
      Use live to indicate that input is live until aborted by user.
      Set context affinity to CPU or GPU.
      Print performance profiling information after graph launch.
      use directive VX_DIRECTIVE_AMD_ENABLE_PROFILE_CAPTURE when graph is create
      Continue graph processing even if compare mismatches occur.
      Replace all virtual data types in GDF with non-virtual data types.
      Use of this flag (i.e. for debugging) can make a graph run slower.

dump profile

C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2>runvx -du
mp-profile examples\gdf\canny.gdf

***** VIDEOINPUT LIBRARY - 0.1995 - TFW07 *****

runvx.exe 0.9.7
OK: using AMD OpenVX 0.9.7
OK: enabled graph scheduling in separate threads
csv,HEADER ,STATUS, COUNT,cur-ms,avg-ms,min-ms,clenqueue-ms,clwait-ms,clwrite-ms
OK: capturing 480x360 image(s) into 480x360 RGB image buffer
csv,OVERALL,  PASS,     1,      ,  8.62,  8.62,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00 (medi
an 8.621)
> total elapsed time:   0.07 sec
> graph profile:
     1,  8.621,  8.621,  8.621,  8.621,CPU,GRAPH
     1,  1.196,  1.196,  1.196,  1.196,CPU,com.amd.openvx.ColorConvert_Y_RGB
     1,  4.905,  4.905,  4.905,  4.905,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannySobel_U16_U8_3x3_
     1,  2.305,  2.305,  2.305,  2.305,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannySuppThreshold_U8X
     1,  0.208,  0.208,  0.208,  0.208,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannyEdgeTrace_U8_U8XY

Abort: Press any key to exit...

Test if CSE works


# create input and output images
data input  = image:480,360,RGB2
data output = image:480,360,U008
data output2 = image:480,360,U008

# specify input source for input image and request for displaying input and output images
read input  examples/images/face1.jpg
view input  inputWindow
view output edgesWindow

# compute luma image channel from input RGB image
data yuv  = image-virtual:0,0,IYUV
data yuv2  = image-virtual:0,0,IYUV
data luma = image-virtual:0,0,U008
data luma2 = image-virtual:0,0,U008
node org.khronos.openvx.color_convert input yuv
node org.khronos.openvx.color_convert input yuv2
node org.khronos.openvx.channel_extract yuv !CHANNEL_Y luma
node org.khronos.openvx.channel_extract yuv2 !CHANNEL_Y luma2

# compute edges in luma image using Canny edge detector
data hyst = threshold:RANGE,UINT8:INIT,80,100
data gradient_size = scalar:INT32,3
node org.khronos.openvx.canny_edge_detector luma hyst gradient_size !NORM_L1 output
node org.khronos.openvx.canny_edge_detector luma2 hyst gradient_size !NORM_L1 output2


C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2>runvx -du
mp-profile examples\gdf\canny.gdf

***** VIDEOINPUT LIBRARY - 0.1995 - TFW07 *****

runvx.exe 0.9.7
OK: using AMD OpenVX 0.9.7
OK: enabled graph scheduling in separate threads
csv,HEADER ,STATUS, COUNT,cur-ms,avg-ms,min-ms,clenqueue-ms,clwait-ms,clwrite-ms
OK: capturing 480x360 image(s) into 480x360 RGB image buffer
csv,OVERALL,  PASS,     1,      , 17.13, 17.13,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00,  0.00 (medi
an 17.127)
> total elapsed time:   0.07 sec
> graph profile:
     1, 17.127, 17.127, 17.127, 17.127,CPU,GRAPH
     1,  1.202,  1.202,  1.202,  1.202,CPU,com.amd.openvx.ColorConvert_Y_RGB
     1,  1.192,  1.192,  1.192,  1.192,CPU,com.amd.openvx.ColorConvert_Y_RGB
     1,  4.857,  4.857,  4.857,  4.857,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannySobel_U16_U8_3x3_
     1,  4.838,  4.838,  4.838,  4.838,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannySobel_U16_U8_3x3_
     1,  2.312,  2.312,  2.312,  2.312,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannySuppThreshold_U8X
     1,  2.302,  2.302,  2.302,  2.302,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannySuppThreshold_U8X
     1,  0.209,  0.209,  0.209,  0.209,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannyEdgeTrace_U8_U8XY

     1,  0.207,  0.207,  0.207,  0.207,CPU,com.amd.openvx.CannyEdgeTrace_U8_U8XY

Abort: Press any key to exit...

Q: Why CSE not work?



VX_API_ENTRY vx_graph VX_API_CALL vxCreateGraph(vx_context context);
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL vxVerifyGraph(vx_graph graph);
VX_API_ENTRY vx_status VX_API_CALL vxProcessGraph(vx_graph graph);
VX_API_ENTRY vx_image VX_API_CALL vxCreateVirtualImage(vx_graph graph, vx_uint32 width, vx_uint32 height, vx_df_image color);

VX_API_ENTRY vx_node VX_API_CALL vxColorConvertNode(vx_graph graph, vx_image input, vx_image output);



G-API Intro



GAPI_EXPORTS GMat resize(const GMat& src, const Size& dsize, double fx = 0, double fy = 0, int interpolation = INTER_LINEAR);

class GComputation{
    GComputation(GProtoInputArgs &&ins,
                 GProtoOutputArgs &&outs);             // Arg-to-arg overload
	void apply(GRunArgs &&ins, GRunArgsP &&outs, GCompileArgs &&args = {});


of G-API apply function

GComputation -> GComputation2: apply
GComputation2 -> GCompiler: compile
GCompiler -> Graph: build graph
Graph --> GComputation2: return ade::Graph
GComputation2 -> Graph: exec the graph


Vision grab post processing

Study if OpenVINO or OpenCV supports

  • CSE(common-subexpression elimination)
  • feed partially inputs
Lib CSE partially inputs
OpenVINO x x
OpenCV G-API x x
Intel TBB x v
behavior: the ready nodes are called then exit
Code: C:\jshe\codes\lua\src\tbbtest\test_tbb_behavior.cpp
Tensorflow v


Test if can be called multiples like following

while true
    modify input

ref: http://projects.eees.dei.unibo.it/adrenaline/tutorial-02-execute-openvx-examples/



high level low level
ovx strong typed
eg VX_API_ENTRY vx_node VX_API_CALL vxColorConvertNode(vx_graph graph, vx_image input, vx_image output);
weak typed, eg
OpenVX.dll!agoCreateNode(_vx_graph * graph, int kernel_id)
tbb strong typed
make_edge(tbbflowoutput_port<1>(gpu_slm_split_n), tbbflowinput_port<1>(gpu_slm_mat_mult_n))
tbbflowfunction_node< validation_args_type > mat_validation_n(g, tbbflowunlimited, [](const validation_args_type& result) {
// Get references to matrixes
const tbbflowgfx_buffer& GPU_SLM_MAT = stdget<0>(result);
const tbb
flowgfx_buffer& CPU_SLM_MAT = stdget<1>(result);
const tbbflowgfx_buffer& CPU_NAIVE_MAT = std::get<2>(result);

// Verify results
// Check that slm algorithm produces correct results on CPU:
validate_mat("matrix multiply: ‘SLM‘ CPU vs. CPU", SIZE_Y, SIZE_X, CPU_SLM_MAT.data(), CPU_NAIVE_MAT.data());
// Verify Gen results:
validate_mat("matrix multiply: SLM Gen vs. CPU", SIZE_Y, SIZE_X, GPU_SLM_MAT.data(), CPU_NAIVE_MAT.data());
Not sure
G-API strong typed TODO

// ovx: \vis_bep_12\C\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2\amdovx-core-0.9-beta2 // tbb: C:\Users\aeejshe\Downloads\tbb2017_20170604oss_win\tbb2017_20170604oss

How to register Kernel

Define a enum



OVX_KERNEL_ENTRY( VX_KERNEL_COLOR_CONVERT         , ColorConvert, "color_convert",             AIN_AOUT,             ATYPE_II           , false ), 

the parameters meaning

#define OVX_KERNEL_ENTRY(kernel_id,name,kname,argCfg,argType,validRectReset) 
#define ATYPE_II                               { VX_TYPE_IMAGE, VX_TYPE_IMAGE }

  • AIN_AOUT: 1 in, 1 out
  • ATYPE_II: 2 image types

Implement "DramaDivideNode" operation, it is used to select the best suited for this PC architecture

int agoDramaDivideNode(AgoNodeList * nodeList, AgoNode * anode)
	// save parameter list
	vx_uint32 paramCount = anode->paramCount;
	AgoData * paramList[AGO_MAX_PARAMS]; memcpy(paramList, anode->paramList, sizeof(paramList));
	// divide the node depending on the type
	int status = -1;
	switch (anode->akernel->id)
			status = agoDramaDivideColorConvertNode(nodeList, anode);

the function is called by optimize function

>	OpenVX.dll!agoCreateNode(_vx_graph * graph, int kernel_id) Line 2699	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!agoDramaDivideAppend(AgoNodeList * nodeList, _vx_node * anode, int new_kernel_id, _vx_reference * * paramList, unsigned int paramCount) Line 37	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!agoDramaDivideAppend(AgoNodeList * nodeList, _vx_node * anode, int new_kernel_id) Line 56	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!agoDramaDivideColorConvertNode(AgoNodeList * nodeList, _vx_node * anode) Line 244	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!agoDramaDivideNode(AgoNodeList * nodeList, _vx_node * anode) Line 1818	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!agoOptimizeDramaDivide(_vx_graph * agraph) Line 1962	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!agoOptimizeDrama(_vx_graph * agraph) Line 522	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!agoOptimizeGraph(_vx_graph * agraph) Line 209	C++
 	OpenVX.dll!vxVerifyGraph(_vx_graph * graph) Line 2450	C++
 	runvx.exe!CVxEngine::ProcessGraph(std::vector<char const *,std::allocator<char const *> > * graphNameList, unsigned __int64 beginIndex) Line 285	C++

How to schedule graph?

What optimization is done in optimize()?

Choose the best

Visionworks OpenVX

标签:oom   contain   this   obj   switch   point   inux   status   latency   


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