标签:标准输出 cti main expect action 产生 spawn 操作 eof
expect脚本 1. expect简介 expect是一个用来处理交互的命令。借助Expect,我们可以将交互过程写在一个脚本上,使之自动化完成。 expect(自动应答) 基于TCL(Tool Command Language)语言演变而来 expect中最关键的四个命令是: send:用于向进程发送字符串 expect:从进程接收字符串 spawn:启动新的进程 interact:允许用户交互 2. 安装expect # yum install expect -y 查看expect信息 [root@web1 sed]# rpm -qi expect Name : expect Relocations: (not relocatable) Version : Vendor: CentOS Release : 5.el6_4 Build Date: Mon 04 Nov 2013 05:05:44 PM CST Install Date: Sun 21 Aug 2016 11:48:49 PM CST Build Host: c6b9.bsys.dev.centos.org Group : Development/Languages Source RPM: expect- Size : 566637 License: Public Domain Signature : RSA/SHA1, Mon 04 Nov 2013 07:53:54 PM CST, Key ID 0946fca2c105b9de Packager : CentOS BuildSystem <http://bugs.centos.org> URL : http://expect.nist.gov/ Summary : A program-script interaction and testing utility Description : Expect is a tcl application for automating and testing interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, etc. Expect makes it easy for a script to control another program and interact with it. This package contains expect and some scripts that use it. 任何有交互性的操作,都可以用expect来做 3. expect使用详解 #!/bin/bash expect <<EOF > /dev/null 2>&1 --/dev/null 代表把标准输出重定向输出到空洞,2>&1代表把出错输出也定向到标准输出。 spawn passwd $1 --产生passwd $1这个命令 expect "password:" --当停在rd:结尾这个标识符时 send "456\r" --我就把456传给它 expect "password:" --当再次停在rd:结尾这个标识符时 send "456\r" --我就再次把456传给它 expect eof --表示expect结束 EOF # sh 1.expect test --执行方法,因为脚本里写的是$1,所以后面接你要修改密码的用户名 远程ssh #!/bin/bash sed -i ‘/^‘$1‘/d‘ /root/.ssh/known_hosts expect << EOF > /dev/null 2>&1 spawn ssh $1 expect "no)?" send "yes\r" expect "password:" send "123456\r" expect "]#" send "mkdir /root/Desktop/aa\r" send "touch /root/Desktop/aa/$1\n" send "exit\n" expect eof EOF 假设管理的机器有N台,密码也各不相同(没有ssh等效性),现在需要在每个机器上都创建一个文件 # cat ip_user_passwd.txt --这个文件里包含你所有管理机器的IP,用户及其对应的密码 root oracle root 1234 user1 123456 root 54321 ...... # cat 6.expect #!/bin/bash cat ip_user_passwd.txt |while read ip user password do sed -i ‘/^‘$ip‘/d‘ /root/.ssh/known_hosts expect <<EOF &> /dev/null spawn ssh $ip -l $user expect ")?" send "yes\r" expect "rd:" send "$password\n" expect "]#" send "touch /tmp/123\n" --这里可以修改你每次要在这些机器上做的命令 send "exit\n" expect eof EOF done
标签:标准输出 cti main expect action 产生 spawn 操作 eof