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MobaXterm Keygen

时间:2019-12-19 09:51:52      阅读:531      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:return   known   customize   oba   count   license   spl   little   term   

MobaXterm Keygen

How it work?

It uses python 3 to generate a fake license.

How to use?

    MobaXterm-Keygen.py <UserName> <Version>

    <UserName>:      The Name licensed to
    <Version>:       The Version of MobaXterm
                     Example:    10.9


PS C:\Users\DoubleSine\Github\MobaXterm-Keygen> .\MobaXterm-Keygen.py "DoubleSine" 10.9
[*] Success!
[*] File generated: C:\Users\DoubleSine\Github\MobaXterm-Keygen\Custom.mxtpro
[*] Please move or copy the newly-generated file to MobaXterm's installation path.

Then copy Custom.mxtpro to C:\Program Files (x86)\Mobatek\MobaXterm.


  1. This application does not have complex activation algorithm and it is truly fantastic. So please pay for it if possible.

  2. The file generated, Custom.mxtpro, is actually a zip file and contains a text file, Pro.key, where there is a key string.

  3. MobaXterm.exe has another mode. You can see it by adding a parameter "-customizer".

    $ .\MobaXterm.exe -customizer

    I don‘t know how to make custom settings take effect in Customizer mode directly.

    The only way I found is that you should export custom settings to a file named MobaXterm customization.custom which is also a zip file. Then merge two zip file: Custom.mxtpro and MobaXterm customization.custom to Custom.mxtpro. Finally copy newly-generated Custom.mxtpro to MobaXterm‘s installation path.

Create the mobaxterm-keygen.py file with the following code:

#/usr/bin/env python3
Author: Double Sine
License: GPLv3
import os, sys, zipfile

VariantBase64Table = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='
VariantBase64Dict = { i : VariantBase64Table[i] for i in range(len(VariantBase64Table)) }
VariantBase64ReverseDict = { VariantBase64Table[i] : i for i in range(len(VariantBase64Table)) }

def VariantBase64Encode(bs : bytes):
    result = b''
    blocks_count, left_bytes = divmod(len(bs), 3)

    for i in range(blocks_count):
        coding_int = int.from_bytes(bs[3 * i:3 * i + 3], 'little')
        block = VariantBase64Dict[coding_int & 0x3f]
        block += VariantBase64Dict[(coding_int >> 6) & 0x3f]
        block += VariantBase64Dict[(coding_int >> 12) & 0x3f]
        block += VariantBase64Dict[(coding_int >> 18) & 0x3f]
        result += block.encode()

    if left_bytes == 0:
        return result
    elif left_bytes == 1:
        coding_int = int.from_bytes(bs[3 * blocks_count:], 'little')
        block = VariantBase64Dict[coding_int & 0x3f]
        block += VariantBase64Dict[(coding_int >> 6) & 0x3f]
        result += block.encode()
        return result
        coding_int = int.from_bytes(bs[3 * blocks_count:], 'little')
        block = VariantBase64Dict[coding_int & 0x3f]
        block += VariantBase64Dict[(coding_int >> 6) & 0x3f]
        block += VariantBase64Dict[(coding_int >> 12) & 0x3f]
        result += block.encode()
        return result

def VariantBase64Decode(s : str):
    result = b''
    blocks_count, left_bytes = divmod(len(s), 4)

    for i in range(blocks_count):
        block = VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * i]]
        block += VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * i + 1]] << 6
        block += VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * i + 2]] << 12
        block += VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * i + 3]] << 18
        result += block.to_bytes(3, 'little')

    if left_bytes == 0:
        return result
    elif left_bytes == 2:
        block = VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * blocks_count]]
        block += VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * blocks_count + 1]] << 6
        result += block.to_bytes(1, 'little')
        return result
    elif left_bytes == 3:
        block = VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * blocks_count]]
        block += VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * blocks_count + 1]] << 6
        block += VariantBase64ReverseDict[s[4 * blocks_count + 2]] << 12
        result += block.to_bytes(2, 'little')
        return result
        raise ValueError('Invalid encoding.')

def EncryptBytes(key : int, bs : bytes):
    result = bytearray()
    for i in range(len(bs)):
        result.append(bs[i] ^ ((key >> 8) & 0xff))
        key = result[-1] & key | 0x482D
    return bytes(result)

def DecryptBytes(key : int, bs : bytes):
    result = bytearray()
    for i in range(len(bs)):
        result.append(bs[i] ^ ((key >> 8) & 0xff))
        key = bs[i] & key | 0x482D
    return bytes(result)

class LicenseType:
    Professional = 1
    Educational = 3
    Persional = 4

def GenerateLicense(Type : LicenseType, Count : int, UserName : str, MajorVersion : int, MinorVersion):
    assert(Count >= 0)
    LicenseString = '%d#%s|%d%d#%d#%d3%d6%d#%d#%d#%d#' % (Type, 
                                                          UserName, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, 
                                                          MajorVersion, MinorVersion, MinorVersion,
                                                          0,    # Unknown
                                                          0,    # No Games flag. 0 means "NoGames = false". But it does not work.
                                                          0)    # No Plugins flag. 0 means "NoPlugins = false". But it does not work.
    EncodedLicenseString = VariantBase64Encode(EncryptBytes(0x787, LicenseString.encode())).decode()
    with zipfile.ZipFile('Custom.mxtpro', 'w') as f:
        f.writestr('Pro.key', data = EncodedLicenseString)

def help():
    print('    MobaXterm-Keygen.py <UserName> <Version>')
    print('    <UserName>:      The Name licensed to')
    print('    <Version>:       The Version of MobaXterm')
    print('                     Example:    10.9')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        MajorVersion, MinorVersion = sys.argv[2].split('.')[0:2]
        MajorVersion = int(MajorVersion)
        MinorVersion = int(MinorVersion)
        print('[*] Success!')
        print('[*] File generated: %s' % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Custom.mxtpro'))
        print('[*] Please move or copy the newly-generated file to MobaXterm\'s installation path.')
    print('[*] ERROR: Please run this script directly')

MobaXterm Keygen

标签:return   known   customize   oba   count   license   spl   little   term   


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