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The Main Technical Parameter of Rotor for Impact Crusher

时间:2019-12-19 14:40:22      阅读:84      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:his   ota   load   center   abi   href   pen   roc   param   

Rotor is one of the main crushing parts for impact crusher, the kinetic energy is obtained from high-speed rotation of rotor, and the materials enter into the crushing chamber, high speed impacted by impact plate and rotor, then meet the crushing requirements of particle size. Thus, the effect of the rotor is considerable, and its main parameters affect the crushing ability of the rotor. So, this paper will introduce the main parameters of rotor for impact crusher, as follows:


1. The speed of rotor: the speed of the rotor (linear velocity of flat hammer endpoint) is the main working parameters of impact crusher. It is a great influence for flat hammer to crushing rate, production capacity, discharge granularity and worn. Generally speaking, the speed is higher, discharge granularity is smaller and the crushing ratio increases, but flat hammer and impact plate wear relative increasing. Therefore, the linear velocity of flat hammer endpoint should not be too high, and getting the low value is advisable under the condition of meeting the requirements of product size.

2. The diameter of the rotor: the value of feeding size and rotor diameter influences the performance of impact crusher is mainly reflected in the crushing ratio, processing capacity and power consumption, etc. The value is smaller, the crushing ratio is bigger, and the processing capacity and power are also higher, the motor load is relatively even, then the corresponding mechanical efficiency is higher; whereas the opposite.

3. The length of the rotor: the length of rotor should be decided according to the capacity. The current statistics said, selecting the suspension position will directly affect the processing capacity of equipment, the angle of hanging position is smaller, the number of impact crushing of ore block in the hammer area increases, then the larger crushing ratio can be obtained.

The Main Technical Parameter of Rotor for Impact Crusher

标签:his   ota   load   center   abi   href   pen   roc   param   


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