标签:define tac rsa speed column top elephant term city
You can type less code, saving effort and making your analyses more readable.
You can reuse your code from project to project.
> args(rank)
function (x, na.last = TRUE, ties.method = c("average", "first",
"last", "random", "max", "min"))
# Update the function so heads have probability p_head
toss_coin <- function(n_flips,p_head) {
coin_sides <- c("head", "tail")
# Define a vector of weights
weights <- c(p_head,1-p_head)
# Modify the sampling to be weighted
sample(coin_sides, n_flips, replace = TRUE,prob=weights)
# Generate 10 coin tosses
cut_by_quantile <- function(x, n=5, na.rm, labels, interval_type) {
probs <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n + 1)
qtiles <- quantile(x, probs, na.rm = na.rm, names = FALSE)
right <- switch(interval_type, "(lo, hi]" = TRUE, "[lo, hi)" = FALSE)
cut(x, qtiles, labels = labels, right = right, include.lowest = TRUE)
# Remove the n argument from the call
na.rm = FALSE,
labels = c("very low", "low", "medium", "high", "very high"),
interval_type = "(lo, hi]"
# Set the categories for interval_type to "(lo, hi]" and "[lo, hi)"
cut_by_quantile <- function(x, n = 5, na.rm = FALSE, labels = NULL,
interval_type = c("(lo, hi]", "[lo, hi)")) {
# Match the interval_type argument
interval_type <- match.arg(interval_type)
probs <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n + 1)
qtiles <- quantile(x, probs, na.rm = na.rm, names = FALSE)
right <- switch(interval_type, "(lo, hi]" = TRUE, "[lo, hi)" = FALSE)
cut(x, qtiles, labels = labels, right = right, include.lowest = TRUE)
# Remove the interval_type argument from the call
# From previous steps
get_reciprocal <- function(x) {
1 / x
calc_harmonic_mean <- function(x) {
x %>%
get_reciprocal() %>%
mean() %>%
std_and_poor500 %>%
# Group by sector
group_by(sector) %>%
# Summarize, calculating harmonic mean of P/E ratio
summarize(hmean_pe_ratio = calc_harmonic_mean(pe_ratio))
calc_harmonic_mean <- function(x, ...) {
x %>%
get_reciprocal() %>%
mean(...) %>%
> std_and_poor500 %>%
# Group by sector
group_by(sector) %>%
# Summarize, calculating harmonic mean of P/E ratio
summarize(hmean_pe_ratio = calc_harmonic_mean(pe_ratio,na.rm=TRUE))
# A tibble: 11 x 2
sector hmean_pe_ratio
<chr> <dbl>
1 Communication Services 17.5
2 Consumer Discretionary 15.2
3 Consumer Staples 19.8
4 Energy 13.7
5 Financials 12.9
6 Health Care 26.6
7 Industrials 18.2
8 Information Technology 21.6
9 Materials 16.3
10 Real Estate 32.5
11 Utilities 23.9
You can use the assert_*() functions from assertive to check inputs and throw errors when they fail.
calc_harmonic_mean <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
# Assert that x is numeric
x %>%
get_reciprocal() %>%
mean(na.rm = na.rm) %>%
calc_harmonic_mean <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
# Check if any values of x are non-positive
if(any(is_non_positive(x), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# Throw an error
stop("x contains non-positive values, so the harmonic mean makes no sense.")
x %>%
get_reciprocal() %>%
mean(na.rm = na.rm) %>%
# See what happens when you pass it negative numbers
calc_harmonic_mean(std_and_poor500$pe_ratio - 20)
Sometimes, you don‘t need to run through the whole body of a function to get the answer. In that case you can return early from that function using return().
To check if x is divisible by n, you can use is_divisible_by(x, n) from assertive.
Alternatively, use the modulo operator, %%. x %% n gives the remainder when dividing x by n, so x %% n == 0 determines whether x is divisible by n. Try 1:10 %% 3 == 0 in the console.
To solve this exercise, you need to know that a leap year is every 400th year (like the year 2000) or every 4th year that isn‘t a century (like 1904 but not 1900 or 1905).
is_leap_year <- function(year) {
# If year is div. by 400 return TRUE
if(is_divisible_by(year, 400)) {
# If year is div. by 100 return FALSE
if(is_divisible_by(year, 100)) {
# If year is div. by 4 return TRUE
if(is_divisible_by(year, 4)) {
# Otherwise return FALSE
# Define a pipeable plot fn with data and formula args
pipeable_plot <- function(data, formula) {
# Call plot() with the formula interface
plot(formula, data)
# Invisibly return the input dataset
# Draw the scatter plot of dist vs. speed again
plt_dist_vs_speed <- cars %>%
pipeable_plot(dist ~ speed)
# Now the plot object has a value
Given an R statistical model or other non-tidy object, add columns to the original dataset such as predictions, residuals and cluster assignments.
> # Use broom tools to get a list of 3 data frames
> list(
# Get model-level values
model = glance(model),
# Get coefficient-level values
coefficients = tidy(model),
# Get observation-level values
observations = augment(model)
# A tibble: 1 x 7
null.deviance df.null logLik AIC BIC deviance df.residual
<dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 18850. 345 -6425. 12864. 12891. 11529. 339
# A tibble: 7 x 5
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 (Intercept) 4.09 0.0279 146. 0.
2 genderfemale 0.374 0.0212 17.6 2.18e- 69
3 income($25k,$55k] -0.0199 0.0267 -0.746 4.56e- 1
4 income($55k,$95k] -0.581 0.0343 -16.9 3.28e- 64
5 income($95k,$Inf) -0.578 0.0310 -18.7 6.88e- 78
6 travel(0.25h,4h] -0.627 0.0217 -28.8 5.40e-183
7 travel(4h,Infh) -2.42 0.0492 -49.3 0.
# A tibble: 346 x 12
.rownames n_visits gender income travel .fitted .se.fit .resid .hat
<chr> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 25 2 female ($95k~ (4h,I~ 1.46 0.0502 -1.24 0.0109
2 26 1 female ($95k~ (4h,I~ 1.46 0.0502 -1.92 0.0109
3 27 1 male ($95k~ (0.25~ 2.88 0.0269 -5.28 0.0129
4 29 1 male ($95k~ (4h,I~ 1.09 0.0490 -1.32 0.00711
5 30 1 female ($55k~ (4h,I~ 1.46 0.0531 -1.92 0.0121
6 31 1 male [$0,$~ [0h,0~ 4.09 0.0279 -10.4 0.0465
7 33 80 female [$0,$~ [0h,0~ 4.46 0.0235 -0.710 0.0479
8 34 104 female ($95k~ [0h,0~ 3.88 0.0261 6.90 0.0332
9 35 55 male ($25k~ (0.25~ 3.44 0.0222 3.85 0.0153
10 36 350 female ($25k~ [0h,0~ 4.44 0.0206 21.5 0.0360
# ... with 336 more rows, and 3 more variables: .sigma <dbl>, .cooksd <dbl>,
# .std.resid <dbl>
Magnificent multi-assignment! Returning many values is as easy as collecting them into a list. The groomed model has data frames that are easy to program against.
# From previous step
groom_model <- function(model) {
model = glance(model),
coefficients = tidy(model),
observations = augment(model)
# Call groom_model on model, assigning to 3 variables
c(mdl, cff, obs) %<-% groom_model(model)
# See these individual variables
mdl; cff; obs
> # From previous step
> rsa_lst <- list(
capitals = capitals,
national_parks = national_parks,
population = population
> # Convert the list to an environment
> rsa_env <- list2env(rsa_lst )
> # List the structure of each variable
> ls.str(rsa_env)
capitals : Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 2 variables:
$ city : chr "Cape Town" "Bloemfontein" "Pretoria"
$ type_of_capital: chr "Legislative" "Judicial" "Administrative"
national_parks : chr [1:22] "Addo Elephant National Park" "Agulhas National Park" ...
population : Time-Series [1:5] from 1996 to 2016: 40583573 44819778 47390900 51770560 55908900
> # From previous steps
> rsa_lst <- list(
capitals = capitals,
national_parks = national_parks,
population = population
> rsa_env <- list2env(rsa_lst)
> # Find the parent environment of rsa_env
> parent <- parent.env(rsa_env)
> # Print its name
> environmentName(parent )
[1] "R_GlobalEnv"
查看是否定义了一个变量exists packages
> # Does population exist in rsa_env?
> exists("population", envir = rsa_env)
[1] TRUE
> # Does population exist in rsa_env, ignoring inheritance?
> exists("population", envir = rsa_env,inherits=FALSE)
# Write a function to convert sq. meters to hectares
sq_meters_to_hectares <- function(sq_meters) {
sq_meters / 10000
# Write a function to convert acres to sq. yards
acres_to_sq_yards <- function(acres) {
4840 * acres
# Write a function to convert acres to sq. yards
acres_to_sq_yards <- function(acres) {
4840 * acres
# Write a function to convert sq. yards to sq. meters
sq_yards_to_sq_meters <- function(sq_yards) {
sq_yards %>%
# Take the square root
sqrt() %>%
# Convert yards to meters
yards_to_meters() %>%
# Square it
# Load fns defined in previous steps
# Write a function to convert bushels to kg
bushels_to_kgs <- function(bushels, crop) {
bushels %>%
# Convert bushels to lbs for this crop
bushels_to_lbs(crop) %>%
# Convert lbs to kgs
# Wrap this code into a function
fortify_with_metric_units <- function(data, crop) {
data %>%
farmed_area_ha = acres_to_hectares(farmed_area_acres),
yield_kg_per_ha = bushels_per_acre_to_kgs_per_hectare(
crop = crop
# Try it on the wheat dataset
fortify_with_metric_units(wheat, crop = "wheat")
# Using corn, plot yield (kg/ha) vs. year
> ggplot(corn, aes(year, yield_kg_per_ha)) +
# Add a line layer, grouped by state
geom_line(aes(group = state)) +
# Add a smooth trend layer
# Wrap this code into a function
data %>%
inner_join(usa_census_regions, by = "state")
# Try it on the wheat dataset
# Wrap this code into a function
plot_yield_vs_year(data) +
# Try it on the wheat dataset
# Wrap the model code into a function
gam(yield_kg_per_ha ~ s(year) + census_region, data = corn)
# Try it on the wheat dataset
# Make predictions in 2050
predict_this <- data.frame(
year = 2050,
census_region = census_regions
# Predict the yield
pred_yield_kg_per_ha <- predict(corn_model, predict_this, type = "response")
predict_this %>%
# Add the prediction as a column of predict_this
mutate(pred_yield_kg_per_ha = pred_yield_kg_per_ha)
Introduction to Writing Functions in R
标签:define tac rsa speed column top elephant term city