In case you wonder why GNU ARM Eclipse decided to provide support to SEGGER J-Link, the short answer is: because of J-Link EDU and of SWO. The long answer may include the following:
The J-Link was present on the JTAG market for many years, but, considering the initial prices, only the big companies could afford them. After a fierce fight against Chinese clones, sold for a fraction of the price, in 2012 SEGGER decided to introduce a low price version, J-Link EDU, restricted to educational and non-commercial usage, making it the JTAG probe of choice for open source GNU ARM development.
J-Link comes not only with a GDB server, but with a complete set of drivers and utilities, packed by SEGGER separately for each platform. The same distribution includes drivers for all J-Link probes, so installation is quite simple. The J-Link binaries are available from the SEGGER site. Download the file appropriate for your development platform. Please note that you need to have the J-Link serial number at hand, since the download site will ask for it. You can still download the J-Link software if you do not have the serial number, but you have to pass a multiple step confirmations sequence stating that you are not using illegal clones.
The J-Link GDB server is documented in the UM08001 manual, available from the SEGGER J-Link page.
The Windows file is a ZIP archive, named like After unpacking it, a Windows executable file is obtained, named like Setup_JLinkARM_V480.exe.
The result of the install is a folder (a new folder for each new version installed), and a set of driver files installed in the system folders, overwritten with each new install.
Please note that on Windows, SEGGER provides both graphical interface and command line versions (having the names suffixed with CL) for most of their tools. For the J-Link plug-in it is recommended to use only the command line version of the J-Link GDB server (JLinkGDBServerCL.exe).
The OS X download is an OS X package installer, like JLink_MacOSX_V480.pkg.
The result of the install is a folder called /Applications/SEGGER/JLink/ (the same folder for all versions) where all executables and libraries are stored; please note that, as for many OS X applications, no other driver files are installed in the system folders.
On OS X, the USB subsystem automatically identifies and allows access to USB devices, without the need to maintain a manual list similar to the one used by UDEV in GNU/Linux. No other drivers or system configurations are required.
There are multiple packages available for GNU/Linux on the SEGGER download site, built as Debian/Red Hat packages, in 32/64-bit versions, or plain TGZ archives. Select the one appropriate for you system and use the specific tools to install the package. For example, on Ubuntu, to install the 64-bit .deb file, use the following command:
sudo dpkg -i jlink_4.80_x86_64.deb
The J-Link executables are installed in /usr/bin.
The install procedure automatically adds /etc/udev/rules.d/99-jlink.rules to define the USB IDs of the J-Link devices. No other drivers are required.
To test if J-Link is able to connect to a specific board, you generally need to specify the interface (JTAG or SWD) and the device name. By default, J-Link GDBServer will try JTAG but if only SWD is wired (which is very common on custom hardware), you would need to specify the interface (-if SWD). The device name is needed for targets which require special handling on connect (e.g. due to silicon bugs which make auto-detection impossible). For a list of available device names, please refer to the SEGGER Supported devices page. Below is an example how to test a JTAG connection to a STM32F103 evaluation board (-device STM32F103RB) on OS X.
$ /Applications/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServer -if JTAG -device STM32F103RB SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.80 Command Line Version JLinkARM.dll V4.80 (DLL compiled Dec 20 2013 19:44:31) -----GDB Server start settings----- GDBInit file: none GDB Server Listening port: 2331 SWO raw output listening port: 2332 Terminal I/O port: 2333 Accept remote connection: yes Generate logfile: on Verify download: on Init regs on start: on Silent mode: off Single run mode: off ------J-Link related settings------ J-Link script: none Target interface: JTAG Host interface: USB Target endian: little Target interface speed: 0kHz Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Nov 25 2013 19:20:08 Hardware: V8.00 S/N: XXXXXXXXX OEM: SEGGER-EDU Feature(s): FlashBP, GDB Checking target voltage... Listening on TCP/IP port 2331 Connecting to target... J-Link found 2 JTAG devices, Total IRLen = 9 JTAG ID: 0x3BA00477 (Cortex-M3) Connected to target Waiting for GDB connection... ^C
On Windows, to start the GDB server, use back-slashes in the path and the CL (command line) version:
C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLinkARM_V480\JLinkGDBServerCL
On Ubuntu the command is simple:
In all cases, the result should be similar to the one obtained on OS X.
If you successfully installed SEGGER binaries, you can proceed to the page documenting how to use the GNU ARM Eclipse J-Link hardware debugging plug-in.
SEGGER J-Link install,布布扣,