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Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) Functions

时间:2019-12-22 14:56:02      阅读:90      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:into   sdk   gen   multi   soft   rac   access   inter   data   


Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) (Glossary): An address space exposed to both the host and the devices within a context. SVM causes addresses to be meaningful between the host and all of the devices within a context and therefore supports the use of pointer based data structures in OpenCL kernels. It logically extends a portion of the global memory into the host address space therefore giving work-items access to the host address space. There are three types of SVM in OpenCL Coarse-Grained buffer SVM: Sharing occurs at the granularity of regions of OpenCL buffer memory objects. Fine-Grained buffer SVM: Sharing occurs at the granularity of individual loads/stores into bytes within OpenCL buffer memory objects. Fine-Grained system SVM: Sharing occurs at the granularity of individual loads/stores into bytes occurring anywhere within the host memory.

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Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) Functions

标签:into   sdk   gen   multi   soft   rac   access   inter   data   


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