Spark on K8S源码解析
time: 2019-12-19
Spark on k8s源码解析
本文基于spark-3.0.0 preview源码,来分析spark作业基于K8S的提交过程.
spark on k8s的代码位置位于:

- $ tree kubernetes -L 1
- kubernetes
- ├── core
- ├── docker
- └── integration-tests
- $ tree core/src/main/scala -L 7
- core/src/main/scala
- └── org
- └── apache
- └── spark
- ├── deploy
- │ └── k8s
- │ ├── Config.scala
- │ ├── Constants.scala
- │ ├── features
- │ │ ├── BasicDriverFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── BasicExecutorFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── DriverCommandFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── DriverKubernetesCredentialsFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── DriverServiceFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── EnvSecretsFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── ExecutorKubernetesCredentialsFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── HadoopConfDriverFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── KerberosConfDriverFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── KubernetesFeatureConfigStep.scala
- │ │ ├── LocalDirsFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── MountSecretsFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ ├── MountVolumesFeatureStep.scala
- │ │ └── PodTemplateConfigMapStep.scala
- │ ├── KubernetesConf.scala
- │ ├── KubernetesDriverSpec.scala
- │ ├── KubernetesUtils.scala
- │ ├── KubernetesVolumeSpec.scala
- │ ├── KubernetesVolumeUtils.scala
- │ ├── SparkKubernetesClientFactory.scala
- │ ├── SparkPod.scala
- │ └── submit
- │ ├── K8sSubmitOps.scala
- │ ├── KubernetesClientApplication.scala
- │ ├── KubernetesDriverBuilder.scala
- │ ├── LoggingPodStatusWatcher.scala
- │ └── MainAppResource.scala
- └── scheduler
- └── cluster
- └── k8s
- ├── ExecutorPodsAllocator.scala
- ├── ExecutorPodsLifecycleManager.scala
- ├── ExecutorPodsPollingSnapshotSource.scala
- ├── ExecutorPodsSnapshot.scala
- ├── ExecutorPodsSnapshotsStoreImpl.scala
- ├── ExecutorPodsSnapshotsStore.scala
- ├── ExecutorPodStates.scala
- ├── ExecutorPodsWatchSnapshotSource.scala
- ├── KubernetesClusterManager.scala
- ├── KubernetesClusterSchedulerBackend.scala
- └── KubernetesExecutorBuilder.scala
- 10 directories, 39 files
- $ tree kubernetes/docker/src/main -L 5
- kubernetes/docker/src/main
- └── dockerfiles
- └── spark
- ├── bindings
- │ ├── python
- │ │ └── Dockerfile
- │ └── R
- │ └── Dockerfile
- ├── Dockerfile
- └──
- 5 directories, 4 files
1. Spark Submit
- $ ./bin/spark-submit \
- --master k8s://https://<k8s-apiserver-host>:<k8s-apiserver-port> \
- --deploy-mode cluster \
- --name spark-pi \
- --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
- --conf spark.executor.instances=5 \
- --conf spark.kubernetes.container.image=<spark-image> \
- local:///path/to/examples.jar
- if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
- source "$(dirname "$0")"/find-spark-home
- fi
- # disable randomized hash for string in Python 3.3+
- # 源码批注: 这里将spark-submit中的所有入参都传递给spark-class
- exec "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-class org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit "$@"
- java -Xmx128m *** -cp *** com.demo.Main ***.jar
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- #
- # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- #
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- #
- if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
- source "$(dirname "$0")"/find-spark-home
- fi
- . "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/
- # Find the java binary
- if [ -n "${JAVA_HOME}" ]; then
- RUNNER="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"
- else
- if [ "$(command -v java)" ]; then
- RUNNER="java"
- else
- echo "JAVA_HOME is not set" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- # Find Spark jars.
- if [ -d "${SPARK_HOME}/jars" ]; then
- else
- SPARK_JARS_DIR="${SPARK_HOME}/assembly/target/scala-$SPARK_SCALA_VERSION/jars"
- fi
- if [ ! -d "$SPARK_JARS_DIR" ] && [ -z "$SPARK_TESTING$SPARK_SQL_TESTING" ]; then
- echo "Failed to find Spark jars directory ($SPARK_JARS_DIR)." 1>&2
- echo "You need to build Spark with the target \"package\" before running this program." 1>&2
- exit 1
- else
- fi
- # Add the launcher build dir to the classpath if requested.
- if [ -n "$SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES" ]; then
- fi
- # For tests
- if [[ -n "$SPARK_TESTING" ]]; then
- fi
- # The launcher library will print arguments separated by a NULL character, to allow arguments with
- # characters that would be otherwise interpreted by the shell. Read that in a while loop, populating
- # an array that will be used to exec the final command.
- #
- # The exit code of the launcher is appended to the output, so the parent shell removes it from the
- # command array and checks the value to see if the launcher succeeded.
- build_command() {
- "$RUNNER" -Xmx128m $SPARK_LAUNCHER_OPTS -cp "$LAUNCH_CLASSPATH" org.apache.spark.launcher.Main "$@"
- printf "%d\0" $?
- }
- # Turn off posix mode since it does not allow process substitution
- set +o posix
- CMD=()
- DELIM=$‘\n‘
- CMD_START_FLAG="false"
- while IFS= read -d "$DELIM" -r ARG; do
- if [ "$CMD_START_FLAG" == "true" ]; then
- CMD+=("$ARG")
- else
- if [ "$ARG" == $‘\0‘ ]; then
- # After NULL character is consumed, change the delimiter and consume command string.
- DELIM=‘‘
- elif [ "$ARG" != "" ]; then
- echo "$ARG"
- fi
- fi
- done < <(build_command "$@")
- COUNT=${#CMD[@]}
- LAST=$((COUNT - 1))
- # Certain JVM failures result in errors being printed to stdout (instead of stderr), which causes
- # the code that parses the output of the launcher to get confused. In those cases, check if the
- # exit code is an integer, and if it‘s not, handle it as a special error case.
- if ! [[ $LAUNCHER_EXIT_CODE =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
- echo "${CMD[@]}" | head -n-1 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ $LAUNCHER_EXIT_CODE != 0 ]; then
- fi
- CMD=("${CMD[@]:0:$LAST}")
- exec "${CMD[@]}"
通过java命令启动,首先进入 Object SparkSubmit的main方法:
- 构造SparkSubmit对象
- 执行SparkSubmit.doSubmit方法.
- override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val submit = new SparkSubmit() {
- self =>
- override protected def parseArguments(args: Array[String]): SparkSubmitArguments = {
- new SparkSubmitArguments(args) {
- override protected def logInfo(msg: => String): Unit = self.logInfo(msg)
- override protected def logWarning(msg: => String): Unit = self.logWarning(msg)
- override protected def logError(msg: => String): Unit = self.logError(msg)
- }
- }
- override protected def logInfo(msg: => String): Unit = printMessage(msg)
- override protected def logWarning(msg: => String): Unit = printMessage(s"Warning: $msg")
- override protected def logError(msg: => String): Unit = printMessage(s"Error: $msg")
- override def doSubmit(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- try {
- super.doSubmit(args)
- } catch {
- case e: SparkUserAppException =>
- exitFn(e.exitCode)
- }
- }
- }
- submit.doSubmit(args)
- }
- parseArguments(args)构造SparkSubmitArguments类对象
- 执行submit()方法
- def doSubmit(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val uninitLog = initializeLogIfNecessary(true, silent = true)
- val appArgs = parseArguments(args)
- if (appArgs.verbose) {
- logInfo(appArgs.toString)
- }
- appArgs.action match {
- case SparkSubmitAction.SUBMIT => submit(appArgs, uninitLog)
- case SparkSubmitAction.KILL => kill(appArgs)
- case SparkSubmitAction.REQUEST_STATUS => requestStatus(appArgs)
- case SparkSubmitAction.PRINT_VERSION => printVersion()
- }
- }
- 首先判断集群是否为standalone模式,这里由于集群是k8s native模式,直接执行else,进入doRunMain()
- 由于我们spark-submit没有
- @tailrec
- private def submit(args: SparkSubmitArguments, uninitLog: Boolean): Unit = {
- def doRunMain(): Unit = {
- if (args.proxyUser != null) {
- val proxyUser = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(args.proxyUser,
- UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser())
- try {
- proxyUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction[Unit]() {
- override def run(): Unit = {
- runMain(args, uninitLog)
- }
- })
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- if (e.getStackTrace().length == 0) {
- error(s"ERROR: ${e.getClass().getName()}: ${e.getMessage()}")
- } else {
- throw e
- }
- }
- } else {
- runMain(args, uninitLog)
- }
- }
- if (args.isStandaloneCluster && args.useRest) {
- try {
- logInfo("Running Spark using the REST application submission protocol.")
- doRunMain()
- } catch {
- case e: SubmitRestConnectionException =>
- logWarning(s"Master endpoint ${args.master} was not a REST server. " +
- "Falling back to legacy submission gateway instead.")
- args.useRest = false
- submit(args, false)
- }
- } else {
- doRunMain()
- }
- }
- 初始化childArgs,childClasspath,sparkConf,childMainClass.
- 实例化childMainClass
以上所谓的child都指的是resource manager中不用模式下提交作业的Client Main Class.
- private def runMain(args: SparkSubmitArguments, uninitLog: Boolean): Unit = {
- val (childArgs, childClasspath, sparkConf, childMainClass) = prepareSubmitEnvironment(args)
- if (uninitLog) {
- Logging.uninitialize()
- }
- if (args.verbose) {
- logInfo(s"Main class:\n$childMainClass")
- logInfo(s"Arguments:\n${childArgs.mkString("\n")}")
- logInfo(s"Spark config:\n${Utils.redact(sparkConf.getAll.toMap).mkString("\n")}")
- logInfo(s"Classpath elements:\n${childClasspath.mkString("\n")}")
- logInfo("\n")
- }
- val loader = getSubmitClassLoader(sparkConf)
- for (jar <- childClasspath) {
- addJarToClasspath(jar, loader)
- }
- var mainClass: Class[_] = null
- try {
- mainClass = Utils.classForName(childMainClass)
- } catch {
- case e: ClassNotFoundException =>
- logError(s"Failed to load class $childMainClass.")
- if (childMainClass.contains("thriftserver")) {
- logInfo(s"Failed to load main class $childMainClass.")
- logInfo("You need to build Spark with -Phive and -Phive-thriftserver.")
- }
- throw new SparkUserAppException(CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EXIT_STATUS)
- case e: NoClassDefFoundError =>
- logError(s"Failed to load $childMainClass: ${e.getMessage()}")
- if (e.getMessage.contains("org/apache/hadoop/hive")) {
- logInfo(s"Failed to load hive class.")
- logInfo("You need to build Spark with -Phive and -Phive-thriftserver.")
- }
- throw new SparkUserAppException(CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EXIT_STATUS)
- }
- val app: SparkApplication = if (classOf[SparkApplication].isAssignableFrom(mainClass)) {
- mainClass.getConstructor().newInstance().asInstanceOf[SparkApplication]
- } else {
- new JavaMainApplication(mainClass)
- }
- val (childArgs, childClasspath, sparkConf, childMainClass) = prepareSubmitEnvironment(args)
- 确认集群模式
- val clusterManager: Int = args.master match {
- case "yarn" => YARN
- case m if m.startsWith("spark") => STANDALONE
- case m if m.startsWith("mesos") => MESOS
- case m if m.startsWith("k8s") => KUBERNETES
- case m if m.startsWith("local") => LOCAL
- case _ =>
- error("Master must either be yarn or start with spark, mesos, k8s, or local")
- -1
- }
- var deployMode: Int = args.deployMode match {
- case "client" | null => CLIENT
- case "cluster" => CLUSTER
- case _ =>
- error("Deploy mode must be either client or cluster")
- -1
- }
2. 封装spark应用的classpath,files,sparkConf,以及childmainClass.
初始化k8s模式的spark master
- if (clusterManager == KUBERNETES) {
- args.master = Utils.checkAndGetK8sMasterUrl(args.master)
- if (!Utils.classIsLoadable(KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_SUBMIT_CLASS) && !Utils.isTesting) {
- error(
- "Could not load KUBERNETES classes. " +
- "This copy of Spark may not have been compiled with KUBERNETES support.")
- }
- }
- val isYarnCluster = clusterManager == YARN && deployMode == CLUSTER
- val isMesosCluster = clusterManager == MESOS && deployMode == CLUSTER
- val isStandAloneCluster = clusterManager == STANDALONE && deployMode == CLUSTER
- val isKubernetesCluster = clusterManager == KUBERNETES && deployMode == CLUSTER
- val isKubernetesClient = clusterManager == KUBERNETES && deployMode == CLIENT
- val isKubernetesClusterModeDriver = isKubernetesClient &&
- sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.kubernetes.submitInDriver", false)
将依赖的Jar 加入classpath
- if (!isMesosCluster && !isStandAloneCluster) {
- val resolvedMavenCoordinates = DependencyUtils.resolveMavenDependencies(
- args.packagesExclusions, args.packages, args.repositories, args.ivyRepoPath,
- args.ivySettingsPath)
- if (!StringUtils.isBlank(resolvedMavenCoordinates)) {
- if (isKubernetesClusterModeDriver) {
- val loader = getSubmitClassLoader(sparkConf)
- for (jar <- resolvedMavenCoordinates.split(",")) {
- addJarToClasspath(jar, loader)
- }
- } else if (isKubernetesCluster) {
- childClasspath ++= resolvedMavenCoordinates.split(",")
- } else {
- args.jars = mergeFileLists(args.jars, resolvedMavenCoordinates)
- if (args.isPython || isInternal(args.primaryResource)) {
- args.pyFiles = mergeFileLists(args.pyFiles, resolvedMavenCoordinates)
- }
- }
- }
- var localPrimaryResource: String = null
- var localJars: String = null
- var localPyFiles: String = null
- if (deployMode == CLIENT) {
- localPrimaryResource = Option(args.primaryResource).map {
- downloadFile(_, targetDir, sparkConf, hadoopConf, secMgr)
- }.orNull
- localJars = Option(args.jars).map {
- downloadFileList(_, targetDir, sparkConf, hadoopConf, secMgr)
- }.orNull
- localPyFiles = Option(args.pyFiles).map {
- downloadFileList(_, targetDir, sparkConf, hadoopConf, secMgr)
- }.orNull
- if (isKubernetesClusterModeDriver) {
- args.jars = renameResourcesToLocalFS(args.jars, localJars)
- val localFiles = Option(args.files).map {
- downloadFileList(_, targetDir, sparkConf, hadoopConf, secMgr)
- }.orNull
- args.files = renameResourcesToLocalFS(args.files, localFiles)
- }
- }
- > 初始化sparkConf
- ``` scala?linenums
- val options = List[OptionAssigner](
- OptionAssigner(args.master, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, confKey = "spark.master"),
- OptionAssigner(args.deployMode, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = SUBMIT_DEPLOY_MODE.key),
- OptionAssigner(, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, confKey = ""),
- OptionAssigner(args.ivyRepoPath, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, CLIENT, confKey = "spark.jars.ivy"),
- OptionAssigner(args.driverMemory, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, CLIENT,
- confKey = DRIVER_MEMORY.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.driverExtraClassPath, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = DRIVER_CLASS_PATH.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.driverExtraJavaOptions, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = DRIVER_JAVA_OPTIONS.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.driverExtraLibraryPath, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = DRIVER_LIBRARY_PATH.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.principal, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = PRINCIPAL.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.keytab, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = KEYTAB.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.pyFiles, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, CLUSTER, confKey = SUBMIT_PYTHON_FILES.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.packages, STANDALONE | MESOS | KUBERNETES,
- CLUSTER, confKey = "spark.jars.packages"),
- OptionAssigner(args.repositories, STANDALONE | MESOS | KUBERNETES,
- CLUSTER, confKey = "spark.jars.repositories"),
- OptionAssigner(args.ivyRepoPath, STANDALONE | MESOS | KUBERNETES,
- CLUSTER, confKey = "spark.jars.ivy"),
- OptionAssigner(args.packagesExclusions, STANDALONE | MESOS | KUBERNETES,
- CLUSTER, confKey = "spark.jars.excludes"),
- OptionAssigner(args.queue, YARN, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, confKey = "spark.yarn.queue"),
- OptionAssigner(args.pyFiles, YARN, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, confKey = "spark.yarn.dist.pyFiles",
- mergeFn = Some(mergeFileLists(_, _))),
- OptionAssigner(args.jars, YARN, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, confKey = "spark.yarn.dist.jars",
- mergeFn = Some(mergeFileLists(_, _))),
- OptionAssigner(args.files, YARN, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, confKey = "spark.yarn.dist.files",
- mergeFn = Some(mergeFileLists(_, _))),
- OptionAssigner(args.archives, YARN, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES, confKey = "spark.yarn.dist.archives",
- mergeFn = Some(mergeFileLists(_, _))),
- OptionAssigner(args.numExecutors, YARN | KUBERNETES, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = EXECUTOR_INSTANCES.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.executorCores, STANDALONE | YARN | KUBERNETES, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = EXECUTOR_CORES.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.executorMemory, STANDALONE | MESOS | YARN | KUBERNETES, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = EXECUTOR_MEMORY.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.totalExecutorCores, STANDALONE | MESOS | KUBERNETES, ALL_DEPLOY_MODES,
- confKey = CORES_MAX.key),
- confKey = FILES.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.jars, LOCAL, CLIENT, confKey = JARS.key),
- confKey = JARS.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.driverMemory, STANDALONE | MESOS | YARN | KUBERNETES, CLUSTER,
- confKey = DRIVER_MEMORY.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.driverCores, STANDALONE | MESOS | YARN | KUBERNETES, CLUSTER,
- confKey = DRIVER_CORES.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.supervise.toString, STANDALONE | MESOS, CLUSTER,
- confKey = DRIVER_SUPERVISE.key),
- OptionAssigner(args.ivyRepoPath, STANDALONE, CLUSTER, confKey = "spark.jars.ivy"),
- OptionAssigner(localJars, ALL_CLUSTER_MGRS, CLIENT, confKey = "spark.repl.local.jars")
- )
- for (opt <- options) {
- if (opt.value != null &&
- (deployMode & opt.deployMode) != 0 &&
- (clusterManager & opt.clusterManager) != 0) {
- if (opt.clOption != null) { childArgs += (opt.clOption, opt.value) }
- if (opt.confKey != null) {
- if (opt.mergeFn.isDefined && sparkConf.contains(opt.confKey)) {
- sparkConf.set(opt.confKey, opt.mergeFn.get.apply(sparkConf.get(opt.confKey), opt.value))
- } else {
- sparkConf.set(opt.confKey, opt.value)
- }
- }
- }
- }
初始化childMainClass,并传递Spark Application的mainClass或者R,Python的执行文件到childArgs
如果是Client模式,childMainClass直接就是Spark Application Main Class:
- if (deployMode == CLIENT) {
- childMainClass = args.mainClass
- if (localPrimaryResource != null && isUserJar(localPrimaryResource)) {
- childClasspath += localPrimaryResource
- }
- if (localJars != null) { childClasspath ++= localJars.split(",") }
- }
如果是Cluster模式,childMainClass就是Kubernetes的Client Main Class,由它去调用Spark Application Main Class.
- if (isKubernetesCluster) {
- if (args.primaryResource != SparkLauncher.NO_RESOURCE) {
- if (args.isPython) {
- childArgs ++= Array("--primary-py-file", args.primaryResource)
- childArgs ++= Array("--main-class", "org.apache.spark.deploy.PythonRunner")
- } else if (args.isR) {
- childArgs ++= Array("--primary-r-file", args.primaryResource)
- childArgs ++= Array("--main-class", "org.apache.spark.deploy.RRunner")
- }
- else {
- childArgs ++= Array("--primary-java-resource", args.primaryResource)
- childArgs ++= Array("--main-class", args.mainClass)
- }
- } else {
- childArgs ++= Array("--main-class", args.mainClass)
- }
- if (args.childArgs != null) {
- args.childArgs.foreach { arg =>
- childArgs += ("--arg", arg)
- }
- }
- }
最后完成childArgs, childClasspath, sparkConf, childMainClass的初始化并返回
通过Client再一次调用我们编写的Spark mainClass,这里使用例子SparkPi:
- package org.apache.spark.examples
- import scala.math.random
- import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
- object SparkPi {
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val spark = SparkSession
- .builder
- .appName("Spark Pi")
- .getOrCreate()
- val slices = if (args.length > 0) args(0).toInt else 2
- val n = math.min(100000L * slices, Int.MaxValue).toInt
- val count = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(1 until n, slices).map { i =>
- val x = random * 2 - 1
- val y = random * 2 - 1
- if (x*x + y*y <= 1) 1 else 0
- }.reduce(_ + _)
- println(s"Pi is roughly ${4.0 * count / (n - 1)}")
- spark.stop()
- }
- }
- val app: SparkApplication = if (classOf[SparkApplication].isAssignableFrom(mainClass)) {
- mainClass.getConstructor().newInstance().asInstanceOf[SparkApplication]
- } else {
- new JavaMainApplication(mainClass)
- }
- @tailrec
- def findCause(t: Throwable): Throwable = t match {
- case e: UndeclaredThrowableException =>
- if (e.getCause() != null) findCause(e.getCause()) else e
- case e: InvocationTargetException =>
- if (e.getCause() != null) findCause(e.getCause()) else e
- case e: Throwable =>
- e
- }
- try {
- app.start(childArgs.toArray, sparkConf)
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable =>
- throw findCause(t)
- }
- private[spark] class KubernetesClientApplication extends SparkApplication {
- override def start(args: Array[String], conf: SparkConf): Unit = {
- val parsedArguments = ClientArguments.fromCommandLineArgs(args)
- run(parsedArguments, conf)
- }
- private def run(clientArguments: ClientArguments, sparkConf: SparkConf): Unit = {
- val appName = sparkConf.getOption("").getOrElse("spark")
- val kubernetesAppId = s"spark-${UUID.randomUUID().toString.replaceAll("-", "")}"
- val waitForAppCompletion = sparkConf.get(WAIT_FOR_APP_COMPLETION)
- val kubernetesConf = KubernetesConf.createDriverConf(
- sparkConf,
- kubernetesAppId,
- clientArguments.mainAppResource,
- clientArguments.mainClass,
- clientArguments.driverArgs)
- val master = KubernetesUtils.parseMasterUrl(sparkConf.get("spark.master"))
- val loggingInterval = if (waitForAppCompletion) Some(sparkConf.get(REPORT_INTERVAL)) else None
- val watcher = new LoggingPodStatusWatcherImpl(kubernetesAppId, loggingInterval)
- Utils.tryWithResource(SparkKubernetesClientFactory.createKubernetesClient(
- master,
- Some(kubernetesConf.namespace),
- SparkKubernetesClientFactory.ClientType.Submission,
- sparkConf,
- None,
- None)) { kubernetesClient =>
- val client = new Client(
- kubernetesConf,
- new KubernetesDriverBuilder(),
- kubernetesClient,
- waitForAppCompletion,
- watcher)
- }
- }
- }
这里由Client连接k8s的API Server,开始构建Kubernetes Driver Pod,提交Spark on k8s的作业.
接下来,我们开始分析Driver Pod又是如何构建Exector Pod,并分配作业的.