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标签:mit   test   sam   自定义   specific   forms   sum   details   customize   

# 许可类
    can_create = True

    can_edit = True

    can_delete = True

    can_view_details = False
    """是否显示详情,如果你设置了不显示,可以设置是否使用详情显示未显示的内容。 """

    can_export = False

    # jinjia2模板
    list_template = admin/model/list.html

    edit_template = admin/model/edit.html

    create_template = admin/model/create.html

    details_template = admin/model/details.html

    # 动态模板
    edit_modal_template = admin/model/modals/edit.html

    create_modal_template = admin/model/modals/create.html

    details_modal_template = admin/model/modals/details.html

    # 动态模式设置
    edit_modal = False

    create_modal = False

    details_modal = False

    # 自定义设置
    column_list = ObsoleteAttr(column_list, list_columns, None)
            column_list = (‘name‘, ‘last_name‘, ‘email‘)
            column_list = (‘name‘, User.last_name)

            column_list = (‘<relationship>.<related column name>‘,)

    column_exclude_list = ObsoleteAttr(column_exclude_list,
                                       excluded_list_columns, None)
    """ 在列表排除的字段名,用法和上条一样 """

    column_details_list = None
    """ 详情视图显示的字段名集合,如果不设置,默认值是None,显示所有的字段名 """

    column_details_exclude_list = None
    """ 详情视图隐藏的字段名集合,如果不设置,显示所有的字段名 """

    column_export_list = None
    """ 设置导出的字段名列表,如果不设置,导出所有的字段名 """

    column_export_exclude_list = None
    """ 设置导出时排除的字段名,如果不设置,导出所有的字段名  """

    column_formatters = ObsoleteAttr(column_formatters, list_formatters, dict())
    """ 显示视图的格式化显示,没看懂啊"""
        For example, if you want to show price multiplied by
        two, you can do something like this::

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_formatters = dict(price=lambda v, c, m, p: m.price*2)

        or using Jinja2 `macro` in template::

            from flask_admin.model.template import macro

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_formatters = dict(price=macro(‘render_price‘))

            # in template
            {% macro render_price(model, column) %}
                {{ model.price * 2 }}
            {% endmacro %}

        The Callback function has the prototype::

            def formatter(view, context, model, name):
                # `view` is current administrative view
                # `context` is instance of jinja2.runtime.Context
                # `model` is model instance
                # `name` is property name

    column_formatters_export = None
        Dictionary of list view column formatters to be used for export.

        Defaults to column_formatters when set to None.

        Functions the same way as column_formatters except
        that macros are not supported.

    column_formatters_detail = None
        Dictionary of list view column formatters to be used for the detail view.

        Defaults to column_formatters when set to None.

        Functions the same way as column_formatters except
        that macros are not supported.

    column_type_formatters = ObsoleteAttr(column_type_formatters, list_type_formatters, None)
        Dictionary of value type formatters to be used in the list view.

        By default, three types are formatted:

        1. ``None`` will be displayed as an empty string
        2. ``bool`` will be displayed as a checkmark if it is ``True``
        3. ``list`` will be joined using ‘, ‘

        If you don‘t like the default behavior and don‘t want any type formatters
        applied, just override this property with an empty dictionary::

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_type_formatters = dict()

        If you want to display `NULL` instead of an empty string, you can do
        something like this. Also comes with bonus `date` formatter::

            from datetime import date
            from flask_admin.model import typefmt

            def date_format(view, value):
                return value.strftime(‘%d.%m.%Y‘)

                    type(None): typefmt.null_formatter,
                    date: date_format

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_type_formatters = MY_DEFAULT_FORMATTERS

        Type formatters have lower priority than list column formatters.

        The callback function has following prototype::

            def type_formatter(view, value):
                # `view` is current administrative view
                # `value` value to format

    column_type_formatters_export = None
    """要在导出中使用的值类型格式化程序的字典。 """
        Dictionary of value type formatters to be used in the export.

        By default, two types are formatted:

        1. ``None`` will be displayed as an empty string
        2. ``list`` will be joined using ‘, ‘

        Functions the same way as column_type_formatters.

    column_type_formatters_detail = None
    """要在详细信息视图中使用的值类型格式化程序字典。 """
        Dictionary of value type formatters to be used in the detail view.

        By default, two types are formatted:

        1. ``None`` will be displayed as an empty string
        2. ``list`` will be joined using ‘, ‘

        Functions the same way as column_type_formatters.

    column_labels = ObsoleteAttr(column_labels, rename_columns, None)
        class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
            column_labels = dict(name=‘Name‘, last_name=‘Last Name‘)
        例2:  可以把custom_field放在别的文件,统一更改
        column_labels = custom_field

    column_descriptions = None
    """字典,其中键是列名,值是“列表视图”列或添加/编辑表单字段的说明。 """

        For example::

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_descriptions = dict(
                    full_name=‘First and Last name‘

    column_sortable_list = ObsoleteAttr(column_sortable_list,
    """列表视图的可排序列的集合。如果设置为“None”,将从模型中获取它们。 """
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_sortable_list = (‘name‘, ‘last_name‘)

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_sortable_list = (‘name‘, (‘user‘, ‘user.username‘))

        还可以指定排序时要使用的多个字段: :
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_sortable_list = (
                    ‘name‘, (‘user‘, (‘user.first_name‘, ‘user.last_name‘)))

        使用SQLAlchemy模型时,可以使用模型属性而不是字符串: :
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_sortable_list = (‘name‘, (‘user‘, User.username))

    column_default_sort = None
        Default sort column if no sorting is applied.


            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_default_sort = ‘user‘

        You can use tuple to control ascending descending order. In following example, items
        will be sorted in descending order::

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_default_sort = (‘user‘, True)

        If you want to sort by more than one column,
        you can pass a list of tuples::

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_default_sort = [(‘name‘, True), (‘last_name‘, True)]

    column_searchable_list = ObsoleteAttr(column_searchable_list,
        A collection of the searchable columns. It is assumed that only
        text-only fields are searchable, but it is up to the model
        implementation to decide.


            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_searchable_list = (‘name‘, ‘email‘)

    column_editable_list = None
    """ 可从列表视图编辑的列的集合。 """
        Collection of the columns which can be edited from the list view.

        For example::

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_editable_list = (‘name‘, ‘last_name‘)

    column_choices = None
    """ 将选项映射到列表视图中的列 """
        Map choices to columns in list view


            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_choices = {
                    ‘my_column‘: [
                        (‘db_value‘, ‘display_value‘),

    column_filters =
        Collection of the column filters.

        Can contain either field names or instances of :class:`~flask_admin.model.filters.BaseFilter` classes.


            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_filters = (‘user‘, ‘email‘)

    named_filter_urls = False
    """ 设置为True可在URL参数中对筛选器使用人类可读的名称。 """
        Set to True to use human-readable names for filters in URL parameters.

        False by default so as to be robust across translations.

        Changing this parameter will break any existing URLs that have filters.

    column_display_pk = ObsoleteAttr(column_display_pk,
        Controls if the primary key should be displayed in the list view.

    column_display_actions = True
        Controls the display of the row actions (edit, delete, details, etc.)
        column in the list view.

        Useful for preventing a blank column from displaying if your view does
        not use any build-in or custom row actions.

        This column is not hidden automatically due to backwards compatibility.

        Note: This only affects display and does not control whether the row
        actions endpoints are accessible.

    column_extra_row_actions = None
        List of row actions (instances of :class:`~flask_admin.model.template.BaseListRowAction`).

        Flask-Admin will generate standard per-row actions (edit, delete, etc)
        and will append custom actions from this list right after them.

        For example::

            from flask_admin.model.template import EndpointLinkRowAction, LinkRowAction

            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                column_extra_row_actions = [
                    LinkRowAction(‘glyphicon glyphicon-off‘, ‘http://direct.link/?id={row_id}‘),
                    EndpointLinkRowAction(‘glyphicon glyphicon-test‘, ‘my_view.index_view‘)

    simple_list_pager = False

    """如果启用,模型接口将不运行计数查询,只显示上一页/下一页按钮。 """
        Enable or disable simple list pager.
        If enabled, model interface would not run count query and will only show prev/next pager buttons.

    form = None
        Form class. Override if you want to use custom form for your model.
        Will completely disable form scaffolding functionality.
        For example::
            class MyForm(Form):
                name = StringField(‘Name‘)
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form = MyForm

    form_base_class = BaseForm
    """基本窗体类。将在创建模型窗体时由窗体脚手架函数使用。 """
        Base form class. Will be used by form scaffolding function when creating model form.
        Useful if you want to have custom constructor or override some fields.
            class MyBaseForm(Form):
                def do_something(self):
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_base_class = MyBaseForm

    form_args = None
    """表单域参数字典。请参阅WTForms文档以了解可能的选项列表。 """
        Dictionary of form field arguments. Refer to WTForms documentation for
        list of possible options.
            from wtforms.validators import DataRequired
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_args = dict(
                    name=dict(label=‘First Name‘, validators=[DataRequired()])

    form_columns = None
        Collection of the model field names for the form. If set to `None` will
        get them from the model.
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_columns = (‘name‘, ‘email‘)
        (Added in 1.4.0) SQLAlchemy model attributes can be used instead of
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_columns = (‘name‘, User.last_name)
        SQLA Note: Model attributes must be on the same model as your ModelView
        or you will need to use `inline_models`.

    form_excluded_columns = ObsoleteAttr(form_excluded_columns,
        Collection of excluded form field names.
        For example::
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_excluded_columns = (‘last_name‘, ‘email‘)

    form_overrides = None
        Dictionary of form column overrides.
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_overrides = dict(name=wtf.FileField)

    form_widget_args = None
        Dictionary of form widget rendering arguments.
        Use this to customize how widget is rendered without using custom template.
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_widget_args = {
                    ‘description‘: {
                        ‘rows‘: 10,
                        ‘style‘: ‘color: black‘
                    ‘other_field‘: {
                        ‘disabled‘: True
        Changing the format of a DateTimeField will require changes to both form_widget_args and form_args.
            form_args = dict(
                start=dict(format=‘%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p‘) # changes how the input is parsed by strptime (12 hour time)
            form_widget_args = dict(
                    ‘data-date-format‘: u‘yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii P‘,
                    ‘data-show-meridian‘: ‘True‘
                } # changes how the DateTimeField displays the time

    form_extra_fields = None
        Dictionary of additional fields.
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_extra_fields = {
                    ‘password‘: PasswordField(‘Password‘)
        You can control order of form fields using ``form_columns`` property. For example::
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_columns = (‘name‘, ‘email‘, ‘password‘, ‘secret‘)
                form_extra_fields = {
                    ‘password‘: PasswordField(‘Password‘)
        In this case, password field will be put between email and secret fields that are autogenerated.

    form_ajax_refs = None
        Use AJAX for foreign key model loading.
        Should contain dictionary, where key is field name and value is either a dictionary which
        configures AJAX lookups or backend-specific `AjaxModelLoader` class instance.
        For example, it can look like::
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_ajax_refs = {
                    ‘user‘: {
                        ‘fields‘: (‘first_name‘, ‘last_name‘, ‘email‘),
                        ‘placeholder‘: ‘Please select‘,
                        ‘page_size‘: 10,
                        ‘minimum_input_length‘: 0,
        Or with SQLAlchemy backend like this::
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                form_ajax_refs = {
                    ‘user‘: QueryAjaxModelLoader(‘user‘, db.session, User, fields=[‘email‘], page_size=10)
        If you need custom loading functionality, you can implement your custom loading behavior
        in your `AjaxModelLoader` class.

    form_rules = None
    """ 模型创建窗体的呈现规则列表。 """
        List of rendering rules for model creation form.
        This property changed default form rendering behavior and makes possible to rearrange order
        of rendered fields, add some text between fields, group them, etc. If not set, will use
        default Flask-Admin form rendering logic.
        Here‘s simple example which illustrates how to use::
            from flask_admin.form import rules
            class MyModelView(ModelView):
                form_rules = [
                    # Define field set with header text and four fields
                    rules.FieldSet((‘first_name‘, ‘last_name‘, ‘email‘, ‘phone‘), ‘User‘),
                    # ... and it is just shortcut for:
                    # ...
                    # It is possible to create custom rule blocks:
                    MyBlock(‘Hello World‘),
                    # It is possible to call macros from current context
                    rules.Macro(‘my_macro‘, foobar=‘baz‘)

    form_edit_rules = None
    """编辑表单的自定义规则。如果存在,则重写“表单规则”。 """
        Customized rules for the edit form. Override `form_rules` if present.

    form_create_rules = None
    """"创建表单的自定义规则。如果存在,则重写“表单规则”。 """
        Customized rules for the create form. Override `form_rules` if present.

    # Actions
    action_disallowed_list = ObsoleteAttr(action_disallowed_list,
    """ 一组不允许的操作名。 """
        Set of disallowed action names. For example, if you want to disable
        mass model deletion, do something like this:
            class MyModelView(BaseModelView):
                action_disallowed_list = [‘delete‘]

    # Export settings
    export_max_rows = 0
    """允许导出的最大行数。 """
        Maximum number of rows allowed for export.
        Unlimited by default. Uses `page_size` if set to `None`.

    export_types = [csv]
    """  可用导出文件类型的列表 """
        A list of available export filetypes. `csv` only is default, but any
        filetypes supported by tablib can be used.
        Check tablib for https://github.com/kennethreitz/tablib/blob/master/README.rst
        for supported types.

    # Pagination settings
    page_size = 20
        Default page size for pagination.

    can_set_page_size = False
        Allows to select page size via dropdown list


标签:mit   test   sam   自定义   specific   forms   sum   details   customize   


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