标签:iterator tar 组合 symbol lse log style false col
1 { 2 let arr=[‘hello‘,‘world‘]; 3 let map = arr[Symbol.iterator](); 4 console.log(map.next()) 5 console.log(map.next()) 6 console.log(map.next()) 7 }
2.给对象实现iterator接口,使其能用for of
1 { 2 let obj = { 3 start:[1,2,3], 4 end:[4,5,6], 5 [Symbol.iterator](){ 6 let self = this ; 7 let index = 0 ; 8 let arr = self.start.concat(self.end); 9 let len = arr.length; 10 return{ 11 next(){ 12 if(index < len){ 13 return{ 14 value:arr[index++], 15 done:false 16 } 17 }else{ 18 return{ 19 value:arr[index++], 20 done:true 21 } 22 } 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 } 27 for(let key of obj){ 28 console.log(key) //1 2 3 4 5 6 29 } 30 }
标签:iterator tar 组合 symbol lse log style false col