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EBS 11i 11.5.10 Concepts

时间:2020-01-12 11:26:43      阅读:87      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:main   update   into   roc   tab   ora   dmi   jsp   tool   

• The Desktop Tier

  Web Brower

• The Application Tier(Middle Tier)

  Web Server

    • Web Listener • Java Servlet Engine • JavaServer Pages (JSP)

  Forms Server

  Concurrent Processing Server

  Reports Server

  Admin Server

  Discoverer Server (optional)

• The Database Tier

  Database Server

• The Oracle Applications Technology Layer


The Applications DBA product provides a set of tools for administration of the Oracle Applications file system and database. AD tools are used for installing, upgrading, maintaining, and patching the Oracle Applications system

The AD utilities include:

• AD Administration - Performs general maintenance tasks for Oracle Applications.

• AD Merge Patch - Merges multiple patches into a single, integrated patch.

• AutoConfig - Manages configuration changes in an Oracle Applications system.

• AutoPatch - Applies patches and adds new languages and products to an Oracle Applications system.

• AutoUpgrade - Upgrades a system to the latest version of Oracle Applications.

• Rapid Clone - Used to copy (clone) an Oracle Applications system.

• Rapid Install - Sets up a fully configured Oracle Applications system, including the latest certified technology stack and all patches, mini-packs, and other updates.


The E-Business Suite Home Page

HTML-based applications,

Forms-based applications,

Business Intelligence applications.


Forms Client Applet

Oracle JInitiator

EBS 11i 11.5.10 Concepts

标签:main   update   into   roc   tab   ora   dmi   jsp   tool   


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