标签:return can state end img pre hold 解决 change
import React from ‘react‘ import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom‘ import Axios from "axios"; import copy from ‘copy-to-clipboard‘ import { Input, Button, Modal, message, Icon } from ‘antd‘ import ‘../static/css/input.css‘ import ‘../static/css/button.css‘ import ‘../static/css/modal.css‘ import ‘../static/css/message.css‘ import ‘../static/css/icon.css‘ import ‘../static/css/decrypt.css‘ const { TextArea } = Input; export default class Decrypt extends React.Component { state = { link: ‘‘, secretKey: ‘‘, content: ‘‘ } render() { return ( <div id="decrypt-container" className=‘decrypt-container‘> <table className=‘decry-table‘> <tbody> <tr> <td><Input placeholder="Please Input the Link" onChange={e => this.linkInputChangehandler(e)} /></td> <td><Button type="primary" onClick={this.buttonClickHandler}>Confirm</Button></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> ) } linkInputChangehandler = e => { const link = e.target.value this.setState({ link }) } buttonClickHandler = () => { Modal.confirm({ title: ‘Resource extraction‘, icon: <Icon type="info-circle" />, content: <Input placeholder="Please Input the Secret Key" ref={input => this.contentSecretKeyInput = input} />, okText: ‘Confirm‘, cancelText: ‘Cannel‘, onOk: this.confirm }) } confirm = () => { const secretKey = this.contentSecretKeyInput.state.value let { link } = this.state link = link.substring(link.lastIndexOf(‘/‘) + 1) // console.log(`secretKey=${secretKey}, link=${link}`) Axios.get(‘/api/encryption?id=‘ + link + ‘&key=‘ + secretKey).then(res => { if (res.data.code === 0) { let content = res.data.data.content this.setState({ content }) //message.success(‘Successful‘); ReactDOM.render( <div> <span className=‘content-info‘>The content you extract is:</span> <TextArea rows={8} value={this.state.content} /> <Button className=‘copy-button‘ type="primary" onClick={this.buttonCopyHandler}>Copy</Button> </div>, document.getElementById(‘decrypt-container‘), ); } else { // error message info if (res.data.data && res.data.data.incr) message.error(`${res.data.message}, only ${res.data.data.incr} input opportunities left`); else message.error(res.data.message); } }) } buttonCopyHandler = () => { // Get the value of the `value` attribute of the <Input> component copy(this.state.content) } }
import "antd/dist/antd.css"
// import ‘../static/css/input.css‘
// import ‘../static/css/button.css‘
// import ‘../static/css/modal.css‘
// import ‘../static/css/message.css‘
// import ‘../static/css/icon.css‘
import ‘../static/css/decrypt.css‘
但是这样不能实现按需导入,加载了全部的 antd 组件的样式(gzipped 后一共大约 60kb)。
参考 https://ant.design/docs/react/use-with-create-react-app-cn
标签:return can state end img pre hold 解决 change