标签:amp port array 发送 val self argparse 分割线 内存
(统计nginx日志中 $body_bytes_sent 字段),能自定义时间间隔
。开始时间 | 结束时间 | 分割线 | 统计流量 |
2019-11-23 03:26:00 | 2019-11-23 04:26:00 | <=========> | 2.04M |
2019-11-23 04:27:43 | 2019-11-23 05:27:43 | <=========> | 895.05K |
2019-11-23 05:28:25 | 2019-11-23 06:28:25 | <=========> | 1.88M |
2019-11-23 06:33:08 | 2019-11-23 07:33:08 | <=========> | 1.29M |
2019-11-23 07:37:28 | 2019-11-23 08:37:28 | <=========> | 1.16M |
python argparse
nginx 日志
nginx日志格式要求,第四个字段为 [$time_local]
和 第7个字段为 $body_bytes_sent
或者 $bytes_sent
log_format main ‘$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ‘ ‘$status $body_bytes_sent $request_time "$http_referer" ‘ ‘$host DIRECT/$upstream_addr $upstream_http_content_type ‘ ‘"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"‘;
:发送给客户端的字节数# 分析 nginx access.log 日志,以 1小时 切割,统计每小时产生的流量 $ ./nginx_large_file_flow_analysis3.py -f /var/log/nginx/access.log -m 60
#!/usr/bin/python3 #-*-coding=utf-8-*- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 注意:日志中间不能有空行,否则程序读取不到空行后面的日志 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import time import os import sys import argparse class displayFormat(): def format_size(self, size): # 格式化流量单位 KB = 1024 # KB -> B B是字节 MB = 1048576 # MB -> B GB = 1073741824 # GB -> B TB = 1099511627776 # TB -> B if size >= TB: size = str("%.2f" % (float(size / TB)) ) + ‘T‘ elif size < KB: size = str(size) + ‘B‘ elif size >= GB and size < TB: size = str("%.2f" % (float(size / GB))) + ‘G‘ elif size >= MB and size < GB: size = str("%.2f" % (float(size / MB))) + ‘M‘ else: size = str("%.2f" % (float(size / KB))) + ‘K‘ return size def execut_time(self): # 输出脚本执行的时间 print(‘\n‘) print("Script Execution Time: %.3f second" % time.clock()) class input_logfile_sort(): # 内存优化 __slots__ = [‘read_logascii_dict‘, ‘key‘] def __init__(self): self.read_logascii_dict = {} self.key = 1 def logascii_sortetd(self, logfile): with open(logfile, ‘r‘) as f: while 1: list_line = f.readline().split() try: if not list_line: break timeArray = time.strptime(list_line[3].strip(‘[‘), "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S") timeStamp_start = int(time.mktime(timeArray)) list_line1 = [timeStamp_start, list_line[9]] # 生成字典 self.read_logascii_dict[self.key] = list_line1 self.key += 1 except ValueError: continue except IndexError: continue sorted_list_ascii = sorted(self.read_logascii_dict.items(), key=lambda k: (k[1][0])) return sorted_list_ascii # out [(4, [1420686592, ‘1024321222‘]), (3, [1449544192, ‘10243211111‘])] class log_partition(): display_format = displayFormat() def __init__(self): self.size1 = 0 self.j = 0 def time_format(self, time_stamps_start, time_stamps_end): time_start = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time_stamps_start)) time_end = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time_stamps_end)) print(time_start + ‘ -- ‘ + time_end + ‘ ‘ * 6 + ‘<=========>‘ + ‘ ‘ * 6 + self.display_format.format_size(self.size1)) def log_pr(self, stored_log, times): time_stamps_start = stored_log[0][1][0] time_stamps_end = time_stamps_start + times lines = len(stored_log) for line in stored_log: self.j += 1 if int(line[1][0]) <= time_stamps_end: try: self.size1 = self.size1 + int(line[1][1]) if self.j == lines: self.time_format(time_stamps_start, time_stamps_end) except ValueError: continue else: try: self.time_format(time_stamps_start, time_stamps_end) self.size1 = 0 self.size1 = self.size1 + int(line[1][1]) time_stamps_start = int(line[1][0]) time_stamps_end = time_stamps_start + times if self.j == lines: self.time_format(time_stamps_start, time_stamps_end) except ValueError: continue class Main(): #主调函数 def main(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Nginx flow analysis, Supported file types ascii text.") parser.add_argument(‘-f‘, ‘--file‘, dest=‘file‘, nargs=‘?‘, help="log file input.") parser.add_argument(‘-m‘, ‘--minute‘, dest=‘minute‘, default=5, nargs=‘?‘, type=int, help="Nginx separation time,Default 5 min.") args = parser.parse_args() Input_sorted_log = input_logfile_sort() display_format1 = displayFormat() times = args.minute * 60 for type in os.popen("""file {}""".format(args.file)): file_type = type.strip().split()[1] if file_type.lower() == ‘ascii‘: logascii_analysis = log_partition() logascii_analysis.log_pr(Input_sorted_log.logascii_sortetd(args.file), times) print(‘\033[1;32;40m‘) display_format1.execut_time() print(‘\033[0m‘) else: print(‘\033[1;32;40m‘) print("Supported file types ascii text.") print("Example: python3 {} -f nginxlogfile -m time".format(sys.argv[0])) print(‘\033[0m‘) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main_obj = Main() main_obj.main()
标签:amp port array 发送 val self argparse 分割线 内存