标签:-- word sqlplus only user use size rop and
create directory dump_dir as 'D:/oradata/orcl/dmpfile';
select * from dba_directories;
grant read,write on directory dump_dir to username;
grant exp_full_database to eamprd;
expdp username/passpword@ip:port/sid directory=dump_dir dumpfile=filename.dmp
--版本:高往低需加version=xx.x 导出某些张表tables=xxxx content=metadata_only(只要结构) content=data_only(只要数据)
create tablespace tablespace_01 datafile 'D:/oradata/orcl/tablespace01.dbf' size 1024M autoextend on next 1024M maxsize 2048M;
create temporary tablespace tablespace_temp tempfile 'D:/oradata/orcl/tablespacetemp.dbf' size 512M;
create user username identified by password default tablespace tablespace_01 temporary tablespace tablespace_temp;
grant connect,resource,create view,create session,dba to username;
create directory dump_dir as 'D:/oradata/orcl/dmpfile';
grant read,write on directory dump_dir to gctest01;
impdp username/password@pord directory=dump_dir dumpfile=filename.dmp logfile=filename.log remap_schema=fromschema:toschema remap_tablespace=fromtablespace:totablespace
alter user username identified by password;
drop user username cascade;
drop tablespace tablespacename including contents and datafiles;
select * from all_users;
select * from dba_data_files;
标签:-- word sqlplus only user use size rop and