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Welcome to the ExpressionBuilder classes! The ExpressionBuilder classes are a C#-only alternative to building Expressions with type safety. Below is a quick introduction to using the ExpressionBuilder classes with your application. For complete documentation and walkthroughs, please see the Word Document in the project folder titled "ExpressionBuilder_Documentation.docx".
To use the ExpressionBuilder in your app, download a copy of the source, add the project into your solution and update the references for your app project. Next, within your app project, make sure to add the using statement to leverage the ExpressionBuilder classes:
using ExpressionBuilder;
Once you have the classes added to your solution and referenced in your project, you are all set to start using the ExpressionBuilder classes!
A brief recap of ExpressionAnimations:
ExpressionAnimations can create some very powerful and unique experiences, but can be a bit combersome to author. One of the big pain points with ExpressionAnimations is that the equation or mathematical relationship that defines the animation is written as a string, e.g.:
_parallaxExpression = compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation(
"(ScrollManipulation.Translation.Y + StartOffset - (0.5 * ItemHeight)) * ParallaxValue - (ScrollManipulation.Translation.Y + StartOffset - (0.5 * ItemHeight))");
This creates a series of challenges when authoring Expressions in this manner:
Thus, the ExpressionBuilder classes were created to help alleviate these challenges and present an alternative way to create ExpressionAnimations.
For full documentation on how to use the ExpressionBuilder classes, please refer to the Word document that is included within the project folder.
Before we highlight how to use the classes, let‘s reiterate the core components that make up an Expression:
On the surface, the ExpressionBuilder classes provide three major components to build Expressions with:
Behind the scenes, methods off the ExpressionFunctions and ExpressionValues classes construct ExpressionNode objects that represent an Expression. These nodes can be combined with other ExpressionNodes or System.Numerics objects using operators, resulting in a new ExpressionNode. Via the extension methods, anywhere you would normally insert an ExpressionAnimation object, you can instead use an ExpressionNode.
Prior to ExpressionBuilder, in order to reference a CompositionObject property, a SetReferenceParameter on the ExpressionAnimation must always be called:
var expression = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation("visualA.Offset.X + 50");
expression.SetReferenceParameter("visualA", _visualA);
_visualB.StartAnimation("Offset.X", expression);
With ExpressionBuilder, you can use the GetReference() extension method that performs this same behavior if you don‘t need to template, but in a type safe manner:
_visualB.StartAnimation("Offset.X", _visualA.GetReference().Offset.X + 50f);
Also notice in the above code snippet, the CompositionObject.StartAnimation() extension method was used to pass in an ExpressionNode instead of an ExpressionAnimation.
Templating is a big value prop of CompositionAnimations. As a developer, you define a template for an animation that you then can create multiple instances of later when binding to CompositionObjects via StartAnimation(). In some cases, when templating, you want to change the value of parameters you define. For example, changing which Visual you want to reference, or changing the value of a constant. This means that parameters must be able to be referenced later on so their reference or value can be changed; for this reason, parameters are defined with a string property name.
In the following code snippet, we update the Expression defined earlier:
var additionOffset = ExpressionValues.Constant.CreateScalarConstant("addOffset", 50f);
var expressionNode = ExpressionValues.Reference.CreateVisualReference("visualA", _visualA) + addOffset;
// If want to change what "visualA" references and value of "addOffset" in the Expression template ...
expressionNode.SetReferenceParameter("visualA", _visualC);
expressionNode.SetScalarParameter("addOffset", 100f);
Let‘s walk through the expression used in the PullToAnimate sample to animate Opacity with InteractionTracker
// Expression written with strings
var progressExp = _compositor.CreateExpressionAnimation();
progressExp.Expression = "Clamp(tracker.Position.Y / tracker.MaxPosition.Y, 0, 1)";
progressExp.SetReferenceParameter("tracker", _tracker);
visual.StartAnimation("Opacity", progressExp);
Now let‘s show what this looks like with ExpressionBuilder:
// Expression written with ExpressionBuilder
var trackerNode = _tracker.GetReference();
var progressExp = EF.Clamp(trackerNode.Position.Y / trackerNode.MaxPosition.Y, 0, 1);
_propertySet.StartAnimation("progress", progressExp);
If you are familiar with how Expressions were built with Strings, there are a few things to note:
The ternary operator (condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse) is now represented by ExpressionFunctions..Conditional(condition, ifTrue, ifFalse)
The "And" and "Or" operators (“&&” and “||”) are now represented by the & and | operators.
If using ExpressionBuilder to create expressions for use with InteractionTracker’s InertiaModifiers, the following extensions methods are available:
Referencing ExpressionValues and ExpressionFunctions in your code can be a bit verbose, so you can define shortened versions in the Using section of your app:
using EF = ExpressionBuilder.ExpressionFunctions;
using EV = ExpressionBuilder.ExpressionValues;
用于 ExpressionAnimations 动画模型的表达式构建器
标签:mpi download mod power other intro either which auto