标签:ble 大学 nal enable 体系 pre clu mon sas
KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
Insititute: 复旦大学,中科大
Problem: time series prediction; modelling extreme events;
overlook the existence of extreme events, which result in weak performance when applying them to real time series.
为什么研究extreme events: Extreme events are rare and random, but do play a critical role in many real applications, such as the forecasting of financial crisis and natural disasters.
the weakness of deep learning methods roots in the conventional form of quadratic loss平方损失; --------> this paper use the extreme value theory极值理论 and develop a new form of loss for detecting the future occurrence of extreme events: extreme value loss.
普通预测: quadratic loss
极值预测:extreme value loss
Use memory network to memorize extreme events in historical records. EVL + memory network
time series prediction: classical research topic.
applications: climate prediction and stocks price monitoring;
Statistical methods: autoregressive moving average ARMA; nonlinear autoregressive exogenous NARX;
RNN (LSTM and GRU, gated recurrent unit); Compared with traditional methods, one of the major advantages of RNN structure is that it enables deep non-linear modeling of temporal patterns.
data imbalance and extreme events are harmful to deep learning models????; 值得验证
what are extreme events in time series: extremely small or large values of irregular and rare occurrences.
How to find extreme events? use certain thresholds to label extreme events
the randomness of extreme events have limited degrees of freedom (DOF)
end-to-end framewark.
underfitting and overfitting training problem;
Related work:
extreme events: 极大阈值 + 极小阈值
extreme value theory;
conclusion: such a model would perform relatively poor if the true distribution of data in series is heavy-tailed.
Supplementary knowledge:
1. 张老师是战略能力很强,但是由于科研不在一线,导致战术可能会出现偏差。
2. 做交叉领域的文章时,i.可以做方法,ii.可以和领域结合,在领域里make sense, 有影响. 但如果四不像,两边都不会要。
3. 科研过程是一个严谨的流程体系,有一定的方法规律可循,不是瞎打一耙。
PP: Modeling extreme events in time series prediction
标签:ble 大学 nal enable 体系 pre clu mon sas