标签:app extra ORC length loop round rac code ecc
// colors @colors: darkslateblue mediumorchid seagreen steelblue; // loop definition .backgrounds(@list, @i: 1) when (@i <= length(@list)) { // extract the right color from the list @color: extract(@list, @i); // apply the background to the selector .@{color} { background: @color; } // recursive call for the next color .backgrounds(@list, @i + 1); } // application .backgrounds(@colors);
@colors: #3498DB,#3FB17C,#F1C40F,#E74C3C,#1ABC9C,#34495E,#E67E22,#D74177,#6884F6,#2ECC71,#9B59B6,#95A5A6; .colors(@i: length(@colors)) when (@i > 0) { @color: extract(@colors, @i); &-@{i} { background-color: @color; } .colors((@i - 1)); }
标签:app extra ORC length loop round rac code ecc