标签:define htm OLE color init def ras bee bsp
// include all the scss @import "~@angular/material/theming"; // Include non-theme styles for core. @include mat-core(); $mat-custom-primary-theme: ( 50: #ffebee, 100: #ffcdd2, 200: #ef9a9a, 300: #e57373, 400: #ef5350, 500: #e1234e, 600: #e53935, 700: #d32f2f, 800: #c62828, 900: #b71c1c, A100: #ff8a80, A200: #ff5252, A400: #ff1744, A700: #d50000, contrast: ( 50: $dark-primary-text, 100: $dark-primary-text, 200: $dark-primary-text, 300: $dark-primary-text, 400: $dark-primary-text, 500: $light-primary-text, 600: $light-primary-text, 700: $light-primary-text, 800: $light-primary-text, 900: $light-primary-text, A100: $dark-primary-text, A200: $light-primary-text, A400: $light-primary-text, A700: $light-primary-text ) ); // Define a theme. $primary: mat-palette($mat-custom-primary-theme); $accent: mat-palette($mat-pink, A200, A100, A400); $theme: mat-light-theme($primary, $accent); // Include all theme styles for the components. @include angular-material-theme($theme);
Add those in to styles.scss
In app.component.html, add ‘dark-theme‘ class by condition:
<main [ngClass]="{ ‘dark-theme‘: dark }"> </main>
ts file:
export class AppComponent implements OnInit { dark: boolean = false; }
[Angular] Define a custom Material theme
标签:define htm OLE color init def ras bee bsp