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Derivative Pricing_2_Vasicek

时间:2020-02-09 10:04:26      阅读:72      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:euler   sam   mic   type   comm   zed   mat   rom   run   


1. Plotting Vasicek Trajectories

2. CKLS Method for Parameter Estimation (elaborated by GMM and Euler Approx)

3. Application

1. Plotting Vasicek Trajectories

  (1) Basic outlooking:

vasicek <- function(alpha, beta, sigma, n = 100, r0 = 0.026) {
        v <- rep(0, n)
        v[1] <- r0
        for (i in 2:n) {
                v[i] <- v[i - 1] + alpha * (beta - v[i - 1]) + sigma * rnorm(1)
r <- replicate(3, vasicek(0.02, 0.056, 0.0006))
# plot columns of matrix against columns of another matrix
matplot(r, type = l, ylab = ‘‘, xlab = Time, xaxt = no,
        main = Simulation of Interest Rate Using Vasicek Trajectories)
lines(c(-1, 101), c(0.056, 0.056), col = grey, lwd = 2, lty = 1)


  (2) Characteristics:

# change sigma (old sigma is 0.0006)
r <- sapply(c(0, 0.0003, 0.0009),
                    set.seed(23); vasicek(0.02, 0.056, sigma)
matplot(r, type = l, ylab = ‘‘, xlab = Time, xaxt = no,
        main = Vasicek Simulation with sigma 0, 0.03%, 0.09%)


# change alpha (old alpha is 0.02)
r <- sapply(c(0.002, 0.02, 0.2),
                    set.seed(33); vasicek(alpha, 0.056, 0.0006)
matplot(r, type = l, ylab = ‘‘, xlab = Time, xaxt = no,
        main = Vasicek Simulation with alpha 0.2%, 2%, 20%)


  (3) Comments:

    This model is a continuous, affine and one-factor stochastic interest rate model.

    It follows a mean-reverting process (expected value converges to beta when Time of alpha goes to infinity (alpha can be treated as speed of adjustment to the     long-run beta). The higher alpha, the earlier reach long-term beta (which input by me as 0.056). As alpha goes infinity, variance converges to 0.



2. Parameter Estimation

  (1) Generalized Method of Moments:

    gamma = 0 in Vasicek model;

    gamma = 0.5 in CIR model (which assumes that volatility term proportional to the square root of the interest rate level; and that interest rate has non-central

     chi-squared distribution);

  (2) Mechanism:

    Denote a vector of parameters to be estimated, theta = (alpha, beta, sigma, gamma);

    Set null hypothesis is : E[ Mt(theta) ] = 0;

    Use a sample corresponding to E[ Mt(theta) ], which is denoted as mt(theta) = (1/n) * Σ Mt(theta), where t from 1 to n, and n is number of observations;

    Introduce omega as a weight matrix, which is symmetric, positive and definite;

    Thus, GMM minimize this quadratic term: mt(theta)Ω(theta)mt(theta);



3. Application 

  (1) Simulate bond prices with different maturities:


a <- bond.vasicek(alpha = 0.5, beta = 2.55, sigma = 0.365, q1 = 0.3, q2 = 0,
            r0 = 3.5, n = 1080, maturities = c(1/12, 3/12, 6/12, 1), days = 365)




Derivative Pricing_2_Vasicek

标签:euler   sam   mic   type   comm   zed   mat   rom   run   


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