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Github for beginners and my future references

时间:2014-11-04 06:45:35      阅读:145      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:http   io   ar   os   for   sp   on   art   cti   

OK. I have been trying to learn github for really a long time, but (yes, there is always a but) I just couldn‘t know how to use it. This article will mainly record a bunch of command lines in the github for my or beginners future reference. 

I give my credits to this and this article.  

I have to admit that I am a somewhat perfectionist: I always want to include as many/detailed information as I can at one time. I realized that this is not good because I am easily distracted and lost, more importantly, depressed and frustrated. So I won‘t try to include all of the commands but those frequently-used. The only way to drive things moving forward is to do it quick and dirty. You can always refine it later if necessary. And this is called executive ability. 

according to this article: 

0. command line cd to your local project repository

1. type git init to initialize this local repository as a git repo

2. git add . to add files 

3. git commit -m ‘some message‘

4. git remote add origin <some remote repo url>

5. git push origin master (you might need to input your username and password of github account.

Github for beginners and my future references

标签:http   io   ar   os   for   sp   on   art   cti   


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