标签:orm extract arch 推荐 represent http 一个 tput 存在
1.machine learning研究如何使机器从一开始的遵循简单规则到可以根据以往经验做出自主判断/行为预测(对data的pattern进行研究)
2. 举例:recommender systems: 第一种方法是找到过往搜索中出现过的pattern,推荐类似的应用;第二种方法是找到搜索过相同pattern的用户,查询这些用户搜索过的其他应用
3. data wrangling/processing:处理数据前所要进行的前期处理(gather,assess,clean)
feature extraction特征提取
4. machine learning可以分成supervised learning以及unsupervised learning
supervised learning:展示给machine正确的例子,即给出output以帮助machine判断正确性。用到的算法有classification以及regression
unsupervised learning:不给出正确的例子,只根据input进行判断(如将所给书籍分成两类,不指定分类规则)。用到的算法有clustering
5. regression: classification用于找到一个model以便预测离散数据中的某一个值
6. For the class of symbolic representations符号表示, machine learning is viewed as: searching a space of hypotheses. . .
represented in a formal hypothesis language (trees, rules, graphs . . . )
For the class of numeric representations, machine learning is viewed as: searching a space of functions . . .
represented as mathematical models (linear equations, neural nets, . . . )
7. linear regression:output与我们在input中所找到的特点存在线性关系
标签:orm extract arch 推荐 represent http 一个 tput 存在