标签:font 存储过程 返回 call HERE 16px class and roc
delimiter // create procedure p1() BEGIN select * from db7.teacher; # 写sql语句 END // delimiter ; # MySQL中调用 call p1(); #Python中调用 cursor.callproc(‘p1‘) # 执行sql语句
print(cursor.fetchall()) # 打印结果
delimiter // create procedure p2(in n1 int,in n2 int,out res int) BEGIN select * from db7.teacher where tid >n1 and tid < n2; set res = 1; END // delimiter ; # MySQL中调用 set @x=0 call p2(2,4,@x); select @x; # 查看返回值
标签:font 存储过程 返回 call HERE 16px class and roc