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Lesson 6

时间:2020-02-19 13:06:48      阅读:93      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:love   may   out   soc   nta   turn   when   lease   pre   


1.People are always talking about ‘Problem of Youth.‘

2.If there is one--which I take leave to doubt--then it is the elder peole who creat it,not the young themselves.

3.Let us get down to fundementals and agree that they are after human beings--people just like elders.

4.There is only one difference between a young man and a old one: a young man has a glorious future before him and a old one has a splendid future behind him,and this is where the rub is.

5.When I was a teenager,I was young and uncertain--that I am a new boy in a huge school,and I would have been pleased to be regarded as something as an interesting problem.

6.For one thing,being a problem gives you a certain indentity,and that is one of things the young are busily engaged in seeking.

7.I find the young people exciting.

8.They have an air of freedom,and they have not dreary commitment to mean ambitious or love of comfor.

9.Ther are not anxious social climbers,and have not devotion to material things.

10.All these seem to me to link them with life and origins of things.

11.It is as if they were in some scense comsic beings in a violent and lovely contrast with us surburban creatures.

12.All that is in my mind when I meet a young man.

13.He may be conceited,ill-mannered,presumtous or fatours,but I do not turn for protection to dreary cliches about respect for elders--as if mere age is the reason for respect.

14.I accept that we are equals,and I will argue with him,as an equal,if I think he is wrong.


dreary      adj.沉闷的

presumptuous    adj.放肆的

fatuous       adj.愚蠢的

cliches      n.陈词滥调

conceited       adj.自大的

Lesson 6

标签:love   may   out   soc   nta   turn   when   lease   pre   


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