标签:com nta 其它 fas this comm 顺序 pytho repeat
输入格式为fasta序列,不接受其它 GenBank, Staden,等格式。它既可以处理一个批文件(一个文件包含许多条序列),也可以批处理许多文件(每个文件含有一条序列)。
RepeatMasker *.fasta
This command will mask all files that end with .fasta in the current directory and give separate reports for each file. Note that if you have multiple small sequences it is considerably faster to run RepeatMasker on one batch file than on many single sequence files. The summary file will be more informative as well. However, analysis on single files (when larger than 2 kb each) can be slightly more accurate, since GC levels for each sequence will be calculated and used to choose appropriate parameters.
RepeatMasker returns a .masked file containing the query sequence(s) with all identified repeats and low complexity sequences masked.
These masked sequences are listed and annotated in the .out file. The masked sequences are printed in the same order as they are in the
submitted file, whereas the sequences are presented alphabetically in the annotation table. The .tbl file is a summary of the repeat
content of the analyzed sequence.
标签:com nta 其它 fas this comm 顺序 pytho repeat